Official Air Max 97 Thread

To be fair, there haven’t really been many AM 97 or AM 1 releases recently that were impossible to cop. Golds, silver bullets, OG Red Am 1, OG Blue, etc. Even the undefeated 97 were attainable if you put even an ounce of effort into getting them. So I don’t see these being a shoe you have no shot at. Put in the work and you’ll get them
Fairly wide in comparison to any of the off-white releases. Still gonna be hard to get, definitely lower stock than any of the recent yeezy releases for example, but Sean has preached there will be "plenty". Heard about the release size on twitter from someone (can't remember who) that's usually pretty accurate regarding insider info, but I'm still expecting it to be a **** show and the app will crash.
Nike is mostly restocking and applying large stocks on original colorways (as they should). Just don't get your hopes up too much if you want them.
Utilities came in... first women's pair that wasn't an OG style that has non-phylon midsole.

I'm expecting a L on the wotherspoon 97s but I hope resell isn't too bad on em hopefully around 400
To be fair, there haven’t really been many AM 97 or AM 1 releases recently that were impossible to cop. Golds, silver bullets, OG Red Am 1, OG Blue, etc. Even the undefeated 97 were attainable if you put even an ounce of effort into getting them. So I don’t see these being a shoe you have no shot at. Put in the work and you’ll get them
Atmos Elephants? Masters (both)? Aquas for some? CR7 97? Italy Silver Bullets?
I've heard the 97/1's are supposed to be a fairly wide release. Nike made a WAY bigger deal about getting the people involved in voting for their favorite design in 2017 than they did in choosing a re-release in 2016, so it would be ****ed to make a shoe that the entire premise was about being truly chosen by the people to become just another immediate sell out that lines the resalers pockets. But at least we know resale is going to drop significantly. I would guess right now that at most 5% of the total stock of them are out, with the other 95% hitting market on air max day. There are more pairs on the feet of celebrities/influencers/athletes right now than there are on regular sneakerheads. Just looking at StockX sales, there have been more sales of JTH jordan 3's in the past week than there have of the 97/1's since november. It's literally all hype right now by actually selling very few to the public, and getting them on the feet of anyone influential in an effort to explode the demand for them come Air Max day.
yes, yes widely release with each store getting 1 full size run..... thats how its gonna go down.
Utilities came in... first women's pair that wasn't an OG style that has non-phylon midsole.


Glad you like them, I got them too, took one look at them and sent them back. Even ate 30 bucks to do so. Wasn’t feeling them in person but the way some of these releases move you gotto buy first ask questions last.
would never wear the neckbeards. those ares strictly for resell purposes.

that dude is everything wrong with this "culture". sorry for the new cats who embrace this era but no way in hell would i ever lace up a pair of kicks "designed" by a glorified reseller
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