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Also this division dudes are tryna create between AD and Bron is lame :lol:
Like if you’re really a Lakers fan why do you care who wins FMVP?

Do you Bron fans care (since none of y'all are really Laker fans)?

It'd be fitting if AD won it cause he deserves it and really for me just another prediction I got right before the season started and my proclamation about his standing in the league will be validated. .
Also this division dudes are tryna create between AD and Bron is lame :lol:
Like if you’re really a Lakers fan why do you care who wins FMVP?

Because dude on gets caught up in his feels whenever Bron gets any credit for a team he cheers for lol.
1. Bron did not go up against better opponents, I debunked that last year (I'll try and go find the post). The East was a dumpster fire the entire run of those 8 straight finals and he was pretty much the only guy who had another top tier player on his team in the conference. He did face better competition overall in the finals if you talking about the Warriors (but then you're still giving him hella credit for losing once he got there).

2. Bron could really never guard 1-5, PFs and C routinely big boy'd him even during his defensive prime (those Pacers teams). He was a great help defender, I don't know if I'd call chasedown blocks rim protection but that's just me. And consistency has to mean something, Jordan took that end of the floor seriously for the vast majority of the time. Bron did it for 4 years in Miami and really nowhere else.

3. Drag to the finals is a gross exaggeration. The only teams that qualify for that are the 07 and 18 teams. The other years he went he had no less than 2 other all stars and or another all NBA player on his squad. MJ never had to beat the Warriors cause the Bulls were the Warriors don't see how that's an argument against him.

There's levels to this MJ and Magic were the two guys who did the most in the least amount of time. Bron and Kareem had sustained greatness. That's just the truth.

iteresting argument...reasonble minds can differ...hence why it is ARGUABLE. :lol:

1. the same article you posted says LeBron faced better finals opponents.

the article uses net rating net rating which is not adjusted for the era. so yah by net rating Jordan comp looks good. but luckily we can use our brains. a league that adds team and still didn't have a huge European talent pool to pick from is weaker than the 2010 NBA.

The Utah Jazz had an awesome net rating, with an old *** Malone and an old *** Stockton. the only way they pull that off is in a league thinned out by expansion.

2. I said he is bigger and more versatile than Jordan, this is indisputably true. so i don't really understand why you are arguing. news flash 6-9 260 guy can guard more positions than 6-6 220 guy. crazy i know!

and PF's and C's did not routinely big boy lebron what are you talking about man.

Here is a simple heuristic; has any coach ever thought to himself, you know we should try and get prime Lebron James switched onto my big? :lol:

miami heats scheme was built on the bigs getting way out on the floor and Lebron and Wade protecting the rim

this is my problem, you making silly arguments right now because you are invested in an indefensible position.

I AGREE MJ IS (probabaly) THE GOAT.

but we don't need to pretend that LBJ is some target on a switch. :lol:

yes 6-9 lebron james offers more rim protection than 6-6 michael jordan. call me crazy.

3. the bulls were under dogs multiple times against the pistons and celtics and MJ never was able to produce an upset. it's not the definitive argument against MJ but it's a data point in brons favour.
Idgaf if bron wins final MVP if he actually deserves it, but if AD is averaging 30 Controlling the defense & rebounding at elite levels it's gonna be true sucker **** if they don't give it to him just to enhance Brons narrative.
Do you Bron fans care (since none of y'all are really Laker fans)?

It'd be fitting if AD won it cause he deserves it and really for me just another prediction I got right before the season started and my proclamation about his standing in the league will be validated. .
I honestly don’t care who wins it lol
And time has shown that you’re more of a Kobe stan than Lakers fan tbh
I honestly don’t care who wins it lol
And time has shown that you’re more of a Kobe stan than Lakers fan tbh

If that was true I would have left in 16. Y'all just be talking to talk. Mercenary fans of where he at. Wild stuff. And you have no room to talk about standom Bryce.
Talking to talk? You're the first one to hop on and diminish a dude who is helping your team.
Idgaf if bron wins final MVP if he actually deserves it, but if AD is averaging 30 Controlling the defense & rebounding at elite levels it's gonna be true sucker **** if they don't give it to him just to enhance Brons narrative.
their numbers are pretty neck and neck
Bron is like 26/11/9 63% TS
AD is like 30/12/4 66% TS

AD is the anchor of defense because the way lakers play defense is to guard the guards tight and force them into AD who is elite at rim protection
Bron is initiates the offense and generates points for the entire team while having to deal with that zone that was built schematically around Bron
AD helps on the offense because he's an elite bucket getter and zone buster
Bron helps on defense too we have seen him get weak side blocks and guard the likes of Murray and Jokic and Harden and Russ (tho in spurts)

I don't think it's a runway case for either guy i actually want them to get Co-FMVP lol
me: Lebron is taller than MJ.

MJ truthers: wElL aCtUaLLY...


You just inaccurate with some statements. David West and Roy Hibbert had that man in the torture rack in those Pacers series. Like it's on video. Any semi effective PF/C on offense he couldn't do anything with. He was a much better on ball defender in Miami at taking out perimeter guys ie Rose, Westbrook and other wings.
me: Lebron is taller than MJ.

