Official Bitcoin Thread

Whoever is in BAYC congrats.
Peep Steph Curry’s Twitter avy :nerd:

Crazy thing is he was in the discord channel too & this is just the start. Congrats to all in here

there’s a dude on NT that has done cgi work for movie series like planet of the apes, lotr, and marvel. i’m trying to convince him to mint some NFTs of his work to sell but he’s super laid back and not the type to hustle for money.

Convince him as hard as you can. Its good for artist to get their names out there too even if they are not about the money. I imagine he would want people to collect his own personal art for years and years.

There is definitely a difference between NFT/digital art and “real art”. You can’t right click save an oil painting. You can buy a print of the same painting, but it will not even come close to seeing the actual painting in person. With digital art NFTs, you can literally have the same exact piece of “art” with a few mouse clicks.

NFTs are cool as internet collectibles. I’d argue they have no real life value. Dangerously speculative bubble here because of that.

NFT is not the future of fine art collecting. The only thing special about NFT is the unique token on the blockchain. So NFTs are just an internet flex essentially.
Buying a print of the same painting is akin to right click/saving an NFT image.

The NFT is not the image. The NFT is the tokenized representation of it on the blockchain. You cannot duplicate that. Just like you cannot duplicate the Mona Lisa, even though you can duplicate the image of the Mona Lisa.

And why not display your NFT on Twitter and at your home thru an internet connected smart frame? Boom, now it's physical art.

I'm not doubting that the NFT market could be a speculative bubble and that most projects will probably crash and burn. But that Damien Hirst thing you posted is just adding validity that NFTs are the real deal.
Buying a print of the same painting is akin to right click/saving an NFT image.

The NFT is not the image. The NFT is the tokenized representation of it on the blockchain. You cannot duplicate that. Just like you cannot duplicate the Mona Lisa, even though you can duplicate the image of the Mona Lisa.

And why not display your NFT on Twitter and at your home thru an internet connected smart frame? Boom, now it's physical art.

I'm not doubting that the NFT market could be a speculative bubble and that most projects will probably crash and burn. But that Damien Hirst thing you posted is just adding validity that NFTs are the real deal.

Looking at a print of the Mona Lisa is way different than looking at the actual Mona Lisa. Looking at a copy of digital art is exactly the same as looking at the original. This is the point I was trying to make.

Displaying an NFT in a digital frame is corny. I already acknowledge the only thing special about the NFT is it’s digital uniqueness. You can’t convey that uniqueness in the physical world the same way you can with original physical art.

Go to an art museum, find a painting you like, look at it for a while and appreciate it. Then buy a print of it and hang it on your wall. You will never get the same feeling of looking at the real thing.

NFTs are cool in the digital world. But as far as human sensory perception, they do nothing for me. They should be called collectibles, not art. I can’t connect with them like physical art.

I agree they have value though, just not in a traditional artistic sense.
A 7-figure painting was likely done by an artist that spent years developing his brand and art. Picasso didn't throw together an ape with rainbow teeth in 30 minutes and then it's worth $1.3m in ETH just because of rarity.

Art itself is hard for me to justify the insane values, but even harder with digital NFT from no name artists.
NFT's are not just about Digital Art which is riding the current hype wave. NFT's in DeFi and Gaming are the biggest use case IMO.

We've seen it with Axie Infinity where games are now play to earn. What you earn in game can now be sold for real money so you can make a living off gaming without being Daigo or some esports gamer.
Some projects are even intending for certain digital items to cross borders with other games. You can imagine the economy that can be built from these kind of games.

NFT's in DeFi allows you to turn physical assets into digital assets in a blockchain which you can then use for DeFi applications like collateral for taking loans all using smart contracts.

You can for example make an NFT of your home using something like Centrifuge then send that to Maker Dao to use as collateral to borrow 100K USDC. Use that to buy 2 BTC and when BTC goes on a run, sell it back for USDC, pocket the profit.

This will all be permisionless in future as well with Identity coins like Everest which will be used to verify your identity. Every thing will be done on smart contracts.

Banks are not ready.

I'm just sticking with gaming NFT's and projects with NFT applications. I don't have the bread for most of these NFT's and I can see a big crash in future.
I think now's the time to look at stuff that hasn't blown up yet.

