[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by xkellenx

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

this is how i see it - RIGHT NOW GOING INTO THE WS

Cano > Utley

Holy @!%+, that close up of Werth...

Sabathia, despite the two homers, is keeping us in this game. We NEED to get to Lee!
Come the *%!@ on offense.

It's not even like we don't know who Cliff Lee is. This team has faced him several times.
It was sorta like you could see both of those Utley HR's coming, he been fighting off CC all night.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by dland24

Dude stop posting. Its NOT bush league. Its smart baseball. This is common baseball. Its so common, there is a rule to prevent it from happening when there is more than one player on base. Have you ever played the sport before?
smart baseball? its BUSH league ... have i ever played?
and for the record, theres a rule to prevent it because it is bush league and its a cheap way of getting outs ... if it was such "smart" baseball, why have the rule then?
Son...that !$@% happens ALL THE TIME, its not bush league in this day and age.

People always try it on those soft liners, base runner needs to be aware.

Ibanez looks horrible at the plate.
I know this is the WS thread but if anyone cares the Raptors just beat the Cavaliers by a fairly wide margin.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by dland24

Dude stop posting. Its NOT bush league. Its smart baseball. This is common baseball. Its so common, there is a rule to prevent it from happening when there is more than one player on base. Have you ever played the sport before?
smart baseball? its BUSH league ... have i ever played?
and for the record, theres a rule to prevent it because it is bush league and its a cheap way of getting outs ... if it was such "smart" baseball, why have the rule then?

Infield fly is only when the ball is deemed 100% catch-able by the umpires. That ball was not.
Originally Posted by dland24

I know this is the WS thread but if anyone cares the Raptors just beat the Cavaliers by a fairly wide margin.

lbj's 1st td this season...
Originally Posted by venom lyrix


"Utley hit 11 of his 31 2009 regular season home runs with two strikes in the count. "
How is that an interesting stat?

That means...

1/3 of his HRs were with 0 strikes
1/3 of his HRs were with 1 strike
1/3 of his HRs were with 2 strikes

That stat is worthless
Soon as lee is out of this game the flood gates will open. Yankees acting like they haven't faced quality pitching this postseason. They have actuallyfaced better and handled him quite well in Jon Lackey
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