Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Damn, we're 5-2 now.

Originally Posted by What up

He didn't fall on his back though. He just landed awkwardly.
Yup. Here's a replay:

His back (and maybe leg) just seemed to give out on the landing. And it was a rough landing since he probably lost balance after the contact and he only landed on his left leg with the bad knee.
And the thing is, he didn't need to land like that. That was a product of him trying to sell the call.
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Hopefully Monta is okay. !#%@ the warrior curse. First Lee, then Curry, now Monta. Taking out all our best players

at least it's only 3 players.

seems like i missed a good game. hope Monta's not out for that long. looking at the box score it seems we need everyone to put up big numbers if he was out.
Dubs gonna have to go with a big lineup with Monta out. They have to in order to matchup with the bigger and physical Knicks team. As much as ya'll hate him but Radmanovic's gonna get more minutes.
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[h2]Monta's back injury is 'not serious'[/h2]
Posted on: November 9, 2010 9:49 am

Edited on: November 9, 2010 10:40 am

Score: 168

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Posted by Royce Young

Monday night, Monta Ellis took a weird, awkward fall against Toronto. He appeared to jam his back if that's possible by bending backwards in a strange way. He stayed on the floor for an extended period of time, appearing to be in legitimate pain.

He was taken off and didn't return to the game. He stayed in Toronto Monday night following the game and had some X-rays to see if any damage was done. But Ken Berger of passes along that according to a source, Monta's injury is "not serious" and is being classified as a back strain.

A sigh of relief for the Warriors for sure, who have started the season 5-2 behind excellent backcourt play from the league's leading scorer Ellis and Stephen Curry. As to if Ellis will play Wednesday against the Knicks is up in the air still.

This is good news to hear. Not sure how credible it is, but even Keith Smart said Monta could've gotten up earlier but didn't due to precaution.
[h1]Sources: Golden State Warriors sale to become final this week[/h1]
By Marcus Thompson II
Oakland Tribune

Posted: 11/08/2010 09:52:22 AM PST

Updated: 11/08/2010 09:52:22 AM PST

Multiple team sources said they expect the sale of the Warriors to become official this week.

Apparently, the final paperwork and formalities are being worked out to make Joe Lacob and his team of investors the official owners of the team. The NBA Board of Governors will vote -- likely via email according to a league official-- and, once they approve, an announcement will come from the league office.

Nearly four months ago, the Warriors announced owner Chris Cohan had reached an agreement to sell the Warriors to Lacob, a Menlo Park-based venture capitalist, and Mandalay Entertainment CEO Peter Guber for $450 million. The initial hope of the new owners was to have the transaction expedited and be approved by the end of September.

But, the sources said, it looks as if the sale is finally going to happen. Which day this week? Neither of the sources could say because it is completely up to the league.
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