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kyrie and KD are more consistent shooters but, imo, aren't the scorer/playmaker Harden is. He really makes that engine run smooth because of his ability to distribute.

You just said KD isnt a scorer?

I said KD is a more consistent shooter but, imo, Harden is a better scorer/playmaker than KD. I personally differentiate shooting and scoring because the former is strictly the ability to shoot the basketball and the latter is a culmination of the ability to shoot, ability to score from all 3 levels, ability to score in a variety of methods, and ability to get to and convert from the free throw line. IMO, KD is a better shooter but Harden is the better overall scorer. At some point it becomes subject to personal preference so I wouldn't be shocked to see people disagree. I don't think there's really any debate that Harden is the best playmaker of the bunch though.

They better rest duke up for a decent amount of time. Groin strains no joke and SO easy to re-aggravate.
Groins linger pretty aggressively if you don’t give them time.

Problem is they may not have time. If he’s not healthy, they got no guarantees if moving past this week.
Boo ****ing hoo Boston. Shut the **** up.

RESPECT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A lot of people in here sounding like the old guard when it comes to unwritten rules in baseball. Want to do something about it? How about you go to work in the offseason and make it count the next time you play. I had no idea Celtics fans were this god damn soft. Buncha people crying into their mypillows after the game
So? Racist white guys cheering for Black athletes while hating Black people is one of the oldest things going in this country. :lol:
Same as saying “he was just a good kid” or “I have black friends”.

we have racists on NT that have whole collections of shoes with a black mans name on it
Kyrie isn't hated in Boston because the racist are filling the Garden he's hated in Boston because of this


That guy who threw the bottle is a dumb*** and I hope he gets jail time.
Arenas and legal systems where these arenas are located have gotta start cracking down on this **** harder and legally there’s gotta be ramifications for doing the kinda **** that’s been going on in arenas the last week.

We’ve seen this play out before - throwing **** at stadiums is walking a real thin line trending towards attempting to incite a riot.

There needs to be more severe consequences than “oh you aren’t allowed in the stadium anymore”.
A lot of people in here sounding like the old guard when it comes to unwritten rules in baseball. Want to do something about it? How about you go to work in the offseason and make it count the next time you play.

Pretty much how I feel. Like dudes getting upset if a player fires up a three at the end of the game when it's already decided. Who cares. If you care that much, don't let up on defense until the clock hits zeros. Ironically, Kyrie actually was heated when Jamal Murray did it in Denver to get 50 :lol:

But yeah people complaining about running up the score, playing until the very end, swinging on 3-0 when the pitcher is a position player. Who cares.
Arenas and legal systems where these arenas are located have gotta start cracking down on this **** harder and legally there’s gotta be ramifications for doing the kinda **** that’s been going on in arenas the last week.

We’ve seen this play out before - throwing **** at stadiums is walking a real thin line trending towards attempting to incite a riot.

There needs to be more severe consequences than “oh you aren’t allowed in the stadium anymore”.

i don't think you need new laws.

If you throw an object at someone that's assault right?

the boston fan is getting charged with assault from what i understand, what more needs to happen?
Why is it that white people always get some alternative exit way out reason whenever they demonstrate clear racist jackass behavior? Anyone else who commits a crime is automatically guilty, but no, not the white people. They always get some "he was young and didn't know better" or "he was drunk". He didn't look drunk to me.

watching the video, he was sober enough to know he ****** up and that he was caught on camera. that adult looked like he was trying to come up with some story when approached by authorities
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