Official Bitcoin Thread

Don't think those interest rates for stables will be there in the bear market but def eat now. At least even in the bear they will be better than your savings bank account.
Did Elon plug doge on SNL or something?

Hes going to be on SNL this Saturday. The concensus is that hes going to plug it during his skit. Also theres a twitter spaces room going on right now with 8500+ ppl and they are going in on the price of $doge. Elon popped in the room for a few minutes and dipped lol.
Hes going to be on SNL this Saturday. The concensus is that hes going to plug it during his skit. Also theres a twitter spaces room going on right now with 8500+ ppl and they are going in on the price of $doge. Elon popped in the room for a few minutes and dipped lol.
I thought it was last weekend lol
Good thing to note is that the market works in cycles so this bull will be followed by a bear and vice versa.
At some point during this year, my strategy is to take some profits into stable coins and just earn interest. It's the one thing I didn't do last time.

Even if the interest rates plummets it's still better than your bank and you now have a stack to enter the dips in a nice position.
In a bear market, you don't need to risk it with new coins and presales. You can enter all these blue chip coins with your stable coins and just wait a year or two to see good gains.

I don't think we will see dips like last year but who knows what the future holds.

Same thing applies for meme coins, they will follow the market cycle too. They're too hot for me right now but Doge has it's own day now :lol:
2 months before Doge day 2022, depending on how the market is, you could throw a small bag into it and see if history repeats itself.

I don't think this bull run is near done yet so I'm chilling for now but once BTC gets over 70K and ETH over 4K then it's time to start paying close attention and make sure my my strategy is extra polished and ready.

Once I got over the idea that this would get me rich quick, I'm now seeing things in a much better light. I don't think it will make me rich but it damn sure will put me in a better position.
“Dogecoin, 'The Most Honest Sh*tcoin,' Has Remarkably Strong Fundamentals, Concludes Galaxy Digital Research”

I think it’s due for a crash back down to the .30s soon (presuming it doesn’t stay in the .50s-.60s for the next week or so. Or if it hits 1.00 in the next week, it’ll crash to the .50s-.60s). But I think it has a year or two staying power honestly due to the internet charge behind it. Where that takes it? I have no idea.
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