We can do this one of two ways.

1. Everyone send money/shoes to one person. That person goes to an area of town and plays Santa for anyone down on their luck.

2. Everyone does it on their own in their city.

I see pros and cons to both ways and I'm cool with either. 1 would be a bigger deal and get more attention, but not sure if anyone even wants that. 2 would be more personal for everyone bc it's your own town.
We can do this one of two ways.

1. Everyone send money/shoes to one person. That person goes to an area of town and plays Santa for anyone down on their luck.

2. Everyone does it on their own in their city.

I see pros and cons to both ways and I'm cool with either. 1 would be a bigger deal and get more attention, but not sure if anyone even wants that. 2 would be more personal for everyone bc it's your own town.
I’m down for option 1
Each month
Everyone donates 100 until November
Then we go buy as many coke whites
as possible
Then donate to the specific place we want
Any idea on which foundation or organization
We should give the shoes to????
We know what we buying(white af1’s)
We just need to know where we sending the shoes???
And who gonna hold the cash???
Any ideas for the last 2
Also I don’t want it to be like a big deal
for us to get publicity
We doing it because it’s a good thing
Not for publicity
So let’s try to keep it as pure as possible
We can do this one of two ways.

1. Everyone send money/shoes to one person. That person goes to an area of town and plays Santa for anyone down on their luck.

2. Everyone does it on their own in their city.

I see pros and cons to both ways and I'm cool with either. 1 would be a bigger deal and get more attention, but not sure if anyone even wants that. 2 would be more personal for everyone bc it's your own town.

I’m down for option 1
Each month
Everyone donates 100 until November
Then we go buy as many coke whites
as possible
Then donate to the specific place we want
Any idea on which foundation or organization
We should give the shoes to????
We know what we buying(white af1’s)
We just need to know where we sending the shoes???
And who gonna hold the cash???
Any ideas for the last 2
Also I don’t want it to be like a big deal
for us to get publicity
We doing it because it’s a good thing
Not for publicity
So let’s try to keep it as pure as possible

I'm down for #1 as well. Maybe since it's Veteran's Day as well, we donate them to a regular charity and a Veteran's based charity as well.
Either donate what you can or even buy cheap AF1 you see from now to November. We send them to two representatives (one east coast one west coast). Those representatives use the donations to cop the shoes and give away the pairs already sent.
I have several connections to the outlet here. If I told them what we're doing., I feel confident several employees would run their Swoosh discount. Can only buy $1k per transaction on those accounts but we could go over with multiple people letting us do it. Swoosh is a 40% discount which would come in handy.
Might have to steal an ID from you. :lol:
Do ittttt.

IDs for today.
I have several connections to the outlet here. If I told them what we're doing., I feel confident several employees would run their Swoosh discount. Can only buy $1k per transaction on those accounts but we could go over with multiple people letting us do it. Swoosh is a 40% discount which would come in handy.
Plus I know folks who work at Niketown
Who would be down
With hooking us up with a discount
U know what
This what we do we gather up money and shoes
Whatever folks can donate
After we get the money me and dblplay1212 dblplay1212 will buy the shoes
Use our Nike connects
to get as many pairs through swoosh
We will divide the pairs up between 4 locations ny ca fl and tx
After shoes have been divided up
That day(I already put in my vacation day to be off)
We go around giving out the shoes in our respective areas.
Is that cool with y’all or no
And I’m talking hitting up the homeless shelters
The welfare office
The back alleys where the homeless stay
All that to give back shoes
Yep that's what I want to do. Our bus station downtown always has some folks down on their luck. Going to get them some new socks too.
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare dblplay1212 dblplay1212
Let’s get 2 people per location to give out pairs, preferably in different areas of each state. For example someone in the Bay and someone else around LA. In Texas, one in Dallas and one in Houston. Florida one north and one south. NYC needs two people off size alone; more if heads are gonna hit multiple boroughs.
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare dblplay1212 dblplay1212
Let’s get 2 people per location to give out pairs, preferably in different areas of each state. For example someone in the Bay and someone else around LA. In Texas, one in Dallas and one in Houston. Florida one north and one south. NYC needs two people off size alone; more if heads are gonna hit multiple boroughs.
I nominate @bwood056 and @Red Run for Tampa.
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