Official AJKO OG Thread (Everything AJKO Related)

just telling you what I see with my own eyes. Nothing ignorant about it. When i go to malls, i see black kids standing in line, only a few whites, guess yall decide it's safer to buy online. Lol and don't speak as if I'm being racist or stereotyping, I see this with my own damn eyes.
As you have so eloquently demonstrated your own scope or experience is neither wide enough nor sharp enough to make a generalization applicable to the entirety of the "white" population. Broad sweeping assumptions are usually a bad idea, especially when they are aimed at issues of race and or creed. 
first time adding right to cart in awhile on eastbay. releasing them now just wanted to test the rumors about add to cart bots the night before.
probably fastest i ever copped. would have copped before 8:01 but FNL didnt let my paypal go through for some reason the fist time
so glad i used direct internet hook up on my laptop for releases since my router is old and doesnt let me get 75+MbPS :smh:
wow sold out fast on fnl I could not cop
was using m.finishline and it showed the shoe but took me to a t shirt
by the time I added the coupon for FNL sold out.
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