[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

why are most of the yankees fans in these threads so cool and calm with rival fans?
What, you rather have us be the typical KLJ trolling type?
And Shane is going to be


while Sabathia is


when Shane smacks another one down his throat
I already don't like PhiBalla for being a Flyers fan.


I have no problem with any Phillies fans on the board.

Phillies Fans, please, relax. BREATHE IN. BREATHE OUT.

You played the Rays last year. We're not the Rays. Try wacthing some clips o f us. Look at out lineup, look at our pitchers. Look at us when we facesub-par closers like Lidge.

If you REALLY think that EITHER team will win this in 5, you don't know baseball. This is going to atleast 6 so we can close it out at home and someone canthrow a freaking golf ball at J Roll's throat.
Haters EVERYWHERE. So what if we played the Rays. A ring is a ring. This year, the Phils are set out to prove last year wasn't a fluke. It Ain't Luck.

Look at your lineup? Look at our lineup. Announcers and analysts have been saying all throughout the Postseason that the Phillies have the toughest lineup togo through.

J-roll promised a victory this year and he has yet to fail to deliever on his promises recently...

And this:

Has got to fire up Shane. How is a corny, bum newspaper going do something like this.
a bit irrevelant but I just noticed the Giants play the philadelphia eagles this sunday

NY vs philly this week lol
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Haters EVERYWHERE. So what if we played the Rays. A ring is a ring. This year, the Phils are set out to prove last year wasn't a fluke. It Ain't Luck.

Look at your lineup? Look at our lineup. Announcers and analysts have been saying all throughout the Postseason that the Phillies have the toughest lineup to go through.

J-roll promised a victory this year and he has yet to fail to deliever on his promises recently...

And this:

Has got to fire up Shane. How is a corny, bum newspaper going do something like this.
#1 you don't have a tougher lineup than us.

#2 if you read my post either in here or anywhere, I've always said only good things about the Phillies.

And now we go by what announcers say?
Announcers said we would be 3rdin the East, then we made it. Announcers said we couldn't get passed the Angels, we did it. Announcers said CC and A-Rod were gonna suck as usual, theydidn't. What's your point?

So just cause J-Roll promises another title, that means you got it locked down now?
Let's believe everything athletes promise us now. That's the way to go about your day, champ.

Here's a promise for you. If we win the WS, I'll teach you how to post pics.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Ok its over Jimmy Rollins is always right

#$@% out here

That's what I'm saying. Dude is acting as if when J-Roll promises a championship, MLB should just hold a Parade for the Phillies the day after.

Since when did Rollins become God?
at the Phillies having a better lineup

This is going to be a
series. I can't wait.
BTW anyone buy tickets for any games in the stadium...?

Looking at game 6 tickets right now...how does StubHub work though? If theres no game 6 and I buy the tickets, what happens?
LMAO you guys are not gonna expose !@!% and we aren't because both teams are that damn good and they don't have many weak spots. This series willeasily go 6 and I'm actually predicting 7. It is going to be great and you can already see the fire developing between the two teams. I CANNOT WAIT.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

BTW anyone buy tickets for any games in the stadium...?

Looking at game 6 tickets right now...how does StubHub work though? If theres no game 6 and I buy the tickets, what happens?
You get a full refund. Save your $, the Phils won't need a 6th game.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Haters EVERYWHERE. So what if we played the Rays. A ring is a ring. This year, the Phils are set out to prove last year wasn't a fluke. It Ain't Luck.

Look at your lineup? Look at our lineup. Announcers and analysts have been saying all throughout the Postseason that the Phillies have the toughest lineup to go through.

J-roll promised a victory this year and he has yet to fail to deliever on his promises recently...

And this:

Has got to fire up Shane. How is a corny, bum newspaper going do something like this.
#1 you don't have a tougher lineup than us.

#2 if you read my post either in here or anywhere, I've always said only good things about the Phillies.

And now we go by what announcers say?
Announcers said we would be 3rd in the East, then we made it. Announcers said we couldn't get passed the Angels, we did it. Announcers said CC and A-Rod were gonna suck as usual, they didn't. What's your point?

So just cause J-Roll promises another title, that means you got it locked down now?
Let's believe everything athletes promise us now. That's the way to go about your day, champ.

Here's a promise for you. If we win the WS, I'll teach you how to post pics.

I beg to differ on the lineup but to each his own.

My point is that time in and time out, pitchers have had trouble getting through the Philadelphia lineup. You walk somebody, you've got someone up next whocan hurt you just as bad. And I'm not downplaying the Yankee lineup. They have a FANTASTIC lineup. I'm just saying the Phillies have a better one.Again, to each his own.

All I'm saying is that the past has showed that Rollins delivers.

I know how to post pics, if you look back at my last post, there's obviously pictures posted. And are you gonna complain about the size? I'm not gonnago out of my way to resize them just so people don't have to click the scroll button to view it. Congrats, you've got me on something completelyirrelevant to baseball.

Oh yeah, I'll let the Fightins do the talking throughout the next couple days. Even after they won last year, there are still haters out there that show norespect. Just wait.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

I beg to differ on the lineup but to each his own.

My point is that time in and time out, pitchers have had trouble getting through the Philadelphia lineup. You walk somebody, you've got someone up next who can hurt you just as bad. And I'm not downplaying the Yankee lineup. They have a FANTASTIC lineup. I'm just saying the Phillies have a better one. Again, to each his own.

All I'm saying is that the past has showed that Rollins delivers.

I know how to post pics, if you look back at my last post, there's obviously pictures posted. And are you gonna complain about the size? I'm not gonna go out of my way to resize them just so people don't have to click the scroll button to view it. Congrats, you've got me on something completely irrelevant to baseball.

Oh yeah, I'll let the Fightins do the talking throughout the next couple days. Even after they won last year, there are still haters out there that show no respect. Just wait.
Your bottom 3 don't match our bottom 3. We had a guy bat .320 in the 7 spot. Our 1-4 is better than your 1-4. Our pen is better than yours.You think we're scared of Lidge? You think we're scared of Pedro?
We got this in 6...Bottom of the 9th...Matsui walk off

You guys know I've been right on at least 5 game winning calls this year
Originally Posted by jrp44

We got this in 6...Bottom of the 9th...Matsui walk off

I just saved this on my comp. If it happens, I will personally go to you and shake your hand and ask you for an autograph. I PROMISE.
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