Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013

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How are people saying the leather quality sucks, it freaking awesome compared to the Chicago 1's and I had a good feel of the Chi 1's and still passed on those with confidence, the Knicks and Royals are great quality.

Thats not saying much though.
So happy Right Now Finally 
Not exactly sure what you are trying to convey here, but they both received a pm and the arguing has stopped.

I don't know what you, and the others in is thread have against me but I'll let that be. And yes I reply to everything because I don't sit around and let people talk about me.

I could list the Jb threads I'm in if you want since you are following me.
  1. jordan 1 royal
  2. jordan 1 black toe
  3. jordan 1 shadow
Cut it out fam, I have nothing against you and what did I ever do to you?
I'm trying to convey that you need to quit trying to monitor the thread and tell people what to do.  Who the hell are you to PM these guys and try to boss them around?  Just like you trying to TELL me to cut it out at the end of your post above.  You cut it out.  You don't just reply to posts talking about you.  You instigate and start arguments with anyone that doesn't agree with you, even if they state their opinion first and you just don't like it.  You don't discuss it, you jump on anyone that doesn't agree with whatever you say in a manner that makes them argue back, then you make a post arguing and being a jerk and end it with "LOL, I'm not mad, I won't reply back because I am more mature but you can reply back if you want to be immature (even though you had already replied back and will reply back again)."

I am not following you, I don't have to.  A page of any thread you are in RARELY goes by where you are not commenting on it.  If you pop up every other post, it isn't hard to spot you out of the crowd.  I have nothing against you, just quit acting like the thread Dad and quit thinking you're the only one with an opinion.  See ya round papi.
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ok this guy just message me to buy a pair of banned 1 from me and i told him i won't sell any...then this is what he sent me....got2havemykicks
Today at 4:24 pm
Well you need to stop acting youre shoes size because im old enough to be youre paps. i dont like how youre showing off youre fake banned 1's on the royal 1 thread, thats an infraction and you could be removed from nt community by methodman. now delete those fakes. As for sneakers ive been buying since i came out of my moms womb thats 1980 ok top that

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:lol: @ ever seeing a restock.
Patiently waiting i know it will pay off... END was a total disaster....livestock was worst and FNL, eastbay and footlocker etc was beyond impossible.
How are people saying the leather quality sucks, it freaking awesome compared to the Chicago 1's and I had a good feel of the Chi 1's and still passed on those with confidence, the Knicks and Royals are great quality.

Co-sign. Without a doubt some of the best quality I've seen in a while.
The pair of Banneds I un-DS have some creases but only a n00b who doesn't know sneakers would complain as if the shoe is a failure. I'll put the leather quality on the B1s up against any sneaker out there. There's nothing more to ask for on those IMO. Leather creases. Your balls wrinkle. That's life.
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To all the people saying the leather on these is a disappointment, welcome to jordans

The leather feels EXACTLY as it does on my 01 breds, the only thing these are lacking quality wise are the padding on the ankle which was much thicker on the 01s

sidenote: Remember all those posts a hundred pages ago saying these would be easy because the Knicks sat and people arent on Jordan 1s? 

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The leather feels EXACTLY as it does on my 01 breds, the only thing these are lacking quality wise are the padding on the ankle which was much thicker oN the 01's

sidenote: Remember all those post a hundred pages ago saying these would sit because the Knicks sat and people arent on Jordan 1s? 


Haha yes! I was not believing any of that! I knew the royals would fly. OG CW, KW and FO heads it just wouldn't sit
To all the people saying the leather on these is a disappointment, welcome to jordans

The leather feels EXACTLY as it does on my 01 breds, the only thing these are lacking quality wise are the padding on the ankle which was much thicker on the 01s

sidenote: Remember all those posts a hundred pages ago saying these would be easy because the Knicks sat and people arent on Jordan 1s? 


repped. Heel padding was the only issue
Haha yes! I was not believing any of that! I knew the royals would fly. OG CW, KW and FO heads it just wouldn't sit

I figured they would fly as well. The thing I didn't expect was having limited #'s. I thought them being a GR and all would of been a good amount to go around. At least like 88's retro #'s.
LOL this thread is such a mess.
Thank god these aren't my grails,but it would have been nice to add to the rotation.
Do you guys 260 for these is a good price to buy at since its so limited? I failed to get them pretty much on every website. So close on END but ended up failing that also.
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