man, take this on head somewhere.

it´s a got damn pandemic out this mf and you come talking some ¨get out there and hustle.¨ you sound crazy.

Ok then dont get out there and hustle. Sit at home on the internet waiting for free money. Plenty people still out here making money, people getting rich. All I'm saying is theres opportunity out there and most would be better served taking the initiative to make something for themselves rather than waiting for govt peanuts. Yall aint ******* penniless and destitute. Most of yall have or had jobs with good paychecks. Let this be a life lesson if nothing else, no ones coming to save you, no one cares. Best plan accordingly.

Exactly, it’s your responsibility to fix your car.

it’s a mystery how Canada, Britain, Australia, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Japan and Costa Rica fixed their cars with car insurance.

they must hate their grand kids or something. :emoji_cry:

Yes because income tax is equivalent to insurance premiums, right? You apparently have no idea how income tax works, or insurance for that matter, so I can understand why you are confused and upset. Insurance is provided by private companies, for profit, with the sole purpose of safegaurding you, the customer, against catastrophe. Income tax is none of that and never claimed to be.

And bro, didnt you just buy a house or some property or something? Arent you bragging about how much you make driving trucks literally every chance you get? Yet you're in here basically begging on a daily basis for some ******* govt handouts. Its pathetic. If you were a single mother working for minimum wage I might feel where you coming from, if you broke to the point of needing economic assistance rn you have no one to blame but yourself. Should have managed your finances a little better and you wouldnt be depending on the next man to provide for YOUR family. **** off your check every month thinking every things sweet and now you're crying in your soup. True broke boy behavior.
Ok then dont get out there and hustle. Sit at home on the internet waiting for free money. Plenty people still out here making money, people getting rich. All I'm saying is theres opportunity out there and most would be better served taking the initiative to make something for themselves rather than waiting for govt peanuts. Yall aint ****ing penniless and destitute. Most of yall have or had jobs with good paychecks. Let this be a life lesson if nothing else, no ones coming to save you, no one cares. Best plan accordingly.

Yes because income tax is equivalent to insurance premiums, right? You apparently have no idea how income tax works, or insurance for that matter, so I can understand why you are confused and upset. Insurance is provided by private companies, for profit, with the sole purpose of safegaurding you, the customer, against catastrophe. Income tax is none of that and never claimed to be.

And bro, didnt you just buy a house or some property or something? Arent you bragging about how much you make driving trucks literally every chance you get? Yet you're in here basically begging on a daily basis for some ****ing govt handouts. Its pathetic. If you were a single mother working for minimum wage I might feel where you coming from, if you broke to the point of needing economic assistance rn you have no one to blame but yourself. Should have managed your finances a little better and you wouldnt be depending on the next man to provide for YOUR family. **** off your check every month thinking every things sweet and now you're crying in your soup. True broke boy behavior.

I dont understand how ppl advocating that ppl who are in serious need of some sort of relief is taken as sitting at home and waiting for free money.

I've seen plenty of ppl showing their grind and hustle in here and somehow can still understand not every single person in this country is in the same boat or with the same resources.

Can both things be said and be true without looking down at someone else's situation? I dont get it
who's receiving 2400 a month in unemployment? :lol:

michigan the max is $362 a week

after tax you're at $310

texas is 521 a week if you qualify for max . I know people that were making 2250 every 2 weeks , getting the ppp loan and grant chilling.
Ok then dont get out there and hustle. Sit at home on the internet waiting for free money. Plenty people still out here making money, people getting rich. All I'm saying is theres opportunity out there and most would be better served taking the initiative to make something for themselves rather than waiting for govt peanuts. Yall aint ****ing penniless and destitute. Most of yall have or had jobs with good paychecks. Let this be a life lesson if nothing else, no ones coming to save you, no one cares. Best plan accordingly.

Yes because income tax is equivalent to insurance premiums, right? You apparently have no idea how income tax works, or insurance for that matter, so I can understand why you are confused and upset. Insurance is provided by private companies, for profit, with the sole purpose of safegaurding you, the customer, against catastrophe. Income tax is none of that and never claimed to be.

