***Official Air Jordan XX3 Summary Post***

Originally Posted by jordansponsorsme

To answer some questions...

1. Gentry is a friend of mine.
2. The pattern on the side is argyle. (I know, it's hard to see as it is white stitching on top of white, but I actually kind of like it because it's less noticeable.)
3. I don't believe these will be limited. As far as I know, they'll be just as readily available as the Stealth's.

Hope that helps. I'm just as excited as you guys as I have always been a sucker for White/Red Jordan's. These are no exception!

jordansponsorsme, could you PLEASE mention to G and ask him if JB can release a GR version of the whtie/titanium-university blue XXIIIs??? JB know they did us loyal fans wrong by releasing the titaniums the way they did. The truth is, they could've decided to choose thesewhite/stealth-blacks as the colorway to do the ultra-limited release this past Friday and would've gotten the same exact result and yet they chose todeprive us (by us I mean those who missed out on the opportunity to put down $1k+ for a pair of titaniums) a really nice colorway and in the process, deprivethemselves an opportunity to add some really nice sales figures to the bottomline.

After seeing and like so many others, being disgusted by the white/stealth-black XXIIIs, I have realized 2 things; 1. I better hop on the stealth's thesecond they drop because other than the titaniums, they are the best looking XXIIIs to date (including the too bland white/red XXIIIs. Not hatin', justnot too crazy about white/red shoes to begin with) and 2. JB's gotta release the titaniums again somehow. It's too nice of a design to waste someinconsequential color combos on. Seriously, if the stitching and the prints on the toebox rand were charcoal and instead the yellow/maize/taxi is used in thecarbon fiber plate (ala XIIs), this shoe would've been an instant hit.
Originally Posted by juschiang

Originally Posted by jordansponsorsme

To answer some questions...

1. Gentry is a friend of mine.
2. The pattern on the side is argyle. (I know, it's hard to see as it is white stitching on top of white, but I actually kind of like it because it's less noticeable.)
3. I don't believe these will be limited. As far as I know, they'll be just as readily available as the Stealth's.

Hope that helps. I'm just as excited as you guys as I have always been a sucker for White/Red Jordan's. These are no exception!

jordansponsorsme, could you PLEASE mention to G and ask him if JB can release a GR version of the whtie/titanium-university blue XXIIIs??? JB know they did us loyal fans wrong by releasing the titaniums the way they did. The truth is, they could've decided to choose these white/stealth-blacks as the colorway to do the ultra-limited release this past Friday and would've gotten the same exact result and yet they chose to deprive us (by us I mean those who missed out on the opportunity to put down $1k+ for a pair of titaniums) a really nice colorway and in the process, deprive themselves an opportunity to add some really nice sales figures to the bottomline.

After seeing and like so many others, being disgusted by the white/stealth-black XXIIIs, I have realized 2 things; 1. I better hop on the stealth's the second they drop because other than the titaniums, they are the best looking XXIIIs to date (including the too bland white/red XXIIIs. Not hatin', just not too crazy about white/red shoes to begin with) and 2. JB's gotta release the titaniums again somehow. It's too nice of a design to waste some inconsequential color combos on. Seriously, if the stitching and the prints on the toebox rand were charcoal and instead the yellow/maize/taxi is used in the carbon fiber plate (ala XIIs), this shoe would've been an instant hit.
See, the only thing I don't get about them making the titaniums limited is that, seeing how the 23 is a celebratory model, why would they make acolorway very relevant to his career super limited? No one is hardly gonna wear these and pretty much ANY colorway in place of the titaniums would'vecreated the same atmosphere. This is the one colorway, imo, that enhanced the design. More importantly, its a carolina mid. Besides the regional XX, itssomething we haven't had since the XV.
Anyone watching T.O. rockin the Titaniums on ESPN? They're going over the Super Bowl (of course).
Man you guys are soooooo salty about the titaniums..lol. My pair came and gone, $1400 richer. You guys keep sayin "us older guys cant afford to take timeoff work, blah blah blah." Im 30 years old, and I got my pair. I get 2 days off a week, everyweek its diff. That week, I had my boss give me wed and thursoff so I could wait in line. LUCKLY I ended up 22nd in line and got my pair. You cry about resellers, and pairs runnin over a stack, but if the demand isthere, people are gonna pay. If I would have got my size in the shoe, I would be rockin them right now, but I didnt. I got a size 8 and I wear a 12. HECK YESIM GONNA SELL A SHOE THAT DONT FIT!! My pockets aint complaining.
juschiang, let me address your request. I want you to know that I suggested making them more widely available prior to their release.Obviously, they did not listen. Now that the release date has come and gone, I do not see how they can make more pairs without an uproar. Think about it fromtheir perspective. Yes, they have unhappy customers who were not able to purchase them on the release date, but if they were to release more pairs, then all ofthe customers that did manage to get them would be furious. Either way, they will have unhappy customers. When a company is faced with a situation such asthis, it is better to keep the status quo. The shoe was publicly disclosed to be available at 23 stores having 23 pairs each. Releasing more pairs would makethem liars to say the least. The consequences would be much worse than simply having to deal with customers that were unable to purchase them due to theirlimited quantity- which will almost always be the case. They can simply advise the unhappy customers to wait for the other colors that are set to release inFebruary. This shoe was intended to create hype, and as many others have said, it served its purpose. I apologize I cannot help you further, but I wish you thebest of luck in trying to obtain them via eBay if you choose to do so!
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

