Posey may be healthy, but that doesn't mean he'll be the same. Especially as a catcher. I'm not a MLB caliber type, and I partially tore my achiles and about a year later I'm not the same. In fact, I know I'll always deal with it.
Sanchez being back is "eh" to me. He's good defensively, but Christ he's hurt, a LOT.
What needs to change is signing washed up pieces of %!#@ to contracts that ultimately put in the same position as we would be if we played our younger players.
Tejada we can all agree didn't need to be signed (especially at $6m).
Cabrerra?? Come on, I would have rather dealt with Crawford hitting .212 because he's better defensively and it'd only HELP him next year.
Yo-yoing Belt all year.
DeRosa coming back.
Huff getting signed for 2 years
Burrell for 1
I know hind sight is 20-20, but still.