okay little boy, let's play...
1) regarding price point, your argument is invalid... it does not matter what previous retail price points were, $170 is $170, and the consumer index ESTIMATING a $213 cost does not make it 'cheaper today than it was upon release'... it means that the shoe is $170 today, plain and simple.
2) why assume I am done with retros? I love the shoes that I purchase, and wear them with pride. "the leather might not be the same, those days are long gone on most retros", so does that justify purchasing whatever comes out and living with it? nah son, the consumer ALWAYS has the choice to purchase a shoe or not, and for ME, the CONSUMER, I like the 13 to play hoops in. These were tanks on the court, and the retro version is not made to play hoops in, therefore IN MY OPINION they butchered a classic... these were one of my favorite shoes that I played hoops in when I was in high school, yeah the OG version that probably came out when you were born.
you want these shoes? buy them... if not, don't... either way, find something to do with your time rather than attempt to play lawyer with my posts...
have a great day