See, the only thing I don't get about them making the titaniums limited is that, seeing how the 23 is a celebratory model, why would they make a colorway very relevant to his career super limited? No one is hardly gonna wear these and pretty much ANY colorway in place of the titaniums would've created the same atmosphere. This is the one colorway, imo, that enhanced the design. More importantly, its a carolina mid. Besides the regional XX, its something we haven't had since the XV.

This I absolutely agree with and am still scratching my head over. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that JB plans to release a GR versionand yet we've heard from so many who are in the know that it is not happening. If JB was to 'hype" the shoe in order to generate sales for thesubsequent colorways, then knowing they could get away with using any color combo as the candidate for the ultra release, it would've made even more senseif the titaniums are a GR. Can you even imagine white/titanium-university blue releasing on 2/16 (or even better, 2/17)???
from what i've heard from my connect there is gonna be another xxiii titaniums that's as limited as the first colorway. if u guys have heard or knowfor a fact please contact me. they are supposed to be dropping on april. let me know if u guys got more infor on this. thanx
Originally Posted by jordansponsorsme

juschiang, let me address your request. I want you to know that I suggested making them more widely available prior to their release. Obviously, they did not listen. Now that the release date has come and gone, I do not see how they can make more pairs without an uproar. Think about it from their perspective. Yes, they have unhappy customers who were not able to purchase them on the release date, but if they were to release more pairs, then all of the customers that did manage to get them would be furious. Either way, they will have unhappy customers. When a company is faced with a situation such as this, it is better to keep the status quo. The shoe was publicly disclosed to be available at 23 stores having 23 pairs each. Releasing more pairs would make them liars to say the least. The consequences would be much worse than simply having to deal with customers that were unable to purchase them due to their limited quantity- which will almost always be the case. They can simply advise the unhappy customers to wait for the other colors that are set to release in February. This shoe was intended to create hype, and as many others have said, it served its purpose. I apologize I cannot help you further, but I wish you the best of luck in trying to obtain them via eBay if you choose to do so!

Question to those in the early know (XX3 stealths):

1) Since the signature is printed, does it scratch off?

2) Does the shoe come with cedar inserts, "wooden-insided" box and dvd?

Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by xmocncrds

from what i've heard from my connect there is gonna be another xxiii titaniums that's as limited as the first colorway. if u guys have heard or know for a fact please contact me. they are supposed to be dropping on april. let me know if u guys got more infor on this. thanx

hahaha....you guys are SICK if you think they are gonna release these again. There will NOT be another xx3 as limited as these were.

If there was, Id be in line again though so I can MAKE THAT MONEY...hahaha
juschiang, let me address your request. I want you to know that I suggested making them more widely available prior to their release. Obviously, they did not listen. Now that the release date has come and gone, I do not see how they can make more pairs without an uproar. Think about it from their perspective.


They're a billion dollar company; I'm a middle-class customer who was left out. I absolutely will NOT think about it from their perspective; THEY needto think it from MY perspective (not 'me' the person typing this, but 'me' the middle-class customer who was left out).

Yes, they have unhappy customers who were not able to purchase them on the release date, but if they were to release more pairs, then all of the customers that did manage to get them would be furious. Either way, they will have unhappy customers.
The way it is right NOW, they have THOUSANDS of unhappy customers. If they released more pairs, the MAXIMUM amount of unhappy customers they couldhave would be 1,058.

I would think that having 1,058 unhappy customers is more preferable to having thousands of unhappy customers.

