Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

Million $ question of the day, would yall rather the Nets beat the Bulls so that we jump the Nets in the lottery rankings or the Bulls beat the NEts so that there would be a 3 way tie from 7-9 but the (probable) chance we could end up with the 9th pick in a tiebreaker? :nerd:.
3 way tie and we get another warm envelope. The NBA is better off when the Knicks are relevant .
Gimme the 3 way tie

7th gives you a slim chance at MPJr

I was just about to post that same thing, also are there lingering concerns about his injury because a ton of mock drafts have him going between 5-7 when initial he was never lower than 5.
Take the 3 way tie. One of those teams is jumping into the top 3.

Dont want MPJ. Seems like another inconsistent chucker.
Mikal is a safer pick than MPJ but MPJ at 7 would be a steal. I think his upside is too much to pass up that low. He might have the most upside than anybody in college basketball. I'd say it's him or Bamba in terms of upside. MPJ would have a VERY legitimate chance of being a secondary star to Porzingis who can become a go-to scorer.

I trust more than any other mock sites. They have Luka going #5 but I still doubt he has much of a chance to fall beyond the top 3. Too many questions around most college players. I think Ayton is a lock for 1 (I'd still take Doncic) and Bagley has a shot of being picked ahead of Luka, but I can't see someone like MPJ or Bamba or JJJ going ahead of Luka at the end of the day.
Frank and our pick for Luka?
There's no way I'd trade Frank this summer. Then we would once again be ****** at PG like we always have been for the past 2 decades. I love Doncic, one of my favorite draft prospects in some time, but I'd rather have Frank/Mikal than Doncic.

You gotta give Frank a chance to grow. And we aren't going to find a suitable replacement in free agency and the draft is weak at PG this year, and that's especially true if we traded Frank to get Doncic along with our pick so we would miss out on Sexton/Young.

Burke seems like a nice find, and I definitely want to keep him around and see exactly what we have in him, but you cant rely on him being the starting PG. Reminds me of when we foolishly counted on Toney Douglas to be our starting PG. I think when it's all said and done his ceiling is being a very good scoring guard to come off the bench.
You gotta give Frank a chance. Like him or not there is no alternative. He was drafted ahead of Dennis, Monk, Mitchell, etc. and whether or not you think that was a stupid pick you gotta see what you have in him and you have no idea after one season. Many players have had rookie seasons far less spectacular than Frank and gone on to become great players.
I never followed other teams like I do the Knicks and had no idea that some of the names mentioned looked worse as rookies. That's one to grow on for me.. didn't realize Frank was drafted higher than all of them either :lol:
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The key word was "far less spectacular" those names are far less can you go shooting %36 from the field and %31 from 3 in almost 22 minutes a game and average 5/3/2 with almost 2 turnovers a game. The only names I can see is Jimmy, Lowry and Gary Harris. Wallace and Whiteside who cares.
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