Serious Question,

Are We Gonna All Wake Up One Day And Painfully Realize These Pieces Of "Digital Art" Ain't Really Worth ****? :lol:

That's my fear as well :lol:

It took me lots of time to really understand the allure of some of them so all I can say is if you're going to buy any:

Make sure there's a community behind it.

If it's potraits, see if they have a webpage, a discord and see if they have future plans with the proceeds they got from minting the NFT's.
Ownership of those NFT's are like being in an exclusive club and those NFT's are more likely to keep their value.

If it's art art, then you will need to hang around art lovers lot to find out what may blow up in future.
I haven't joined a Telegram or Discord group for art lovers but it might make sense so you can find out who the up and coming artists may be and follow their twitter for updates.

Just like the meme coins, the only ones that really survived are ones like Shiba which have a massive community.

"There is no spoon" lookin boi
You can for example make an NFT of your home using something like Centrifuge then send that to Maker Dao to use as collateral to borrow 100K USDC. Use that to buy 2 BTC and when BTC goes on a run, sell it back for USDC, pocket the profit.

Cheapest cryptopunks right now is around $450k per.... 10, 20, 30yrs from now....this could be compared to just like the 1st generation painting EVER. Think about that. Around 10,000 cryptopunks in circulation....and you can own what can possibly be something historical (funny, but dead serious). Look at their community, there are NONE for sale. Diamond hands.

2021-08-28 12_08_07-CryptoPunks.png
Cheapest cryptopunks right now is around $450k per.... 10, 20, 30yrs from now....this could be compared to just like the 1st generation painting EVER. Think about that. Around 10,000 cryptopunks in circulation....and you can own what can possibly be something historical (funny, but dead serious). Look at their community, there are NONE for sale. Diamond hands.

2021-08-28 12_08_07-CryptoPunks.png

Think 4.7 mill was the highest sale price.

Wild times :lol:
anyone doing LPs on sif? the APYs look great. i’m not taking advantage of it but that looks like the smart play. since i don’t fully understand IL i’ll just stake when the good rates come online.

on a side note, you veterans already know this but there’s a crazy number of scammers on tg, discord etc. dude got taken for $12k today.

address of the scammer:

i never click on **** and never send a damn thing.
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I don't see why people still fall for some of these obvious scams but tik tok brought in a lot of people so its understandable

What has been the catalyst for the Solana pump the past month? It has been up almost 300% in a month

I think it was undervalued. The dip in May caused by BTC hampered the progress it was making but was a good buying opportunity.
Fastest blockchain, smart contracts, increasing TVL for DeFi , more projects building on it, low fees and now NFT's. Similar to the rise Binance had earlier this year.

They also raised something like 300 million for their ecosystem and have big backers so the only way was up IMO.

I don't see why it won't touch $150 this bull run.
SOL is killing it! i’m gonna try and scrape up some extra funds this month (probably gonna sell this old prius that i haven’t used in years - not worth much) and buy into some quant or maybe a little bit of bitcoin - something long-term.
I don't see why people still fall for some of these obvious scams but tik tok brought in a lot of people so its understandable

I think it was undervalued. The dip in May caused by BTC hampered the progress it was making but was a good buying opportunity.
Fastest blockchain, smart contracts, increasing TVL for DeFi , more projects building on it, low fees and now NFT's. Similar to the rise Binance had earlier this year.

They also raised something like 300 million for their ecosystem and have big backers so the only way was up IMO.

I don't see why it won't touch $150 this bull run.
well said. I don't see why Sol cant be 10% of ETHs market cap by 2022. We're seeing the problems with ETH right now, with congestion/fees/scalability. Eth 2.0 will be ~1000x faster than currently but the congestion will catch up eventually. ETH currently at 380 Mil market cap, Sol at 27 Mil market cap. 10% puts it at 38 mil.. That's the value ratio I'm looking at. I value DOT similarly, Should be about 8% of ETH (niche market).

That 8% on all assets up to 10k on FTX is fantastic.. Going to move some funds there for that.
Need some help guys.
on Blockfolio i uploaded my driver license but they sent me this email.
im not sure about #3.
Am i suppose to upload all 3 thru that app?


  • F325544B-D43C-4C36-996A-7CBC659F908C.png
    654.9 KB · Views: 150
Need some help guys.
on Blockfolio i uploaded my driver license but they sent me this email.
im not sure about #3.
Am i suppose to upload all 3 thru that app?
Yeah, upload all 3 through app, then reply saying you’re done. They want a selfie to verify your face matches with your ID
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