Originally Posted by d skyz 1
After cops and security telling everyone to leave mall property and not come back until 4am to line up, then showing up only to find out they got tired of sending everyone away and allowed the line to form at 2:30ish i realized it was gonna be a bad situation. Ignorant people could not figure out how to form a single file line so cops came out around 5:30am (shoe stores set to open at 6am) and said "due to unfortunate circumstances these shoes are not going to be sold at this time" and booted everybody out of the mall. Nobody left the parking lot, cops came out and told everyone to leave but nobody would WTH??? So at 8am when the entire mall opened everyone crowded footaction again so they said "we will not be selling the XI today" again WTH??? Then they proceeded to shut the gate and turn out their lights...while the entire mall was open...2 days til xmas. Finally decided to leave, planned on going back at noon. My girl went at 10am to see if she could cop for me and surprise me on xmas day but they apparently decided after telling everyone they wouldnt sell today that they'd sell shortly after i left. Btw, they also claimed they were just going to ship them to another store. So F footaction! This would be so avoidable if tickets were given out as the line formed so ppl who arrived at 2am or so could know they wouldnt be getting a pair there and have AN OPPROTUNITY to go elsewhere instead of a one-time crapshoot. Thats what pisses people off at 6am, waiting all night with no way of knowing if they even have a chance. Simple solution to an EXTREMELY UNNECESSARY PROBLEM!!! So i had to cop off uptempoair.com for 319 but oh well, already got my shipped email with tracking number so its not worst case scenario for me.