Official 2012 US Open Thread ( Vol. Kimmy's Last Run)

That Tomic story came out of deep left field
But I think it's all over and he wants to file a complaint against the officers now 
Originally Posted by Noskey

That Tomic story came out of deep left field
But I think it's all over and he wants to file a complaint against the officers now 
I KNOW! When I saw it, I was like, "BERNARD Tomic!?"... Police... standoff!?  WTH!?  Lol.  He was asked to pull-over, didn't, drove away and wants to complain!?
Being a Fed fan, these matches are tough to watch. It's almost academic. Roger will step on the court full of confidence. He'll do well in the first set and at some point in the second, Rafa will hit him straight in the mouth. Once that happens, all Nadal has to do is play solid and watch Roger collapse.
Straight sets though?!?

My dude Rafa man! Thought Fed would def. take this to a 5th set
^ 4 sets. Fed took the first TB.

60+ unforced errors by Fed... that's just way too many.



You don't see this happen a lot...


But this happened a lot tonight... Shankerer...




Roger's natural talent has masked his mental frailty for years. From a pure talent perspective there is no reason he should keep losing to Rafa like this but when it gets tight, he folds mentally against Rafa like a cheap lawn chair. Tennis is one of those sports where mental toughness matters more than ability because everyone is good. IMO mental toughness is developed through tough times and winning ugly, Roger was just so much better than everyone else during his run that he rarely had to dig deep and find a way to win. He would just hit an amazing shot and his opponent would mentally fold.
^ Yes, that's what I've been saying for the past few years! If you look back, he's never really been "tested", other than by Rafa and more recently, Djoker. Fed's a tremendous front-runner, but when the pressure starts to mount a bit, he gets a bit shaky. Look at some of his more "recent" GS losses... Del Potro, Djoker, Soderling, Berdych, Tsonga... they were mostly 4-5 sets. He allowed those guys to get back into it and paid the ultimate price. Guys now have the mentality that they can comeback against him and he knows this.

Before, it was just Rafa having the mental edge over him, but now more and more guys are starting to believe.

He's a victim of how successful he was in the mid-2000's, when he would steamroll his opponents. In a way, he didn't get a lot of chances to experience tight matches. Not knocking him, it's just how the way things turned out.
Exactly SP, Roger is a victim of his own success. He doesn't respond well when he gets hit in the mouth and you're right that more and more players are taking the fight to him. It's really disappointing because he still is the most talented player in tennis. It would be one thing if he couldn't physically get the job done, but watching him mentally implode is really sad.

I look at when Pete and Andre were getting older and the one thing that I respected was that when they lost, it was because they physically couldn't perform, not because they were mentally weak.
Originally Posted by aepps20

Exactly SP, Roger is a victim of his own success. He doesn't respond well when he gets hit in the mouth and you're right that more and more players are taking the fight to him. It's really disappointing because he still is the most talented player in tennis. It would be one thing if he couldn't physically get the job done, but watching him mentally implode is really sad.

I look at when Pete and Andre were getting older and the one thing that I respected was that when they lost, it was because they physically couldn't perform, not because they were mentally weak.
Incredible match... Lets hope Murray has the mental strength to see this through!
Originally Posted by aepps20

Roger was just so much better than everyone else during his run that he rarely had to dig deep and find a way to win. He would just hit an amazing shot and his opponent would mentally fold.
Yeah, I've always wondered if things would be different if him and Nadal came up at the same time and were at their prime at the same time.  Roger didn't get challenged much for years.  If he had someone around that was as good as him and beat him, he would've had to learn how to battle back and win from behind.  Or he might've never developed that part and have half as many majors as he has now 
I'm hoping Murray can pull this off and do just as well against Nadal.  It's time for him to finally step up and get in the mix and win Slams.  
What a match. The quality wasn't the best, but the drama and the intense rallies made up for it.  Tough, tough loss for Murray, but he fought hard and made it tough for Djoker, which is all we can ask for. Frankly, after the 3rd set, I didn't think Djoker had anything left... 



Yes, that's Vlade.



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