Official Bitcoin Thread

I wish I had this composure back in 2018
I was a noob and had the paperiest hands of all time. granted I only have amp left but I’ve been over here with a lifeless Fedor glare all day

I was down like 30-40% on my stocks last March too and I was chillin 😎
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only ones I’m adding to substantially, or trying at least depending on if the orders fill.

DOGE if it gets under a quarter for a what the hell.

TEL, SUSHI, MATIC, DOT - wait and see approach
Anyone going in on ethereum classic once the market shows signs of rebounding? It hit a high of $134 after being in the $30 range not long before.
I sold all my BTC, ETH, ADA, LINK, and AMP Sunday when I saw what was probably coming

looking to reinvest all of that money at these lower prices, just looking for the right time

sold 62k AMP and if I buy back in now Id have like 78k. Thats a comeup

My man. Youre doing it right.

Always sell when the writings on the wall. Re evaluate, use your gains to reestablish positions or try something else but... always take the $ and run.
Didn’t get the dip I hoped for overnight. Will be watching the action. We don’t need to head lower but I still think tagging the 200 day for eth is in play on a shake out.
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