P.S. I know that you're not Gentry or Jordan Brand, so please don't think I'm actually going at you or anything.
Just responding to what you were saying.
No offense taken. I know you're just expressing your opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as upset as the rest of you. I didn't get them onthe release date either. In order to obtain them, I am forced to turn to eBay just like everyone else. So please understand that I am not saying I agree withthe decisions made at Brand Jordan. I am merely assessing the situation in the way I would expect a PR representative to handle it. The fact is, you cannotplease everyone, but if a company is found to have lied, the consequences are much worse than simply having customers who are unhappy.
Originally Posted by jordansponsorsme

juschiang, let me address your request. I want you to know that I suggested making them more widely available prior to their release. Obviously, they did not listen. Now that the release date has come and gone, I do not see how they can make more pairs without an uproar. Think about it from their perspective. Yes, they have unhappy customers who were not able to purchase them on the release date, but if they were to release more pairs, then all of the customers that did manage to get them would be furious. Either way, they will have unhappy customers. When a company is faced with a situation such as this, it is better to keep the status quo. The shoe was publicly disclosed to be available at 23 stores having 23 pairs each. Releasing more pairs would make them liars to say the least. The consequences would be much worse than simply having to deal with customers that were unable to purchase them due to their limited quantity- which will almost always be the case. They can simply advise the unhappy customers to wait for the other colors that are set to release in February. This shoe was intended to create hype, and as many others have said, it served its purpose. I apologize I cannot help you further, but I wish you the best of luck in trying to obtain them via eBay if you choose to do so!
Thanks a lot for the reply. I totally understand what you're saying and I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to myconcerns...but I hope JB can consider this; those who had the opportunity to make the purchase is in the minority and those who desire the opportunity to beable to make a purchase is in the majority so from a greater of 2 evils standpoint, I think the choice is pretty clear.

Also, I think the "celebratory release" was disclosed and hence deemed as being available at 23 stores at 23 pairs each. That is, the package thatincludes the cedar wood shoe tree and a numbered tag, not necessarily the shoe or colorway itself. JB's disclosure can be easily circumvented (did I saythat? I meant rationalized) by releasing a GR version like I had suggested (recycled paper shoe tree/stuffing, no numberd tags, or maybe even a UNC blue box
and at $185 and if that's not enough, let's try flint greyrather titanium and a darker, "truer" shade of university blue), which is effectively differentiated from the celebratory release.

Besides, there have been some well-documented precedents where a second release has occurred and I don't want to go below the belt, but there has alwaysbeen some clever "numbering" on JB's part on certain supposedly "limited" releases (which is certainly understandable because ofmanufacturing processes, defects...etc.). Also, wouldn't you say the whole idea of "retros" is in fact, answering to the demand of the majorityof customers whose desire is to have access to previously inaccessible or difficult to obtain models with no bias or disregard to the fact OG collectors mightstill have these same exact models? If this is the case, then the rationale behind retros really is no different than us requesting JB to release a GR versionof titanium XXIIIs.

I am sure JB can find an equitable solution that need not upset those who have put down significant amount of money for the initial release of the titaniumXXIIIs while addressing a genuine demand for them because afterall, the profit potential is definitely there to be realized. But thanks again for yourresponse, which provides that much more insight into what JB's reasoning was behind a very puzzling move.
Let me see 1000 pairs only made..........so there had to be b-grades................keep an eye out for your local nike factorys
Although I agree that this post should get back on topic of discussing the XX3's, the side conversation about "nicknames" isn't quite hi-jacking. The reason is because the conversation started with discussing the nickname already given to the white/black/red XX3's. With each post, it turned into a debate on nicknames.

My understanding about hijacking threads occurs when someone deliberately posts something unrelated to the topic. So if the topic was on the XX3's, and someone replies with "I like pizza"....That's when we'd have a problem. This of course is just a simple example and I'm sure you guys can think of worse ones....Just don't do it.

Gotta appreciate and respect the way you responded. I understand what you mean.

The White/Reds are so bland it's not even funny.

Where's the Black or Grey accents?

Can't believe yall like those.

If there's one shoe that can pull off a solid color, it's the XX3.

I think the idea of having a strong white base w/ different materials and details is great.

When better pictures of the wht.reds surface, a lot of us will be able to appreciate them more.

Imo, white argyle stitching on a white panel is going to look really good in person.

If this is the case, then the rationale behind retros really is no different than us requesting JB to release a GR version of titanium XXIIIs.

Well the difference is that we're asking JB to go back on their word.

Lately they've been doing a good job of doing that on their own so I wouldn't encourage it.

Originals were never tagged "limited to x" or "one time release" so a retro is understandable.

