Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I try not to care about players off the court unless I know of what they do personally, because I know the media will spin it in whatever direction they want for guys they do or dont like
I like the dude as a basketball player.
he does make it hard to like him, like its hard work to actually sit and be like I hope Bron cooks these dudes tonite

that @*!! he said tonite was absolutely ridiculous... seriously i had to just laugh when he said it cus who goes that route in a press conference after you lose the finals? WHO??? who but Lebron LMAO

that was just crazy to me
That's why I appreciated it. Do you honestly think no other "superstar" in any sport who's been crucified by the media doesn't want to say that? And it's hard to compare to Lebron cause most players just have regular criticism (They're soft, not a winner, no ethic, all about themselves) he gets that plus rumors about his mom/girlfriend having sex with teammates/ other basketball players, plus a written letter from his former boss ripping him, a city burning his jerseys, ripping signs down.

Of course we expect players to be superhuman and be humble like a Dirk or a Kobe and it makes them look like great people. But at the end of the day some aren't built like that and Lebron isn't one of em. It isn't about defending his comments because I'm one of the people he's talking about. I'm going to my 9-5 barely surviving on my paychecks with my own problems. It's more about why should he care about someone's feelings who is rooting for his downfall? (Which was the original question)
Well it's a fact that things like his popularity do matter to Lebron, even in the most selfish possible way, since they affect his brand very strongly...  And to say something like that is just honestly stupid.  But that's beside the point.
It's not something an adult should say...  When you fail at something, if you want to be great, I'm a firm believer that you always need to accept criticism as if it's true no matter where it's coming from.  If you look at the contrast between how Lebron and Dirk carry themselves in these situations I don't know how you can support Lebron.  Dirk took some ******ed criticism every time Dallas lost and sucked it up and got better until he won with a team that frankly is not that talented.  He never whined about what people said about him.  

This guy Lebron has benefitted from some of the most fawning press coverage I've ever seen (Favre level) for his first 8 or w/e years in the league.  He needs to learn to stop complaining.  The press, ESPN in particular,  built him into something way better than he ever proved himself to be with these ridiculous Jordan comparisons, calling that game against Detroit the second-best playoff performance ever (%+#???) and etc.  

Basically, look at the classier guys who just beat you.  Shut up and stop complaining about the same press that you loved when it was doting on you for 8 years.
$65 million committed to next year not including the player options on Big Z and Eddie's going to be difficult and who knows what parameters are going to be in place with the new CBA.

I'm sure that after seeing what happened that other owners aren't going to be chomping at the bit to "help" the Heatles out.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So for the people making the "it's only their first year" excuse, what about Boston? They did it their first year together...

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
you think other players in the league are jumping at the thought of playing with lebron? only players heat are getting are veterans past their prime trying to chase a ring. they are stuck with that roster. it's a damn good roster when you got the big three, but we'll see what happens.
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Did none of guys hear the question he was asked? He didn't just "go there." He was lead there by the question, which was not about basketball. The reporter asked if he is bothered by the fact that so many people root for him to fail and much criticism about him is about off the court. People are going to $@%$% no matter what he said anyways, so props for answering in what appeared to be an honest way. If the public and media were nice to him and he was just a %!%$**@%* to them, that'd be one thing, but what goes around can come around IMO and even still the public/media/www is still WAY ahead in the amount of venom they have thrown at him for things that have nothing to do with basketball.

Ric Buecher even tweeted about how after Wade and LeBron left, half of the room left even though Jet and Kidd were next.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So for the people making the "it's only their first year" excuse, what about Boston? They did it their first year together...

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
How many years has Lebron, Wade, and Bosh been playing in the NBA?  I think they are veterans too.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So for the people making the "it's only their first year" excuse, what about Boston? They did it their first year together...

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
lmao I KNEW that excuse was coming...try again.  Hate to break it to you but lebron and wade aren't rookies anymore.  How many seasons is it? 8?  Try again
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DT43

Lebron's response clearly shows that his head is not in the right place. 
Sure, people sit on their +#*@* at home and criticize players like they know them.. but that's just part of sports. At the end of the day, those people are still fans of the NBA and without them Lebron James would be nothing. Whether someone loves you or hates you as a player, you should still be appreciative of the fact that they're giving their input into the game of basketball. That's like the #1 rule of the professional sports, don't talk $%$* about the fans.

And what he said is also offensive to his own fans and supporters.. they're everyday people going through struggles too, and after investing their lives and money into the Heat only to end in disappointment, their comfort is that they have to sit there and listen to their star player say he's better than other people because he's rich. 

