Calling all 1 experts. I have a few legit check posts. One for some Banned 1s and the other for some 2013 Breds. I don't think I've seen any fake Banned's, but I also don't want to make an expensive mistake because I was too proud to tap into the resident knowledge here. The '13 Bred's, I have my suspicions, but again, I'm not an expert since I'm usually team retail purchasing straight from the source. That said, I'm requesting assistance on some potentially large purchases. I haven't exceeded the $300 purchase plus arena previously, so it appears I'll be venturing into uncharted waters. Trying to wrap these sales up as quick as possible, especially for the Banned's. The links are provided below. If this is against the rules, I apologize and Mods please delete and you can kick me in the junk later. Many thanks in advance.