Official Air Jordan XII 'Nubuck' Post - They're up.

Gosh >:
i'm at school right now and my teacher is letting me get on to look for the nubucks. obviously still not up this sucks!!! If they're sold out when i get home in two hours i'm gonan freak out!!!
If that is so how did a few NTers got the non-sample XIIs without the 2 items? Every pair of XIIs is supposely produced and sold with the 2 items.

well, if you remember any of the post most of them said that they were GIVEN the nubucks or got it from a friend.
Gosh i'm at school right now and my teacher is letting me get on to look for the nubucks. obviously still not up this sucks!!! If they're sold out when i get home in two hours i'm gonan freak out!!!
Oh don't worry, they won't even be up. I'm about to call them and see what they say.
Ok here was my convo
me: I want to know what the exact problems you are having with the Nubucks
lady: well I don't know exactly
me: well I find it hard to believe that you guys can't figure out a problem within 36 hours.
lady: well........
me: are they going to be coming out today or not?
lady: an email will be sent today
me: are you sure
lady: im not 100% sure
me: well you said that yesterday too and look where we are, are they going to be here be thanksgiving
lady: i honestly don't know

That is dumb. It is kind of hard to believe that they have no idea what the problems are. Do you think they're making more inventory? Dought it. But haha this awesome i'm in choire class and i left cuz my teacher wrote the sub a note to let me get on. I'm only in eight grade. 9whenever i talk about school they ask me my age)
Ok here was my convo
me: I want to know what the exact problems you are having with the Nubucks
lady: well I don't know exactly
me: well I find it hard to believe that you guys can't figure out a problem within 36 hours.
lady: well........
me: are they going to be coming out today or not?
lady: an email will be sent today
me: are you sure
lady: im not 100% sure
me: well you said that yesterday too and look where we are, are they going to be here be thanksgiving
lady: i honestly don't know

why are you throwing a hissy fit at the customer service rep? its not like they are in charge of the site. they get whatever info from nike so maybe you should direct your anger at nike and the wed admin people instead of acting like a female on the rag.
An actual mom and pops store by me got the Nubucks about a month ago by accident they were able to sell one pair to an athlete......I couldn't get em to sell me one dammit! They were told by Nike to send em back. Anyhow the shoe are dope in person though I might have to drop the 200 on em.
why are you throwing a hissy fit at the customer service rep? its not like they are in charge of the site. they get whatever info from nike so maybe you should direct your anger at nike and the wed admin people instead of acting like a female on the rag.
Oh yeah I was really throwing a fit. I highly doubt that the customer reps know nothing besides that there is a technical difficulty. Ok so how do I talk to administrative people on this case?
i just got off the phone w/ Nike. the rep was confirming my order. she says i was one of the 10 lucky ones who were able to ge their order in yesterday. but she also says the link should start working today and everybody else will ge theirs. i wanted to order a 9 and a 91/2, but i could only order 2 - 9 1/2's. just wanted to let you know that the rep said the link should be functional by this afternoon.

^^^^^^^^10 People :wow:
Well I still don't believe them when they say this afternoon. That is what they said yesterday.
oh please youve been posting your whiny convo with the customer service reps throughout this post. youve been *****ing for a few pages now. and the reps know as much as nike tells them. why would they keep info from you? what is it that they have to hide from you about the nubucks? and how the hell do i know what you have to do to contact anminsitration. all im saying is your *****ing misdirected. crying and whining to the service rep isnt going to make those shoes pop up any faster on the website.
oh please youve been posting your whiny convo with the customer service reps throughout this post. youve been *****ing for a few pages now. and the reps know as much as nike tells them. why would they keep info from you? what is it that they have to hide from you about the nubucks? and how the hell do i know what you have to do to contact anminsitration. all im saying is your *****ing misdirected. crying and whining to the service rep isnt going to make those shoes pop up any faster on the website.

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
Wats going on with these nu bucks.....where they at on jumpman23 and wats this chat thing whateeer it is someone invite me please my is: psychomedley
So you are saying that you honestly believe that they have been having technical difficulties for the past 37 hours? This is NIKE we are talking about. Not some small company that doesn't have a clue what they are doing. It is outrageous that they haven't solved this yet. Yeah I am whinning, but it is because I am upset. I've wasted the last two days over these shoes. I'm tired of waiting. I don't care what you say to me anymore. I'm done.
i have a feeling i might not be able to gt the right hat and fleece size when i actually am able to order these
"Ain't no, half steppin, ain't no, no slippin, Ain't no different from a block that's hitten, Gotta get it while the getting's good
Gotta strike while the iron's hot, 'fore you stop, Then you gotta bid it, good riddance, Goodbye"

I was just wondering if the shoes are actually up because the title of the post now says that they are up. Can some one fill me in?

Thats what Im sayng cause my head is piinning right now when are tey ging to be up Im suppose have left my house aledy and Im hold people up for these shoes.
this is horrible. I leave work in an hour. I will not be able to get online tonight. I hate
im feenin jordans
i dont know what stupid *** problems nike has with their site. if they say its technical problems theyre having why would i believe otherwise? im sure nike doesnt want to sell you some overhyped shoe for a ridculous price of $200 as quickly as possible. no nikes having a moral dilemma right now and they feel guilty in selling those shoes for $200, thats why the site is down. :rolleyes
and no one told you that you had to wake up at 3 to get those shoes. thats your damn decision, youre a man deal with it.
Ordered mine with Same Day 2hr 12am Special Delivery... 230.00

henz u got these people even more stressed out


If u dont kno what i'm and Henz do.

From Bricks to Billboards, from Grams to Grammys
Herbie {1986-2003} Gray​
Everyone just needs to calm down.
Nike/Jordan is doing this for us not because they have to, but because they want to.
I dont think that you want to make it seem like such a pain that they would never attempt to do it again.
So what there are growing pains the first time around. Have you forgotten how happy you are they are even doing this? I dont mind waiting.
Think of how lucky we are this is a .com release.
If it was an instore "launch date" release you would likely have to sleep outside or pay triple the price on ebay.
All you have to do is puch a few buttons on a PC every so often. Is it that hard? I'm sorry if you dont want to sit next to a PC 24/7 but is it really going to make you feel better you were the first to get your order in months from now? You will still have the package regardless.
Some of us dont even live near a store that would have these on a launch date. Since this is a .com release, all team jordan members are able to purchase these, and deservedly so.
This is a "Team Jordan Exclusive Release".
Not a "I Live in Driving Distance of a Niketown" release!

I for one am saying thank you.

Good things will come to those who wait.
^^Well said. I was *just about* to post saying how tired I was of sitting in front of my computer, but after what you said, I immediately changed my mind. :wow:
I talked to a nike custmer service rep before I left for work at 10:45am PST. She basically told me because of the massive demand for the shoes we flooded the site trying to place our orders yesterday and they are having problems loading the pictures and ordering information to the site and allowing them to send out emails properly. I asked her how limited they are because I just want to make sure I get a pair. She said these shoes are definitely expected to SELL OUT and the site is scheduled to be up and running by 3:00 pm PST. But who knows what will happen all we can do is wait and chill....... 8)


Peep out the collection hea ->
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