Lebron's response just shows that he doesn't get it
I disagree that he offended his own fans and supporters, he said.“all the people who want to see me fail, they gotta wake up tomorrow and have the same life they had when they woke up today. Same personal problems they had today. I am going to continue to live and do the things I want to do and be happy with that.
Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So for the people making the "it's only their first year" excuse, what about Boston? They did it their first year together...

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
How many years has Lebron, Wade, and Bosh been playing in the NBA?  I think they are veterans too.

Dude who's been longer... You talkin bout dudes who came in the 90s and dudes who came in 03-04. 

I say when you reach double digits you should be considered a vet.
I'm showing my face here. Congrats to JKidd and Dirk. F the rest of the Mavs.

We may have lost but dammit we'll be back.

Really disappointed in Lebron and his play in the finals. Dude was playing way to passive.

Remember this haters. This is the worst team we will have in the next few years. So get it in now.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
How many years has Lebron, Wade, and Bosh been playing in the NBA?  I think they are veterans too.

Dude who's been longer... You talkin bout dudes who came in the 90s and dudes who came in 03-04. 

I say when you reach double digits you should be considered a vet.

They're still over 27 years old, I think they're old enough to win a chip. Just Saying
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Boston team was veterans with one new kid who was Rondo.
How many years has Lebron, Wade, and Bosh been playing in the NBA?  I think they are veterans too.

Dude who's been longer... You talkin bout dudes who came in the 90s and dudes who came in 03-04. 

I say when you reach double digits you should be considered a vet.
lbj, bosh, and wade are in their PRIME.  wade has won a chip, lbj has been in an nba finals.  they got enought experience as leaders.  they said it themselves, anything less than a championship is a failure.
For the record, here is what he said, interpret how you wish.
Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail? 
LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. 
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DT43

Lebron's response clearly shows that his head is not in the right place. 
Sure, people sit on their +#*@* at home and criticize players like they know them.. but that's just part of sports. At the end of the day, those people are still fans of the NBA and without them Lebron James would be nothing. Whether someone loves you or hates you as a player, you should still be appreciative of the fact that they're giving their input into the game of basketball. That's like the #1 rule of the professional sports, don't talk $%$* about the fans.

And what he said is also offensive to his own fans and supporters.. they're everyday people going through struggles too, and after investing their lives and money into the Heat only to end in disappointment, their comfort is that they have to sit there and listen to their star player say he's better than other people because he's rich. 

Lebron's response just shows that he doesn't get it
I disagree that he offended his own fans and supporters, he said.“all the people who want to see me fail, they gotta wake up tomorrow and have the same life they had when they woke up today. Same personal problems they had today. I am going to continue to live and do the things I want to do and be happy with that.
Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

you think Miami guts their roster and makes major trades?

With such delicious trade-bait like Juwan Howard and Eric Dampier, I believe so
Or trade Wade and get a franchise center...  the way Wade plays (which is b@lls out, which I respect) he is one wrong fall away from never being the same player again) it wouldn't be too risky to trade him for a Dwight Howard caliber player and build around that 
Originally Posted by WILLINC

I'm showing my face here. Congrats to JKidd and Dirk. F the rest of the Mavs.

We may have lost but dammit we'll be back.

Really disappointed in Lebron and his play in the finals. Dude was playing way to passive.

Remember this haters. This is the worst team we will have in the next few years. So get it in now.
People will have to be NUTS if Miami isn't coming back to the finals 
Originally Posted by DMan14

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

How many years has Lebron, Wade, and Bosh been playing in the NBA?  I think they are veterans too.

Dude who's been longer... You talkin bout dudes who came in the 90s and dudes who came in 03-04. 

I say when you reach double digits you should be considered a vet.
lbj, bosh, and wade are in their PRIME.  they said it themselves, anything less than a championship is a failure.

I agree with Dman.  They are not in their rookie contracts.  Each of the big 3 has played over 5 years in the NBA, and they are veterans my friend.  
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by finnns2003

at the salty Heat fans. What did you expect? You thought you were the Boston Celtics and could assemble a big 3 and win a championship.

Not so fast my friends /LeeCorso
You KNOW me A.
You knowww I aint salty 

Making it to the finals was good enough on the first try,  we are ahead of schedule 

Plus my team dismantled your team 

We'll have more fun next year.

I'm gonna bring something new to NT next year.

I did it first with the big bold words, next year imma see what I can cook up to give yall a couple laughs and make people take what I say seriously to get suspended 
You'll be lucky if they can afford this team with a cap, Ray. C'mon now man.
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