OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

great price. my buddy picked up the blue pair and the orange pair for that price too a wk before xmas.
great price. my buddy picked up the blue pair and the orange pair for that price too a wk before xmas.

Yea I was eyeing these whites but they were $129 last time I went. They also had Puerto Rico trainers for $79 fsr.
Saw these crazy things today... only just realized they were a SuperBowl edition...

From US11




Looks like damn there almost every1 that was able to get a pair went str8 to listing them on ebay!!!.....ish i wanted a pair to keep for myself and NOT sell 
!!!....F'in resellers
Im sure other spots should release em soon. I hope anyway
yea I'm hoping the same!!...ima wait before i bite the bullet on ebay....they should be like the previous super bowl QS releases and be able to be got else where besides NDC only, a lot of the past SB releases sat and can be had for under retail now, if you hear anything please keep me in mind and lmk and i will surely do the same
yea I'm hoping the same!!...ima wait before i bite the bullet on ebay....they should be like the previous super bowl QS releases and be able to be got else where besides NDC only, a lot of the past SB releases sat and can be had for under retail now, if you hear anything please keep me in mind and lmk and i will surely do the same
Chill out man... Nike ALWAYS pulls this "out of stock" stunt, just to build hype. These kind of releases ALWAYS restock numerous times, then sit...
With the hologram looking Pro bowl release I phone ordered from Nike in NYC, the DC Nike Town never got them. The store actually tweeted they had them in stock and someone asked on Twitter if they take phone orders and they said yes. Pretty sure an employee sat at a phone taking orders for the next hour until they ran out.
i slept on the fragments for so long while holding a gift card and now totally regretting not grabing the 3m pair.

Quoting myself because now 3 weeks later found the lonely size 12 3m pair at an outlet in Texas.. price is much higher than the white or obsidian people have posted but not complaining since it was only $26 out of pocket. If i ever see other leather colors at steal prices i would cop.


Sometimes new shoes arrive and you see them for the first time and you just smile. This was one of those times for me. Might not be for everyone but I'm loving them in person.

Thanks Rukus and Regina get their food and treats delivered from Petflow so they think every UPS package is for them. They're happy to inspect the shoes and then leave them alone but they're usually as hyped as me when they first arrive.
^^^ NICE I'm still trying get my hands on a pair!!!......dudes saying these are gonna restock and blah blah but i don't see it happing!!!!.....not trying pay those ebay anal lube prices so I'm stuck on what to do right now???.....any1 know of any sportswear spots that got them for phone order??

Great to see some1 who ordered them and wanted them to wear, not just to put up on ebay!!!....
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Man these 49er colored joints hit my outlet in damn near ever size but mine.
No sign of fragments....

My chloros are beat and I blew the airbag in one heel doing squats
Getting anything shipped to canada is bunz with our dollar and customs and delivery fees.
Salt levels are cresting at the moment lol:tongue:
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