OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

Now a days you really have to have a plan A, B, & C just to get the kicks.
So true and sass ... For the lava release. Had a notepad sheet full of places with numbers and sites that I could get them. I had half a page with this release and still missed em
:lol: :smh:

They don't even care bout us

nike got us trained like rats... they say jump and we say how high. just sad. and i'm including myself on this. i'm running all over the places, skipping classes, just so i can get a can not add to cart message 8 seconds after release, and a sold out message within 45 seconds of release. smh. :smh:
Got em but had to pay 189.00 shipped.......ebay resellers got me again!!!!...
.....thats about the only route at this point everywhere i tried was sold out!!!!
They were on the site before 11:00 even hit. I had refreshed the page where I had the item number already in and they popped up. I added my size to the cart and didn't have to wait. I did get a error during checkout and had to go back and do it again but Nike received my order...
Damn called all these spots. NOTHING left.

Are you in DC? Major DC, Niketown, and Commonwealth all should have this shoe. Just call before you make the drive. None of these places do phone orders tho.

Trust and believe i'm hip to these spots. But NONE of em have made ANY announcement about having these. Nikestore is shady, Major charge OVER retail (although I'd pay) and C'mon hasn't been getting solid releases as of late. Will try em though.
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