Pete Nice? [emoji]129304[/emoji]
Everyone bought to sell.
Also the weathers been too ****** most places.
Hell na I'm not selling them, just not something I'm breaking out for no reason. They'll sit for a few weeks until an occasion worthy comes up for me to wear them.

All i can say about this shoe is that Nike knows exactly what they're doing when they "retro" or  "remaster" something.

They finally got the tongue length right.

the mesh lining is some what correct..

The shape of the toe box is very very close to the ogs

Leather is butter soft.

they even retro'd the Dubrae.

Saw these at my local mom and pop and Copped on sight. I second everything said here. Awesome retro & great quality all around.
I won't, be able to. Sorry.
They haven't said how they'll release them yet, but judging from yesterday's releases, I'd assume Nike wants them and the rest of the shops to release online/in store with no notice.
Blends did give a days notice.
Like I said, global exclusive just means early for Ronnie. He's marketed a few other pairs that way since last year and they all popped up later. Now I know they'll be easy because what little bit of hype there was since they were "exclusives" can die. Hopefully they're as easy as purple highs from last year and everybody eats, and hopefully they fix that damn shape
Nah fam, you state that they know exactly what they are doing then you point out several differences. From that picture you posted those look different from the original shoe.

Why not simply create a new NYC colourway with half decent materials and shape as opposed to creating a variant of an original?

What the f is you talking about? There's plenty of "NYC" versions of AF1s.

This a retro of a popular shoe, something Nike's done forever.
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