I used to play on broadcast for the true sim feel. Still do from time to time, but yeah 2K cam is the best.


im the only PG out my homies so im just so used to controlling the ball

i prolly was hoggin a bit when we played but you seen i was getting buckets.. deff gotchu though my guy ill sit hash

You definitely wasn't ball hogging lol. I just like to set up the offense. I don't view myself as much of a scorer as is.
Baffles me why we haven’t got a new Street when the demand has been there. If EA is gonna bail on simulation why not come back with something that you perfected and really only have to update the graphics and rosters.
My 2K is freezing up when I switch defense. Like if I switch up my on ball defense the screen freezes and then I lose control of my player. Me and my son were going head up last night, I switched on ball defense and it’s like the game locked my controller out. We reset, even uninstalled and re-installed the game, still acting funny, has anyone else encountered this?
#1 was nice. It's sad 2K still can't get crowd reactions right because that should have had that arena going CRAZY. -

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am i the only one who seriously has this problem on NT? i see noone else talk bout it on here and its still a very big issue

i cant finish a rec game 9 out of 10 i try my xbox hard shuts off

all i been able to play is park

Finally hit lvl 40


they see me rollin
2k could do something about the losers dribbling back and forth around the 3 point line, but they just refuse to. I don't get it.

Those losers would cry to @Beluba on Twitter non-stop.

They don't want to piss off those suckas.

They ain't doing a damn thing about it sadly.
yup the losers would go running right to twitter

thats legit how they play in the Comp Stage - just goto youtube/twitch and watch a "Ante up Wager game"

zig zag, screen, zig zag again until open for a quick 3

then you got the other teammate sitting corner playing with his **** while the PG just dribbles for 22 seconds

the game needs to have some penalty in place.. either lose more stamina or have ball dribble off your foot after the spam zig zag
It should use up your stamina and make shooting hard. This is what would happen in real life. This is an easy fix that would stop that ******** overnight.

I'm finally getting player of the games in the Rec, but I feel like I'm leaving so much on the table playing the game "the right way" lol
Can’t beat ‘em. Join em. I use to love making a SF or PF for the rec but all of the “PGs” ruined that for me. Once I get my 6’9 playmaking 3 lvl scorer to 99 and all badges I’m making a guard and calling it a day.
yup the losers would go running right to twitter

thats legit how they play in the Comp Stage - just goto youtube/twitch and watch a "Ante up Wager game"

zig zag, screen, zig zag again until open for a quick 3

then you got the other teammate sitting corner playing with his **** while the PG just dribbles for 22 seconds

the game needs to have some penalty in place.. either lose more stamina or have ball dribble off your foot after the spam zig zag

One of the reasons I avoid the park is because of how annoying it is to guard it. In the rec or pro am with 5's you can shrink the court with good team defense and stop it.

Just too much space in the park. You basically have to give up the lane for the 2, and bank on trying to chase them down on a drive to the hoop or on the center if they give it to the roll man.

One on one you have to run pick dodger and cut off the long side of the court, trying to stay in front of them is a losing battle. You basically have to sit on their off hand don't let them cross over to the long side of the court, and if they're good that's easier said than done.

Honestly it takes practice and repetition. Most of these "comp" guards all use the same dribble moves and techniques to get open.
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the only way to truly defend it is just by playing sides or having a lockdown and just hedge high on screen which will allow your opponent to score easy 2s at times off the roll

i tell my guys let me die if they ISOing, and if they get by me dont help, we can get 3s on the other end if needed (only when we up by about 5+ though)

your teammate that is guarding guy in corner legit has to stay glued to that person, if corner defender moves its a easy knockdown 3

ive noticed these streamers who create the 5'9 guards that ISO dont play on-ball defense, they sit corner and let the lock down guard the primary on-ball handler

my 6'5 PG can box some of these guards up with the gold clamps but some of the offensive animations/badges just out number the defensives ones
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This game is poop but im having lots of fun, hard to miss in this game

PS- I know its rec and its basically my career, but im tryna hit level 40 the easiest way possible :lol:

And yeah i saw someone complain that their xbox shuts off mid game, mine does that as well, i found a small trick to it, if you stream on twitch it wont shut off, idk how it works but it does

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