And bro, didnt you just buy a house or some property or something? Arent you bragging about how much you make driving trucks literally every chance you get? Yet you're in here basically begging on a daily basis for some ****ing govt handouts. Its pathetic. If you were a single mother working for minimum wage I might feel where you coming from, if you broke to the point of needing economic assistance rn you have no one to blame but yourself. Should have managed your finances a little better and you wouldnt be depending on the next man to provide for YOUR family. **** off your check every month thinking every things sweet and now you're crying in your soup. True broke boy behavior.

So because I’m straight it’s f everyone else?

why do I have to be hurting to expect this country to do better?

did you miss the posts about military spending and invading space? All while we got people starving. FOH

Damn straight I want more money. Who doesn’t?
So because I’m straight it’s f everyone else?

why do I have to be hurting to expect this country to do better?

did you miss the posts about military spending and invading space? All while we got people starving. FOH

Damn straight I want more money. Who doesn’t?

Never said f everyone else, I'm not against stimulus but the whole cut the entire country a check is just stupid to me and does more harm than good in the long run. If you dont understand insurance premiums and income tax im not gonna attempt to explain inflation/ deflation to you but suffice it to say the govt cant afford yo cover everyones bills for any lenghth of time. I dont know why anyone thinks they would or could do such a thing.

I agree govt spending is absolutely out of control, the entire sysyem is a corrupt, good ol boys, ponzi scheme. But the fact of the matter is people BEEN starving before covid, but people only seem to care when they're eligible for the check. If you really cared, and are not hurting, you should be advocating for people who actually are, you should want the money to go to the starving people, but nope you want it in your pockets.

Everyone wants more money, particularly money they dont have to work for, but everything comes at a cost is what most fail to realize. No such thing as a free lunch.
even to skip over the fact that the new stimulus bill literally provides tax-deductible afternoon meals for the rich, guy in a country with a million dollar trust fund President talking about free lunches boy if you don´t get
We can’t afford to pay everyone, then later the government is corrupt and has reckless spending. :lol:

Whatever man, agree to disagree. I just don’t see how other countries can afford to take care of their people and the self proclaimed best country on the planet can’t.
I’m in the same boat as mpls. I’m doing good or my business is doing good , but I want some of what I been paying in since 2002 . The little 1800 Im getting doesn’t even amount to what I paid in taxes the last 18 years . Hell last year between my 9-5 and my biz I gave Uncle Sam 82k . I want every body that needs it to get first but I want to get some of what I’ve been putting in for the last 18 years .
Never said f everyone else, I'm not against stimulus but the whole cut the entire country a check is just stupid to me and does more harm than good in the long run. If you dont understand insurance premiums and income tax im not gonna attempt to explain inflation/ deflation to you but suffice it to say the govt cant afford yo cover everyones bills for any lenghth of time. I dont know why anyone thinks they would or could do such a thing.

I agree govt spending is absolutely out of control, the entire sysyem is a corrupt, good ol boys, ponzi scheme. But the fact of the matter is people BEEN starving before covid, but people only seem to care when they're eligible for the check. If you really cared, and are not hurting, you should be advocating for people who actually are, you should want the money to go to the starving people, but nope you want it in your pockets.

Everyone wants more money, particularly money they dont have to work for, but everything comes at a cost is what most fail to realize. No such thing as a free lunch.

I can tell if someone robbed you, took food out of you or your family’s mouth. You wouldn’t do anything. You sound like a sucka
So much fat attached to this deal.
Why is wind energy getting billions? So many pet projects are getting priority over the American people. I don’t know man. Not sure why this is getting praised. So much over spending on non priorities.
Working or not. Upper class or not. Well off or not. Wealthy or not. Homeless or not. Small business or big business. 25k a year from McDonald's or 150k a year from working at Boeing. We are all experiencing some sort of set back from the pandemic.

Theres more people than jobs. Because of the pandemic now those jobs are cut almost in half or more. Just because someone is an abled body doesn't mean their fit for every other hustling gig out there.

