Official Bitcoin Thread

i’ve sent tokens from celsius to my metamask with no fees. one good tip that was passed on to me from stick stick was to whitelist your withdrawal address right away because otherwise, it takes a day to approve an address to send your crypto to.
i’ve sent tokens from celsius to my metamask with no fees. one good tip that was passed on to me from stick stick was to whitelist your withdrawal address right away because otherwise, it takes a day to approve an address to send your crypto to.

aight, I'm signing up now. I was planning on just throwing some cash in on a stable coin by linking my bank account. its only a .1% fee to buy with ach.

I wonder if I can just transfer it back to my bank. I wasn't planning on transferring crypto at the moment unless they add some of the coins I own.
it’s a stable coin. I need to hook my bank account up to gemini so I can get that guap but they are ancient and don’t have plaid.:stoneface:
Yeah my bank has beef with Plaid so I can't link it on Gemini either :smh:. One option is to buy/transfer LTC or some other low transfer fee coin from Coinbase Pro to Gemini, then trade it for BTC, then trade that for GUSD to send to Celsius. You'll shed some trading fees but it'll be less than an ERC20 withdrawal would cost on Coinbase. (Use ActiveTrader on Gemini for lower trading fees.)

Sounds too good to be true, has to be a catch.
Your traditional bank is lending your money and making interest off of it and paying you back .04%. These crypto services like Celsius are doing the same thing, except they're sharing more of the profit with you. It's crypto so obviously there is more risk. But really that's all that's happening.

Stablecoin issuers like Gemini Trust (GUSD) and Circle (USDC) are regulated and constantly audited to make sure that they aren't under-collateralized. You can always redeem 1 GUSD/USDC for 1 USD.
The catch is the rate is variable and dependent on deposits. More deposits + less demand to borrow GUSD = a decrease in rates. They’re most likely taking a loss to stimulate deposits and growth in other ways.
Yep. Decreasing rates are a good indicator that they aren't biting off more than they can chew. When I joined Celsius the stablecoin rates were 13% APY (among other decreases across the board).
Solana and Raydium pumping today.
Going to have to short ration the sol train gifs at this rate.

Going to make sure my bags are packed on DOT and KSM and their projects.

If all goes well, I don't see why a lot of us in the lower tier can't hit 6 figures at the peak but September is going to be crucial with the potential regulations or potential ETFs coming.

stick stick Let me know how it goes with the NFT's. Still deciding whether to get more involved or just stick to NFT's with utility like gaming.
That Visa news made NFT volume sky rocket and Eth fees are never going back down at this rate.

All I know from my research is:
The most popular collections have good communities, engagement and maybe a road map.
There's also a good amount of NFT's that should be minted. Not too much and not too little. Some more rare than the others
First collections are the most popular and hold their value the most.
Potraits and algorhitmic art seem to be the most popular except for some works by famous artists.

Still, it's so risky and NFT's have no liquidity so it could be a life sentence in terms of bag holding.

I might just try my hands at a few more NFT's on Kusama while it's still a bit under the radar. See if I can snag some first editions while it's still under the radar, otherwise I'll probably jus sit this one out and focus on the main plays.

Just got into my first IDO :pimp:


Hopefully this **** goes nuts :lol:

Man ICO's/IDOs are the biggest Adrenalin rushes I've had in crypto for all the wrong and right reasons. :lol:
They're like that good looking crazy girlfriend.

I still think it's one of the best ways to make money in the space but obviously one of the riskiest. That feeling when you find a winner and got in at the bottom is so good.

Hopefully, I'm able to get into Star Atlas next week.

The Solana Podcast is an awesome show
Adding Modern Finance to the rotation next alongside Bankless, For Your Innovation and a16z

read, listen, learn, absorb, experiment

Never knew a16z had a podcast. Adding that to the list.
stick stick Let me know how it goes with the NFT's. Still deciding whether to get more involved or just stick to NFT's with utility like gaming.
That Visa news made NFT volume sky rocket and Eth fees are never going back down at this rate.

All I know from my research is:
The most popular collections have good communities, engagement and maybe a road map.
There's also a good amount of NFT's that should be minted. Not too much and not too little. Some more rare than the others
First collections are the most popular and hold their value the most.
Potraits and algorhitmic art seem to be the most popular except for some works by famous artists.

Still, it's so risky and NFT's have no liquidity so it could be a life sentence in terms of bag holding.

I might just try my hands at a few more NFT's on Kusama while it's still a bit under the radar. See if I can snag some first editions while it's still under the radar, otherwise I'll probably jus sit this one out and focus on the main plays.
Yeah I'll keep you updated for sure. Whether win or lose it'll be a valuable experience :lol:. Your research is spot on... These Doges are very very very high risk/high reward, but they fit (or will fit) all of your criteria imo...

A similar but more mature collection went from 2 SOL mint price to 90 SOL floor price as of this morning, within 10 days after marketplace listing.


They're essentially the same as the Doges - 5k minted, with randomly generated traits with varying rarity for individual traits and number of traits.

The difference is that the SMBs have a marketplace and have a clear roadmap and even a DAO with revenue sharing.

The Doges will be listed on a marketplace within the next couple of weeks and the official Discord is growing rapidly. The Developers are super engaging and are even brokering trades between members while we wait for the listing. Biggest OTC trade thus far:

I'm actively buying more Doges in the Discord so I'll either be a whale or a bagholder once we get listed :lol:. Although I'm confident that my own Skeleton will turn me a very nice profit. But the growing community/hype and the developers have me really bullish on the project.

I'm also continuing to pack my DOT bags and will dive into the NFT ecosystem for sure.

I was one of those "they're just jpeg" guys. But when you actually have them in your wallet and you see people trading them, they're not jpegs anymore :lol:.
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I’m late the the soltrain like usual no I have to fomo in quick. :lol:

i need at least 15 but I’m sure it will tank a little so I’m not buying them all today.
Oh yeah got my Celsius up and sent my poly over but of course I can’t hook up my bank account. :rofl:

I’m just gonna wait for cb to stake my whole savings on usdc since it’s all insured. No risk medium reward.
So ETH 2.0 supposed to bring GAS down to a minimum right??? NUTZ

Damn you NFTs!! lol

2021-08-27 12_11_30-ETH Gas Station _ Consumer oriented metrics for the Ethereum gas market.png
Folks are going crazy paying 1000 gwei to mint and messing it up for everyone. I wanted to swap my eth for stETH and it’ll cost more in gas than I’ll earn this year. Smh.
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