Official Atlanta Falcons Offseason Thread

Feb 28, 2008
Atlanta needs to use every pick in this upcoming draft on the OLine or CB.
After the season Grimes had last year and this year not a chance Atlanta can afford to keep him, He'll probably end up being one of the highest paid corners in the league

Its probably time to look for a new RB too. Im not overreacting from yesterday especially since we've been with Mughelli but I cant pretend Michael Turner doesn't turn 30 next month....

John Abraham is also a free agent which will make our pass rush even weaker next season.

Lots of problems to address this offseason
We need a top notch RB or DB in the draft

Turner would be a good 2nd back

I like the 2 back system gives them fresh legs
On top of all things we need a new offensive coordinator, Mr. Conservative aka mularkey needs to go. The jags are damn fools if they want him as head coach, but hey I'll take it. We have all the weapons a top qb needs to run a lethal offense. Gotta use your advantages
I'm glad Van Gorder is gone and hopefully Mularkey gets hired elsewhere. I've read on other message boards GROSS overreactions to our personnel. "Ryan isn't the guy." "Fire Mike Smith." "Cut Turner." The Falcons have issues that need to be addressed, but I think shoring up the secondary, improving the offensive line, and having coordinators that will put our players in formations and situations that play to their strengths are key. How can we say get rid of Turner when he only ran the ball 14 times? The downfield passing game doesn't open up unless he gets going. Hopefully we get Ovie Mughelli back and healthy next year because his injury hurt us and please get RID OF SAM BAKER. For the most part the Falcons have the talent to make deep playoff runs, it's just the key areas as stated earlier, O-line and secondary.
Falcons have hired former Jaguars OC, Dirk Koetter to the same position. From what I've read, despite the Jaguars bad season, he's a good OC and he'll be able to develop our downfield passing attack.
^ I logged in for that specific reason. Culture of losing, I'm not happy about it. IMO, Mike Smith is part of the problem, but who else is out there who can coach us? Dude is a players coach, we need someone who will yell at these boys and whip them into shape. But that's another problem for another day. 
This offseason, I'd like to see us pick up a heart. One thing that separates us from other "good" football teams? 

We lack a clear leader on offense and defense. The Falcons have nobody that the team can rally around. When we start going through those stretches of penalties, we have nobody to motivate the squad. Definitely one of the most frustrating football teams around.

Lots of work to do this offseason, we're really going to have to stop playing finesse football and play with some confidence. 
I looked up how Koetter's offenses ranked (total yardage) while he was the OC, from 2007-2011: 6, 24, 24, 18, 28

I can't pan this hiring yet, because I'm not sure who else they were targeting, but in his defense he was working with virtually no weapons last year.
Originally Posted by and1play5

On top of all things we need a new offensive coordinator, Mr. Conservative aka mularkey needs to go. The jags are damn fools if they want him as head coach, but hey I'll take it. We have all the weapons a top qb needs to run a lethal offense. Gotta use your advantages

Originally Posted by lilfalconsfan

Originally Posted by and1play5

On top of all things we need a new offensive coordinator, Mr. Conservative aka mularkey needs to go. The jags are damn fools if they want him as head coach, but hey I'll take it. We have all the weapons a top qb needs to run a lethal offense. Gotta use your advantages


Yea I'm trying to figure way the Jags would do that too
 Mularkey + Blaine Gabbert = another sub .500 season
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by lilfalconsfan

Originally Posted by and1play5

On top of all things we need a new offensive coordinator, Mr. Conservative aka mularkey needs to go. The jags are damn fools if they want him as head coach, but hey I'll take it. We have all the weapons a top qb needs to run a lethal offense. Gotta use your advantages


Yea I'm trying to figure way the Jags would do that too
 Mularkey + Blaine Gabbert = another sub .500 season

Them dudes aint winnin' NOTHIN

wait, didn't Mike Smith come from the Jags too...We're the Jacksonville Jaguars...

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i thought there was an "official" offseason thread?
Pretty sure that they made a 2011-12 season thread the day they were smacked in the playoffs.

Now its time for the offseason thread. 
Interview with Koetter

Q: What are your thoughts on being named the offensive coordinator of the Atlanta Falcons?

A: (Laughs!) Obviously, I’m thrilled to be named. It’s a chance for me to work inside a great organization with a tremendous coaching staff led by coach [Mike] Smith and a team that’s got a great group of players. Who wouldn’t be excited about that.

Q: Will you bring your offense? Or will you be keeping what’s here? And, where does the no-huddle fit in your operation?

Well, I think probably a combination. I don’t know if anybody owns any offenses out there. There is a lot of good offense out there. I think it would be a combination of things that I have done in the past and things that Atlanta has done well in the past. I think it would be foolish to not build on some of the things that Atlanta is already doing very well and take advantage of those coaches that are going to remain on the staff and what they’ve done. Definitely, watching from afar, Atlanta played well in the no-huddle. Talking to Matt Ryan, that is something that Matt is excited about so the no-huddle will certainly be a part of it. What percentage is still to be determined.
Q: Have you gone back and looked at that film of the Jacksonville game?
A: That is one of the few films that I have seen because with the coaching change, I haven’t been able to get to all of my film the last few days. I’m anxious to watch all of the games. That will be one of my first orders of business when I get there. I did watch that game. Obviously, the Falcons played tremendous that night when we played them. They were on fire that night. I’m anxious to watch all 16 of them.