The money is obviously there and it isnt coming out if any politicians pocket. But they're acting liking it. An increase of a better stimulus is well indeed needed not wanted.

Nobody is seeking for a handout and turning around to go hangout on the couch. A lot of real people lost real jobs and a better stimulus package would help.

If anybody on this site feels they can go without their stimulus because they feel it's not needed for any other American citizen, I got PayPal and you can shoot me that....

The lady in her 50's who worked a desk job at the Edison power company in California for almost 30 years got laid off due to overall cut backs from the pandemic is looking for a free lunch? No. She worked almost 30 years for it already.....
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I think I get the bigger point he’s trying to make “ don’t depend on anyone” but everybody ain’t built like that . Some people don’t have it in them to take risk to better them selves. I’m not one of them like i said before I’m not depending on some rich old white people to fix my life when they made the system that’s giving me problems . But if I can get some “ free” money out of it I’ll take it .
Exactly. Believe me I’m not depending on anything the government does. :lol:

I don’t think it’s too much to ask to get something back for all the damn handouts we give them, paying these scum bags 150k a year to f us over.

only one getting handouts is the government.

they took it to a new level, we all know that guy who got a hellcat or whatever off a ppp loan.

the government said f that hellcat, I’m invading space and you guys are paying for it.
Don’t know if ima do the sba thing though seems like they’re gonna be looking to get folks this go around
I don't know why my post about future filing a California LLC was deleted by a mod or why I was explicitly accused of fraud.

My career and businesses are legit, it's my prerogative to create a new business entity when I see fit, and the creation of this business occurred for reasons completely unrelated and to any COVID relief, but I am entitled to apply for SBA loans and grant money.

Mods should really know what they're doing before accusing community members of fraud and censoring their posts behind a cloak of anonymity.
Working or not. Upper class or not. Well off or not. Wealthy or not. Homeless or not. Small business or big business. 25k a year from McDonald's or 150k a year from working at Boeing. We are all experiencing some sort of set back from the pandemic.

Theres more people than jobs. Because of the pandemic now those jobs are cut almost in half or more. Just because someone is an abled body doesn't mean their fit for every other hustling gig out there.

The money is obviously there and it isnt coming out if any politicians pocket. But they're acting liking it. An increase of a better stimulus is well indeed needed not wanted.

Nobody is seeking for a handout and turning around to go hangout on the couch. A lot of real people lost real jobs and a better stimulus package would help.

If anybody on this site feels they can go without their stimulus because they feel it's not needed for any other American citizen, I got PayPal and you can shoot me that....

The lady in her 50's who worked a desk job at the Edison power company in California for almost 30 years got laid off due to overall cut backs from the pandemic is looking for a free lunch? No. She worked almost 30 years for it already.....

my own mother had a job with a major media company we´ll call ¨Bombast,¨ went to work for them Mon-Fri 40 hours a week for twenty-six years...they laid her off this summer like nothing, no severance, no insurance, nada.

you telling me a billion dollar corporation like Bombast can just suck in millions upon millions of publicly-funded subsidies and tax breaks then spit people out and we´re not supposed to expect anything done for us?

like I said, take that **** on head somewhere.
Don’t know if ima do the sba thing though seems like they’re gonna be looking to get folks this go around

I didn’t do it the first time and I’m not doing it this time. My business is doing fine and I feel like there are strings attached with that money. People have been bold with it. I don’t believe that’s free money like the stimulus checks.

What will these businesses do when it comes time to pay taxes this year? If they used the stimulus and are still struggling how will they pay taxes? Is that what this next round is for? Maybe I’m the sucker I have not taken any stimulus and I’m still submitting my estimated quarterly tax payments for my business trying to ahead of my tax bill.

