***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Another point he made about women to is a lot of em are being "turned out". Studs look at that like its a game pursuing straight women with hopes of turning them out. I've witnessed weak minded females at work decline decline decline only to one day accept and now their confused cuz this woman talked her into messing around and smashed her. Chick I worked with would get them to that point, "smash" a few times then dip, **** was crazy I use to give her props tho she had game.
He was quick to say there is no scientific proof that people are born gay, but he has not science to back up his claims.

There isn't though. At the same time there's no scientific proof that there's a causal relationship between sexual abuse and homosexuality.

We all have different attitudes toward the issue but the truth is no one really knows. Which is part of the reason I won't just blindly accept it like the current social climate wants everyone to do.
He was quick to say there is no scientific proof that people are born gay, but he has not science to back up his claims.

There isn't though. At the same time there's no scientific proof that there's a causal relationship between sexual abuse and homosexuality.

We all have different attitudes toward the issue but the truth is no one really knows. Which is part of the reason I won't just blindly accept it like the current social climate wants everyone to do.
Exactly my point. There really is no concrete proof either way, so to come on TBC and attempt to pass off your beliefs as fact is just wrong.

If you're going to poke holes in an argument because 'there's no scientific proof' you'd better have science to back up your stance.

Also, I look at it differently. I haven't blindly accepted or rejected homosexuality. I just don't think it's for me to judge, personally.
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remember when that dude said "hes not gay no more, hes delivered", seems like he just wanted to be accepted by his peers

you cant wake up one day and choose your sexual orientation, you can change the choices you make but deep down you know thats not the real you

i can wake up tomorrow and say im gonna be gay today but if i see a chick with a fat *** walk by im gonna be attracted to her because thats who i truly am
my god i hope the brother Johnson school works out. his plan sounds amazing man.
Unfortunately dudes like Tariq/Umar undermine the part of their message everyone can agree on with the way they talk about women/sexuality etc

If you're not for the uplifting of ALL black people and you teach exclusion then I don't want you around my children.

I'm sure even some of the people who donated money wouldn't send their kid to the school...

You have some folks who agree with him and others who will ignore that part because they agree with the rest of what he says.

While his plan for the school is great I don't see it happening the way it's currently structured...if he brought some more well known/credible people into the fold maybe
I think being gay is a combination of nature & nurture.

Like a dude named Antoine or something that grows up with a lot of women in his household, and then goes on to hang out with the girls in school is likely to be gay. At least from my experience/observation lol.
I think being gay is a combination of nature & nurture.

Like a dude named Antoine or something that grows up with a lot of women in his household, and then goes on to hang out with the girls in school is likely to be gay. At least from my experience/observation lol.

:lol: @ the name Antoine

How is a 3-5 Y/O gay?
magic johnson knew his son was gay since he was a toddler
I don't speak on homosexuality, because I don't really know what to think about it. My brothers gay, and I love him to death. So, who am I to say who can love who? 

My biggest thing in the past that didn't make sense to me was inability of procreation. But then the argument of what about all the kids in the world abandoned by straight couples who just threw their kids away to the system or worse. Or any gay couple can orchestrate an insemination with the opposite sex if all birthing function are up to par(But a lot of times this isn't an easy process).

So I just stay out of it. If I witnessed a homosexual person getting beat up by some straight people, id break that **** up. Discrimination is point blank.. Anyways...

Dr. Umar has some solid logic and ideas on particular things, but sometimes extremist thoughts get out of control. Like Islam extremist hate america for a reason, just like a lot of Islamic people, but the extremist do deeply inhumane **** to handle their business instead of using rational thought..

Like KKK, or Black national parties that want to exterminate all white people from this earth. 

Extremist go straight for their goal and don't give a crap about what anyone thinks. 

Something you cant deny in this nation is, mass incarceration of black males, and the targeting of black males leaves a huge void in the parental construct of the black culture and males can only learn from what they have and other side influences. There was and still is a plan to destroy black families in the US.. The CIA even found a way to kick Marcus Garvey out.
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Some of these popular black feminist straight up supported that "holla back" movement that was proven to be another way police could legally harass blk/lat men in these neighborhoods that are being gentrified

Vid they put out was edited to only show the blk men that "cat called" so when I see folks say "well Tariq and umar kill their message by how they talk about women" make me laugh

Neither one of these brothers promoted any type of potential law or action that would hinder the black women. All they do is criticize the ones who walk around with their nose up a white man or white woman's ***.

These women are ridiculous like the one who was on the combat Jack show....she straight up said a mother making cupcakes for kids on the first day of school was disrespecting the other mothers....Lmaooo these broads are foolish
I was referring to the way he articulates some of his opinions when it comes to regular woman, dating etc...you know damn well Tariq talks about more than just Feminists he clowns fans of his who call into his show calling them moist/crunchy etc :lol: Sure it's in a joking manner but still. Everyone can't separate the things they say.

You called dude in here a feminist because he called Umar a scam artist (it was a poor choice of words and no explanation ) Others pulled out their Umar cape too. Yet none of you could refute any of it because you don't know his credentials...which is sketchy in itself for someone who makes a lot of claims.

It's easy to see you feel some type of way because no one mentioned feminists unless woman automatically means feminist to you....I definitely see your point but you can't be objective on the matter.
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I never said umar was truthful with his credentials because I don't even follow dude. That interview is the most I've heard from him ever
Nobody is born gay, it's a learned behavior.


Regardless of his credentials the man speaks the truth & knows what the hell he's talking about. I'm not sure about what he's said previously regarding homosexuality but I don't see what was so disgusting about his remarks in this interview. It goes to show you how far the PC attitude in America goes.

My exact thoughts.

I would love to sit down with this brother and soak in as much knowledge.


I don't think the school thing will come into fruition. I would love to see his plan in action though. I like the idea of it. It would benefit alot of young Black and Latino's who are headed nowhere fast.

Also, to speak on homosexuality... How is an attraction genetic? So by birth I knew women were for me? No, I was raised in an environment were men and women were partners. So I saw that as a four year old and did the same. I didn't know that by birth, off the rip. I saw and learned how the people around me function. Had my parents been the same gender then who knows, I may have been gay.
magic johnson knew his son was gay since he was a toddler

Or hindsight is 20/20 and that's just something he said since his son actually turned out to be gay.

I doubt that he tucked his son in at age 4 and then got in the bed with his wife like "damn that ***** gay"

It was probably more of a thing like "now that I think about it, there were signs"

But if his son was straight right now he would have just written them off as whatever

I don't see how a child who hasn't done anything remotely sexual can be considered gay :lol:
Not gonna have a debate with anyone over this but I've seen kids that are 3-5 years old that I know are gay. How do you learn to be gay at that age? You're born with it.

How when the only thing that makes you gay is sexual attraction to men?

What is being displayed by a 3-5 Y/O that would indicate that?
I personally don't think you can be born gay but regardless, this discussion to me showcases just how complex the human dynamic is.
called a sexual orientation he doesnt agree with a mental illness :smh:
a psychologist should be smarter than that 
... But what he actually said that homosexuality was once classed as a mental illness. Back in the mid 20th century, it was indeed listed among mental deficiencies.
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