My take on the situation? They should just stay true to their word and move forward with other colorways/releases.
juschiang, I like your way of thinking, whether or not it pans out. Of all of your proposals, I believe the best one tobe modifying the colors slightly. I feel that releasing them exactly the same way but with different packaging would be a complete "slap in the face"to those who took the time to wait in line, and possibly even more so to those who are shelling out top dollar on eBay. At the same time, I recognize that thedemand is there for this color or one that is similar. How does White/Flint Grey-College Blue sound?
Originally Posted by sick90teg4dr

Man you guys are soooooo salty about the titaniums..lol. My pair came and gone, $1400 richer. You guys keep sayin "us older guys cant afford to take time off work, blah blah blah." Im 30 years old, and I got my pair. I get 2 days off a week, everyweek its diff. That week, I had my boss give me wed and thurs off so I could wait in line. LUCKLY I ended up 22nd in line and got my pair. You cry about resellers, and pairs runnin over a stack, but if the demand is there, people are gonna pay. If I would have got my size in the shoe, I would be rockin them right now, but I didnt. I got a size 8 and I wear a 12. HECK YES IM GONNA SELL A SHOE THAT DONT FIT!! My pockets aint complaining.
You can't be 30.

How does White/Flint Grey-College Blue sound?

Sounds good to me. They are so similar to the flint XIII, and I believe they would be embraced the same way by the public. This colorway of the 23would've been legendary regardless of availability imo.
am I the only one that noticed in the new Vibe with MJB on the cover, the pics of the whte/black/varsity red (hate the name all-star) 23's in the fold outpic, the sockliner around the ankle is clearly navy blue, I thought it would be black, is this correct?
the white/stealth/black joints are lookin good.. .only one of the 23s id consider getting
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by sick90teg4dr

Man you guys are soooooo salty about the titaniums..lol. My pair came and gone, $1400 richer. You guys keep sayin "us older guys cant afford to take time off work, blah blah blah." Im 30 years old, and I got my pair. I get 2 days off a week, everyweek its diff. That week, I had my boss give me wed and thurs off so I could wait in line. LUCKLY I ended up 22nd in line and got my pair. You cry about resellers, and pairs runnin over a stack, but if the demand is there, people are gonna pay. If I would have got my size in the shoe, I would be rockin them right now, but I didnt. I got a size 8 and I wear a 12. HECK YES IM GONNA SELL A SHOE THAT DONT FIT!! My pockets aint complaining.
You can't be 30.

I cant? Why, cuz I waited in line for a pair of shoes? I was born in '78 son.
Originally Posted by jordansponsorsme

juschiang, I like your way of thinking, whether or not it pans out. Of all of your proposals, I believe the best one to be modifying the colors slightly. I feel that releasing them exactly the same way but with different packaging would be a complete "slap in the face" to those who took the time to wait in line, and possibly even more so to those who are shelling out top dollar on eBay. At the same time, I recognize that the demand is there for this color or one that is similar. How does White/Flint Grey-College Blue sound?

jordansponsorsme, the mere thought of a white/flint grey-"metallic" college blue (reminiscent of the XVIIs but retain thatawesome metallic-esque quality of the university blue on the titaniums) or white/flint grey-french blue (that'll be a sick color combo as well) colorway ismaking me salivate right now!!!
Originally Posted by sick90teg4dr

Man you guys are soooooo salty about the titaniums..lol. My pair came and gone, $1400 richer. You guys keep sayin "us older guys cant afford to take time off work, blah blah blah." Im 30 years old, and I got my pair. I get 2 days off a week, everyweek its diff. That week, I had my boss give me wed and thurs off so I could wait in line. LUCKLY I ended up 22nd in line and got my pair. You cry about resellers, and pairs runnin over a stack, but if the demand is there, people are gonna pay. If I would have got my size in the shoe, I would be rockin them right now, but I didnt. I got a size 8 and I wear a 12. HECK YES IM GONNA SELL A SHOE THAT DONT FIT!! My pockets aint complaining.

I get two days off a week also..."whats that called"...oh yeah the weekend. You curbed it for two days and ended up with a shoe that wasn'teven your size. Would you have done it all over for a size 8 if you knew that you couldn't turn a profit? A logical answer would be "No". Assuming that you have a family, is the $1150 that you made off this shoe worth the time that you spent away from them at 30?

Bottom line is that this is a hot shoe and production numbers were way too low. JB claims that they made this shoe for it's most loyal customers...if sothen why didn't they get these into their loyal customers hands. This one was not for the loyalist, but definitely for the flunkies.

And before you post the pic... Hell Yes "I mad"
Releasing similar titanium colorways would be a slap in the face to those who bought them.

If JB really wants to make up for that release, they should drop:


Also, I posted this wht.red.blk PS in the first thread:


I think the blk/caro would leave both parties happy.
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