Official Bitcoin Thread

If you are in the financial lane and still disregarding bitcoin/ writing is on the wall. Do you still have friends that are pro legacy/archaic systems?? anyone here on NT still has these feels? There were so many in here on this thread but don't see them anymore...let it be known.

You don't want the Wells Fargo Coin ? WFC ?

Only if I can buy some WFC and watch it go up in value by 500 percent. We all know the chances of that happening. It's the main reason bank crypto isn't gonna work.
Only if I can buy some WFC and watch it go up in value by 500 percent. We all know the chances of that happening. It's the main reason bank crypto isn't gonna work.

It'll go up but it'll be due to CEO shenanigans ....remember their "reward" scandal

heads up to anyone LPing on sifchain for the harvest. if you remove liquidity from one pool and put it in another (i moved from cosmos to juno pool) your rewards won’t accrue correctly and you’ll lose money. the fix is to create another keplr account, move assets to the new account, then join the pools and don’t mess with it until they either fix the bug or you don’t mind creating a third account.

i moved **** around to try and maximize the amount of ROWAN i can get. that’s my goal - more ROWAN. i might keep a little bit of JUNO and COSMOS….maybe.
My boy has a bunch of DOT he got at like $2
Meant to get some like 10 days ago when it dipped to $26, but something came up

might go to the bank right now and deposit some $ to get some. Don’t wanna get FOMO’d tho
A lot of these banks are supposedly working on their own digital currency. Can't see it making much of a difference to crypto.
It’ll be used most likely for settlement in bank to bank transactions, libor, things like that. I doubt it’ll even be available to people. There’s no value accrual or appeal for them to compete with regulations and security
My boy has a bunch of DOT he got at like $2
Meant to get some like 10 days ago when it dipped to $26, but something came up

might go to the bank right now and deposit some $ to get some. Don’t wanna get FOMO’d tho

Going to the bank right now is def a fomo move :lol:

I think $36-$38 would be a reasonable buy price after todays candles.
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Remember, late buys at this stage should probably be trimmed into the next push. The only buys I’d make today and keep 100% of would be btc and eth because I think we obliterate the old ath and settle back to today’s level give or take a few dollars during a bear market.
you think the days of 40k BTC are done for good?
how drastic are the dumps entering into a bear market? different now with heavy institutional involvement?

the other night i was thinking about what people have been saying and was tempted to convert all my alts to BTC (and maybe some ETH). if i ride to a cool 2x from here, my first year in crypto will be a success for me.

but then i remembered that i’m stupid and want that dopamine rush so imma leave my low cap (dumpster dives) and ride it up or downnnnn. i’ll be watching you guys closely and hopefully exit into stables before i hit zero 😂
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