MJ truthers: wElL aCtUaLLY...


Nobody is saying that man :lol:. Y’all really pretend like dudes say LeBron is trash or something lol. He’s universally regarded as one of the 5 best basketball players ever. And even regarded by a growing subset of the population as THE greatest basketball player of all time. Despite, having some glaring moments that should take away from that, as well as simply not winning as much as like 2-3 other people, who match his stats, longevity, talent, production and in mikes case....more accolades etc.

I know, yiu get the itch when you see people fall into convention. And can’t wait to get your **** off. But I think it’s fairly easy to say that Michael Jordan or Kareem Abdul Jabbar have had greater basketball CAREERS than LeBron James.

Now, if you wanted to say LeBron is the most TALENTED player we’ve ever seen, them you for sure have a closer argument.
Nobody is saying that man :lol:. Y’all really pretend like dudes say LeBron is trash or something lol. He’s universally regarded as one of the 5 best basketball players ever. And even regarded by a growing subset of the population as THE greatest basketball player of all time. Despite, having some glaring moments that should take away from that, as well as simply not winning as much as like 2-3 other people, who match his stats, longevity, talent, production and in mikes case....more accolades etc.

I know, yiu get the itch when you see people fall into convention. And can’t wait to get your **** off. But I think it’s fairly easy to say that Michael Jordan or Kareem Abdul Jabbar have had greater basketball CAREERS than LeBron James.

Now, if you wanted to say LeBron is the most TALENTED player we’ve ever seen, them you for sure have a closer argument.
I think the point that he was making is that some of y’all will go to great lengths to diminish and criticize someone as great as Lebron at any and all costs. A lot of the times here it’s over petty **** that just makes it look like hate instead of criticism. Like real Skip Bayless-ish.
You just inaccurate with some statements. David West and Roy Hibbert had that man in the torture rack in those Pacers series. Like it's on video. Any semi effective PF/C on offense he couldn't do anything with. He was a much better on ball defender in Miami at taking out perimeter guys ie Rose, Westbrook and other wings.

okay famb, ill be bouncing my kids on my knee telling them about the time that David West exploded for 14 points a game on against Lebron. :lol:

"he couldn't do anything with" :rofl:

okay man yah, all the NBA teams, hey guys here's the game plan lets go at PRIME LEBRON JAMES.

okay fine man, Jordan can defend more positions than Lebron. fine you win, you got me.
their numbers are pretty neck and neck
Bron is like 26/11/9 63% TS
AD is like 30/12/4 66% TS

AD is the anchor of defense because the way lakers play defense is to guard the guards tight and force them into AD who is elite at rim protection
Bron is initiates the offense and generates points for the entire team while having to deal with that zone that was built schematically around Bron
AD helps on the offense because he's an elite bucket getter and zone buster
Bron helps on defense too we have seen him get weak side blocks and guard the likes of Murray and Jokic and Harden and Russ (tho in spurts)

I don't think it's a runway case for either guy i actually want them to get Co-FMVP lol

None of this insight for the 2017 playoffs/finals 😴
Talking to talk? You're the first one to hop on and diminish a dude who is helping your team.

I say he's a Mt. Rushmore player and I'm diminishing him.

I'm saying he's not really close to MJ but has a case to be the 2nd best player EVER (with Kareem) but I'm diminishing him.

I'm chronicling what actually happened last season and my reasoning to why I'm not giving him SOLE credit for the position we're in right now but I'm diminishing him.

I'm wanting my prediction about AD to be true with him becoming that dude in the league but I'm diminishing him.

Let me let you in on a little secret since you Bron fans just started following the Lakers closely, there is and never has been any obligation for any of our fans to like and unabashedly praise every great player on our team. There were fans that didn't like Shaq, there were even more Laker fans that didn't like Kobe, there were fans that got annoyed with Pau a lot even though they all ultimately helped our team win. And they had a lot more skin in the game than Bron did. Ultimately it's about the name on the front of the jersey and not the back but that doesn't mean we have to ride 10 toes down for everybody. Y'all probably wouldn't know that cause you never stay long enough with a team to develop any kind of connection or have to go through the ups and downs of being a fan. I'll give him his due once he delivers a banner. As for the MJ stuff just going to have to spit the facts as is, sorry.
I think the point that he was making is that some of y’all will go to great lengths to diminish and criticize someone as great as Lebron at any and all costs. A lot of the times here it’s over petty **** that just makes it look like hate instead of criticism. Like real Skip Bayless-ish.

It ain’t really that bruh :lol:. When we start talking about THE greats of all time, things get nit picked. Bron just has more holes in his resume, and less accomplishments to be considered the greatest basketball player of all time.

I mean, you talk about great lengths....**** like Michael Jordan is 1-9 without Scottie Pippen is canon now :lol:. It’s not going to great lengths to say LeBron has to win more or shouldn’t have loss this/that series in order to be considered, “THE GOAT”.

that’s the entire point. But for some reason, that always gets lost, and the convo goes to strange places. And y’all do this, “y’all don’t respect LeBron ****”.

When it’s really is we’re saying he’s absolutely one of the greatest ever, but here are the reasons why he’s not...
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