ebay has a 25% off coupon for any shoes over $250... considering the playstation's from last year
I think I’m gonna wear my skeletons today since we’re in the spirit of being contrarian. :lol:

Happy holidays.
the black
or the white ones
choose carefully
I like both equally. :lol:

i wonder what race these people are
They are the race of people who love all Black people, until it is time to start talking about what it means to be Black.
Now they are trying to weaponize Kaep, suggesting that he is about all people.

They did it to King, tried to do it to Malcolm by saying he changed after he visited Mecca. He still didn't trust white people, at all.

They are the race of people who love all Black people, until it is time to start talking about what it means to be Black.
Now they are trying to weaponize Kaep, suggesting that he is about all people.

They did it to King, tried to do it to Malcolm by saying he changed after he visited Mecca. He still didn't trust white people, at all.

I have no idea what it's like or means to be black. I'll never assume anything. Just like you shouldn't assume all white people are racist. Every person is different and skin tone doesn't define anyone. Judge people on their actions, not skin tone.
Side note, and unrelated, but if you have spare time while in Atlanta, go to the MLK National Park. I've never felt so small as I felt sitting in the old Ebenezer Baptist Church listening to his ole sermons.
Attacking a white person who is genuinely trying to be an ally is counterproductive. If that’s how you’re going to treat them, what is their incentive to even try? You’re hurting the cause. We’re never going to get anywhere until we ALL start treating each other with love and respect.

Some of you are obviously hateful and racist, and it’s sad. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
As a general note to anyone who has an issue with the Colin Kaepernick AF1s:

On a personal level, I believe that anyone who feels the need to come in here and broadcast their distaste for the the Kaepernick AF1 should take a hard look in the mirror and ask themselves why they're so worked up over someone protesting police brutality and racism. What message do you think that sends?
NikeTalk isn't even affiliated with Nike, Inc., and we've received no small quantity of hate mail to our support account from racists threatening to "boycott" Nike over its relationship with Colin Kaepernick. We're not going to allow our platform to serve as a megaphone for such sentiments. If that's what you're here for, go post on Facebook or scream into a pillow.

If you're upset about the "tangent", you should know that it began due to a since-deleted post from someone who, for some reason, felt it necessary to declare their personal aversion to Nike's partnership with an athlete protesting police brutality.

We have not, however, removed ALL comments related to Colin Kaepernick's activism from this thread, as this would require us to side with those who seek to silence him, and, by extension, all "inconvenient", "uncomfortable" opposition to racism.
Asking the staff to purge any mention of police brutality or racism from this thread because it causes discomfort is a privileged position. Trust that racism itself it is far more uncomfortable and cannot be evaded with appeals for censorship.

Similarly, we do not utilize the lay, dictionary definition of "racism" in our content moderation. The academic definition of racism may be simplified as: racism = prejudice + power.
Systemic inequality exists in our societies along axes such as race, gender, sex, class, ability, and spiritual/cultural affiliation. For each, there exists a normative, structural, hierarchical direction that serves to the advantage of certain groups at the detriment of all others. This is what is tacitly acknowledged through phrases like "reverse racism." Prejudice carries far greater heft and consequence when backed by the weight of history, enacted by institutions, and represents prevailing social biases.

This is not to say that prejudice is only hurtful or wrong when aligned with prevailing, structurally enforced biases. It is, of course, wrong if a woman sexually harasses a man - but such incidents do not leverage or contribute to the broader objectification, degradation, and oppression of men as a sex.

In that same vein, it must be acknowledged that men, collectively, are responsible for sexism. If a man's relative success or inaction serve to perpetuate sex or gender inequality, should he be absolved of any and all association with or accountability for sexism by merely maintaining a theoretical opposition to it?

That, in essence, is why many, if not most, social justice educators and activists, including White educators like the aforementioned Robin DiAngelo, seek to maintain a sense of accountability among their peers through the use of phrases like "anti-racist racists." 1 2 3

If this strikes you as a double standard, this is so only because it describes the double standards of racism, sexism, et al.

If you have any concerns about this and you don't wish to disrupt the Air Force One thread, you may contact me privately.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a DS pair of any of these jewels/super jewels in a men’s 9.5


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some non blacks were mad at kaep getting a shoe
all white folks were deemed racist
a few took offense to being lumped in with the racist
some black folks defended the white folks
some white folks still didnt wanna be lumped up with their white racist brethern
some black folks said well too bad
someone wanted to know if he should where his black or white skeleton af1's
he chose wisely
meth came in to regulate
I have no idea what it's like or means to be black. I'll never assume anything. Just like you shouldn't assume all white people are racist. Every person is different and skin tone doesn't define anyone. Judge people on their actions, not skin tone.
I am judging white people by their actions.
As a general note to anyone who has an issue with the Colin Kaepernick AF1s:

On a personal level, I believe that anyone who feels the need to come in here and broadcast their distaste for the the Kaepernick AF1 should take a hard look in the mirror and ask themselves why they're so worked up over someone protesting police brutality and racism. What message do you think that sends?
NikeTalk isn't even affiliated with Nike, Inc., and we've received no small quantity of hate mail to our support account from racists threatening to "boycott" Nike over its relationship with Colin Kaepernick. We're not going to allow our platform to serve as a megaphone for such sentiments. If that's what you're here for, go post on Facebook or scream into a pillow.