Q: What can you share about your conversions with Matt Ryan?

A: I’m looking forward to working with Matt. I had studied Matt when he came out of Boston College four years ago. I loved him at the time. Since we practiced against Atlanta the last two years, I got to see him in those settings as well. I had met him a couple of times before. I’d always been impressed. I had a chance to sit down with him the other day for about an hour or so. You can tell that Matt is a guy who really understands offensive football. He’s got a great passion for not only playing, but winning. I couldn’t be more excited to work with Matt as well as some of the excellent players that they have on that offensive group.

Q: Have you studied some of the other offensive personnel, other than the big wideouts and Tony [Gonzalez]? Players like Kerry Meier, Harry Douglas and Jacquizz Rodgers and how they might fit into the operation?

A: I’ve been locked out of my film. I haven’t had a chance to look at them. Julio for example, I studied him coming out for the draft a year ago. Guys that I studied for the draft, I have watched their college tape. . . . what some of those guys have done statistically, speaks for itself. Roddy [White], Tony Gonzalez, Michael Turner with back-to-back 1,300 yards, everybody can read the stats and know that those guys have excellent skill players there. How everything fits together, that will be stuff that we’ll be working on once I get up there.

Q: Folks want a playoff win badly. What would you say to this fan-base about what you hope to do given that you all have not been extremely successful on offense in Jacksonville?

A: Sure, yeah. Well, the Falcons have done very well over the last four years. You’ve got to make it to the playoffs first. They’ve done a good job of that. I’ve got to come in there and just do the best job that I can in trying to help everybody be the best that they can be. That’s all any coach can do. The fact that I’ve got experience working [with] Mike Smith and I have tremendous respect for him as a leader and as a coach as well as the other members of that coaching staff and what they’ve already done . . . there is pressure everywhere. Nobody puts more pressure on me than I put on myself. All I can say is that I’ll be extremely dedicated to the task at hand and I’ll understand the task at hand.

Q: Are you still convinced that running the football is that big a part of professional football?

A: Running the football is definitely a part of professional football. That’s never going to go away. I’m a big believer in the vertical passing game. Every where I’ve been we’ve had an element of the vertical game. Your offense is always going to be dictated to some extent by your personnel. Every team in the NFL knows that you have to be able to run it even when they know you’re going to run it. You have to be able to throw it even when they know you’re going to throw it. Running the football, there’s definitely still a place for that in the NFL. You ask any defensive coach and one of the hardest things to defend is balance. Balance is difficult to defend. When you have got the weapons that Atlanta has in the skill positions, both in the pass game and the run game, I think you’d be foolish not to take advantage of everything that has to offer. But there are various ways to get guys the ball. You have to get playmakers the ball with a chance to make plays. There are different ways to do that. Obviously, the no-huddle, the screen-game, the play-action game, but there is definitely a time and place to run the football. In my five years in Jacksonville that was the strength of this team. When I first came here we had two tremendous backs in Fred Taylor and Maurice Jones-Drew. It continued after Fred left with Maurice. Obviously, they have a similar situation there in the running game with Michael Turner.

Q: What is your timetable for being on site here?

A: Soon. Those details are being worked out today. I expect to be in Atlanta sometime later this week. The details of that are still being finalized as we speak. I’m anxious to get there and get started.

Q: With Green Bay and New Orleans losing, the two flashiest offenses in the NFL are out of the playoffs. What are you observations just watching this scenario over the last couple of days?

A: That’s why you play the games. Everybody wants to say it’s a passing league. Defense doesn’t matter. Running the ball doesn’t matter. But then look at what happened this weekend. The 49ers played a tremendous game and they are more of running and defensive team. They knocked out New Orleans, who was as hot as anybody. Then you know, Green Bay, arguably the best passing offense on the planet, gets beat at home by a hot Giants team. You guys know all too well how hot the Giants are. Again, that’s why we play the games. There are so many big things that go into winning and losing; the chemistry of the team, being hot at the right time, injuries, who’s healthy and who’s not. There are so many things that go into it. Today, here we are [and] we’re talking about little specifics of are we going to be a vertical passing team, are we going to be no-huddle team; in today’s NFL you have to be able to do everything well. It’s such a matchup game and it’s such a situational game, you’ve got to be able win some games in shootouts. You have to be able to win some games when there is bad weather and you’ve got to grind it out and run the ball. There are going to be some bad weather games not in Atlanta, but on the road. There are just so many possibilities and I think this weekend, this playoff scenario, just made that obvious to everyone.

Q: The Falcons struggled with the blocking while trying to throw the vertical passes early last season and the screen game didn’t work arguably because of the blocking. How do you coach that up or try to add that to the attack here.
I think before his injury he was always in the middle. Hope he gets back to his old self for the Falcons.
There's word that the Falcs are going to be making a strong push for Mario Williams
would be nice!!
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