"You are eligible for the payment. Once we have your payment date, we will update this page."

This seems like I'm supposed to give them my payment date - but there's no option to do so.
My parents filed their taxes jointly but received a paper check. In order to receive the direct deposit, do they both enter their info into the portal separately?
My parents filed their taxes jointly but received a paper check. In order to receive the direct deposit, do they both enter their info into the portal separately?
I dont think they can change it. I could be wrong tho. 20200416_105552.jpg
I guess it's Not just a rumor

Hide that money and run. Some states are blocking private debt collectors from doing this. Others are not

And of course people are now in debt. So this all goes back to some large corporation debt collector?

Thousands are dying from this. Theie families will end up in their own debt, and the thing that csused all of this, they'll be forced to pay it back? I can't comprehend this. The cause and effect are like one in the same.
Was I supposed to file in 2020 and 2019 for my 2019 and 2018 taxes in order to get this? Or do they mean file in 2018 and 2019 for my 2017 and 2018 taxes. Probably a stupid question.

This leads me to believe I just needed to file my 2018 returns:

"you are required to file a federal income tax return for 2019 or 2018,"

"and you filed a return for 2019 or 2018 with direct deposit information for your tax refund, and the direct deposit information is current and accurate. "

Or sounds like a keyword.
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"You are eligible for the payment. Once we have your payment date, we will update this page."

This seems like I'm supposed to give them my payment date - but there's no option to do so.
Nah I got the same thing. I think it just means they are still scheduling out payments on their end so once you're on the schedule and have a payment date, they will update it. As long as they got your account # then it's just a waiting game now
House Democrats are pushing to pay Americans $2,000 a month during the economic crisis. Trump has signaled support for a 2nd round of payments.

mad long as I qualify, I’ll take it :lol:
giphy (4).gif

We ain't getting no Damm $2000 a month or a NT x Nike collab.

even if Capital T was to shoot it down after approval from Congress, they can confirm it with another 2/3 vote.

plus a veto on this after the Senate and House passed it would be the real kind of political suicide.

preventing entire major cities from burning to the ground in bread riots is a bipartisan issue.

Congress created and will pass the bill if it passes so they should get credit not the dummy in the White House.

quarterback always gets too much credit and too much blame.
You and me both. And if we actually get this $2K+ more a month, it'll be the same deal.

Now ain't the time to spend foolishly. Unless you got it like that.
I’m not hurting for cash, I haven’t been spending anything either

money went straight into savings, if trump gives me more. Same thing. As long as it’s free and I don’t need to pay taxes or claim on my income we’re good baby
I’m not hurting for cash, I haven’t been spending anything either

money went straight into savings, if trump gives me more. Same thing. As long as it’s free and I don’t need to pay taxes or claim on my income we’re good baby

Agreed. I'm treating this $1200 as found money.
Now is the time to save as much as possible. I even cancelled my Spotify, Netflix and Prime subscriptions. Everything cancelled.
Just donated to Humanity Forward though. Urging anyone who has the means to help also. I'm still lucky enough to have a job so I will do what I can to help others.
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