9.5 Moonrocks.. Would appropriate an help on these
The fact that one of the shoes has nipples all over the boost and the other doesn't should throw up some kind of red flag. 
Huge thanks to this thread - I'm picking up knowledge and I think I can confidently tell what's legit and what's not now.

Can I just confirm that the following PBs are fake:
Huge thanks to this thread - I'm picking up knowledge and I think I can confidently tell what's legit and what's not now.

Can I just confirm that the following PBs are fake:
Hard to tell with the quality of the pic. I can see that the boost has some texturing but its hard to see how much. 
Hard to tell with the quality of the pic. I can see that the boost has some texturing but its hard to see how much. 
Isn't the mirrored boosts a dead giveaway?? Anyway, I have attached a clearer picture of the boost:
@meniac I put them on there myself, I got the shoes through a local trade and figured I should legit check before I got any further (Rock em out) but thanks I really appreciate it!!
Legit check on 2016 pirate blacks (bb5350). One thing I noticed is that there is no QC sticker. Do all BB5350 have the QC sticker?
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