Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Copped on FNL.

I didn't even get the men's link on my home page twitter feed. Only saw got the GS link. Kind of upset
i have auto refresh going on 4 chrome browsers and none of them connect to FNL i dont know how you guys are doing it but im getting salty now haha
Clearly FNL isn't working for everyone. Tried mobile and links here just keep getting error page.

although the page seems like its not working, just keep the FNL page it. eventually the product will load. trust me.
dude a lot of people are using chrome and cant get through lol..these guys make it sound so simple...easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop easy cop ****!!!!! lol
All these cats sayin there is no limit and got multiple pairs on FNL are full of it. LOL There is a one shoe limit per customer. SMH Anyone who tries to add more than one, their order gets kicked back.
Mobile site is the only one where the SPA countdown works for me. It eventually loaded after auto refresh and just grabbed my pair. Be patient people and let it refresh on its own.
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