Now that I think about it I’m pretty sure I never received my personal state tax refund SMH.
So much fat attached to this deal.
Why is wind energy getting billions? So many pet projects are getting priority over the American people. I don’t know man. Not sure why this is getting praised. So much over spending on non priorities.
Here’s an article outlining what’s being proposed in the 5400 page relief package

like couldn’t this have been 2-3 pages ‘helping Americans 100% of the way’. I feel both sides have their agendas


The bill was an engine to carry much of Capitol Hill’s unfinished business, including an almost 400-page water resources bill that targets $10 billion for 46 Army Corps of Engineers flood control, environmental and coastal protection projects. Another addition would extend a batch of soon-to-expire tax breaks, such as one for craft brewers, wineries and distillers.

It also would carry numerous clean-energy provisions sought by Democrats with fossil fuel incentives favored by Republicans, $7 billion to increase access to broadband, $4 billion to help other nations vaccinate their people, $14 billion for cash-starved transit systems, $1 billion for Amtrak and $2 billion for airports and concessionaires. ‘

Like I said, flood protections and wind energy investments? We have folks losing everything. And now we’re giving live venues big aid. And who knows. Maybe casinos and race tracks too.

The sweeping bill also contains $25 billion in rental assistance, $15 billion for theaters and other live venues, $82 billion for local schools, colleges and universities, and $10 billion for child care.
Are schools hurting? Unless it’s for testing and ppe, what’s this really about? Did they decrease tuition or room and board?
Never said f everyone else, I'm not against stimulus but the whole cut the entire country a check is just stupid to me and does more harm than good in the long run. If you dont understand insurance premiums and income tax im not gonna attempt to explain inflation/ deflation to you but suffice it to say the govt cant afford yo cover everyones bills for any lenghth of time. I dont know why anyone thinks they would or could do such a thing.

I agree govt spending is absolutely out of control, the entire sysyem is a corrupt, good ol boys, ponzi scheme. But the fact of the matter is people BEEN starving before covid, but people only seem to care when they're eligible for the check. If you really cared, and are not hurting, you should be advocating for people who actually are, you should want the money to go to the starving people, but nope you want it in your pockets.

Everyone wants more money, particularly money they dont have to work for, but everything comes at a cost is what most fail to realize. No such thing as a free lunch.

From a macroeconomic perspective. I agree. Giving out money to every citizen is probably not fiscally sustainable over too long a period of time. How long is too long is for someone who is more qualified than I am to answer.

However, having a government provide emergency assistance during a time of crisis isn't abnormal or radical in any way. I expect federal action and assistance when major **** happens the same way I expect my trash to get picked up or firefighters to respond to a critical emergency. That is what tax dollars are for. To be used (in a much more ideal world sadly) to grow and sustain all aspects of our society that make up our country. Other uses aside, I expect our tax dollars to fund the services we as taxpayers (undocumented or documented) expect to keep us safe, healthy and ongoing in our society we choose to call home.


I think it is cruel to approach this once in a lifetime pandemic (and make no mistake, this PANdemic is historical on so many levels) and effectively vilify those who've lost so much (friends, family, economic standing) and say don't sit there and pout, get off your *** and get that money, fix your problems. People have lost jobs that will never come least not any time soon.

Would you say that to the people of Haiti? Yemen? Bangladesh?

What about the people who got sick from Sars-CoV-2 and ended up Covid-19? what about those long-haulers who are still dealing with the effects of the novel virus?

You're talking about insurance premiums and income tax and trying to give economic reasons as to why another stimulus bill is irresponsible, but at the end of the day, man people need help. 600>0 but people are getting evicted/at risk of losing homes over rent/mortgages that are much higher than that.

People not having a rainy day fund is one thing, but no avg person is gonna be financially ready for a pandemic. The government is obligated to not spend soo much ******* money, but invading 2 countries will do that to you. Go after bin laden, by all means. But imagine the financial state of this country if we never invaded Iraq or Afghanistan? we'd still have a lot of the problems we see now, but not nearly as much debt, and be more tolerant of this level of a financial burden.

You do more harm by not offering support.

But I will concede that support isn't just a check. It's gotta be a robust, long term plan to get people back on their feet.

Because people on their feet will hold the economy up higher than people on their knees.
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