If you're upset about the "tangent", you should know that it began due to a since-deleted post from someone who, for some reason, felt it necessary to declare their personal aversion to Nike's partnership with an athlete protesting police brutality.

We have not, however, removed ALL comments related to Colin Kaepernick's activism from this thread, as this would require us to side with those who seek to silence him, and, by extension, all "inconvenient", "uncomfortable" opposition to racism.
Asking the staff to purge any mention of police brutality or racism from this thread because it causes discomfort is a privileged position. Trust that racism itself it is far more uncomfortable and cannot be evaded with appeals for censorship.

Similarly, we do not utilize the lay, dictionary definition of "racism" in our content moderation. The academic definition of racism may be simplified as: racism = prejudice + power.
Systemic inequality exists in our societies along axes such as race, gender, sex, class, ability, and spiritual/cultural affiliation. For each, there exists a normative, structural, hierarchical direction that serves to the advantage of certain groups at the detriment of all others. This is what is tacitly acknowledged through phrases like "reverse racism." Prejudice carries far greater heft and consequence when backed by the weight of history, enacted by institutions, and represents prevailing social biases.

This is not to say that prejudice is only hurtful or wrong when aligned with prevailing, structurally enforced biases. It is, of course, wrong a woman sexually harasses a man - but such incidents do not leverage or contribute to the broader objectification, degradation, and oppression of men as a sex.

In that same vein, it must be acknowledged that men, collectively, are responsible for sexism. If a man's relative success or inaction serve to perpetuate sex or gender inequality, should he be absolved of any and all association with or accountability for sexism by merely maintaining a theoretical opposition to it?

That, in essence, is why many, if not most, social justice educators and activists, including White educators like the aforementioned Robin DiAngelo, seek to maintain a sense of accountability among their peers through the use of phrases like "anti-racist racists." 1 2 3

If this strikes you as a double standard, this is so only because it describes the double standards of racism, sexism, et al.

If you have any concerns about this and you don't wish to disrupt the Air Force One thread, you may contact me privately.
Good post. And I get what you're saying, I really do. People past and present that share my skin tone are responsible for some really ****** up ****. I speak out and call out people as often as I can on it. I hate it. I'm not complicit with it. And I hate when I get lumped in with that ignorance bc of my skin tone. I can only control my actions and raise my child in a manner that she'll never advance that ignorance. I just feel like people should be judged off their actions, not by others that share their skin tone. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I just refuse to take be labeled as something I'm trying to help end. Don't put that evil on me.
Learn to view people as individuals, not as a group.
That is not how privilege works. There is absolutely NOTHING that you can teach me about being Black, or how to view that existence in this world. I see it as I see it, as many others do. What you need to do is to understand the anger of the oppressed, then stop trying to tell them how to view the world.
That is not how privilege works. There is absolutely NOTHING that you can teach me about being Black, or how to view that existence in this world. I see it as I see it, as many others do. What you need to do is to understand the anger of the oppressed, then stop trying to tell them how to view the world.
You're free to think what you want. Just know it makes you no better than the racist white guy that views all black people as the same. I would think you'd want to be better than that but you do you.
You're free to think what you want. Just know it makes you no better than the racist white guy that views all black people as the same. I would think you'd want to be better than that but you do you.
Again, what you do not seem to understand? Is that I have a right to my anger, just as ALL women, and ALL Black people do. You, living the life of privilege, are in no position to even suggest how I should carry out my disgust of a system that was built to keep people like you in power. You cannot tell me that I am no better than a white racist if I am disgusted by his behavior, never wanting to trust him nor anyone who looks like him. I do not have the ability to oppress white people, in these united states of america. However, you do have the power to do so. So how are my actions equal? Why should any Black person trust anyone white?

What have you done to prove otherwise?
Again, what you do not seem to understand? Is that I have a right to my anger, just as ALL women, and ALL Black people do. You, living the life of privilege, are in no position to even suggest how I should carry out my disgust of a system that was built to keep people like you in power. You cannot tell me that I am no better than a white racist if I am disgusted by his behavior, never wanting to trust him nor anyone who looks like him. I do not have the ability to oppress white people, in these united states of america. However, you do have the power to do so. So how are my actions equal? Why should any Black person trust anyone white?

What have you done to prove otherwise?
You are disgusted by the behavior of a racist white guy while behaving in the same way. Judging and stereotyping people based on their skin color is wrong. Period. It doesn't matter who is doing it. It's wrong. You've come up with coping mechanisms to make you feel better about doing it. That doesn't make it right. Again, judge people off their actions, not their skin color. You don't want to be stereotyped by racist white people? Cool. Don't stereotype people yourself. Treat people as you want to be treated.
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