OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.


I don't give a *+*$ how fast he throws, how many saves he has - the nerves he has are toooo easily rattled.

Him in the post season should be a blast to watch.
CincoSeisDos wrote:

How do you lose and celebrate?

Wasn't that the case last year? Awkward as hell.

Brox will always be soft, just thought I'd throw that in there.
Exactly what I was thinking about too.

I went to watch them clinch in person that Thursday, and it was weird especially since they "clinched" before they even touched the field that night.

This is weirder though.

I say no celebration.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by sinser13

game is super early tomorrow
Yeah it's at 9am and I usually wake up at 10

So you have to wake up an hour earlier,
, must be tough.


I'm a fan too, but I know why people jump on him so quickly. He has had a solid September, but people will always magnify performances like the one he hadtoday.

I think he will be fine in the post season, these scrubs just happened to put wood on the ball....

It would've been nice to clinch today, it will be better if they lose tomorrow as well. Might as well clinch in SD with Vin Scully calling the game.
you guys overreact way too much.

Broxton will be fine. 3 horrible misplays in one inning combined with a couple of singles and you guys seem ready to jump ship.

It's really annoying that every single time something negative happens regarding the Dodgers you guys go into "*@%! ___" mode. Closers blow savesevery so often, it happens. Broxton has been the best closer in the NL all season long. You guys are being too stupid and shortsighted to notice it.

I know BN is gonna say that mindless cursing whining and complaining is what fans are supposed to do, so *@%! it. Carry on.
Ahh .. the eternal optimist is here, I was getting a little worried to tell you the truth

Who the #*%+ is jumping ship? Last I read, people were calling it the way they see it. If someone is losing faith in that softy, then sorry we don't agreewith your optimism on the big guy.

Truth be told, he's a nervous wreck on the mound and I've never been the one to question his heater, all I've harped on about was how easily hegets rattled.

So leave that, I know BN is gonna say some mindless cursing and whining BS cause you already said your input before you said #*%+ it.

Broxton on the road:

5.81 ERA/1.613 WHIP/.252 AVG/.359 OBP/.396 SLG/.755 OPS
Truth be told my $+$.

You don't know Broxton, you're pulling that "he gets rattled" because you want something to complain about. You have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING thatyou can say to prove your thought that he gets rattled easily. Was he rattled when he closed out the NLCS coming in with 2 outs in the 8th and striking out 3of the 4 he faced?

Mariano Rivera has blown saves in some of the biggest games his team has had, that's the nature of being a closer.

Say what you want, but I'll take Broxton over any other closer that's going to be in the playoffs except for Mo.

I could see being pissed off about a mostly meaningless game because of the way it ended. Pinning all of it on Broxton, and saying that you can't trust himin the playoffs because of that inning is beyond foolish. Furcal, Ethier and Broxton share responsibility for what happened in the 9th.

It's plainly obvious to me that the entire squad was thinking about champagne and not baseball in the last inning. I'd buy the rattled thing if it wasa good team, or a bunch of hard hit balls. Instead, it was a couple of singles and a bunch of defensive misplays.
I've watched enough of Broxton to see he's a damn sissy in a big boys body.

Whether, I don't know him or not has nothing to do with what I see with my eyes, you can continue to stay attached to his hip and think he can do no wrong.

But, I'm just not a fan - sorry I don't see it your way.
I could see being pissed off about a mostly meaningless game because of the way it ended. Pinning all of it on Broxton, and saying that you can't trust him in the playoffs because of that inning is beyond foolish. Furcal, Ethier and Broxton share responsibility for what happened in the 9th.

ALL share responsibility for losing it.

What most should know by my bipolaresque posts in this thread is, I see the game as just that- the current game.

But you cannot argue against the fact that they play down to the opponents level too often and in a terrible way, they play BELOW the terrible competition. Ihope Torre had some choicewords for them, because they sure as heck weren't on the field the bottom of the 9th.
It isn't about being eternal optimist,

Some people just see the bigger picture.

Broxton hasn't been as terrible as you guys make it seem he is. Some of you make him out to be Brad Lidge. He had a bad stretch in August, other thanthat he has been above average to spectacular.

The whole team was focused on the champagne shower. Furcal had a throwing error. I understand he went deep in the hole, but he should of ate that ball. Ethier also misplayed a ball badly.

Let them play down their competition, it's fine, when their backs have been agaisnt the wall, these guys have shown up in a good way.

Like I said, PMac and I were quoted heavily after our "Division Race is over" statements when the Rockies crept within 2 games. The Rockies havefaltered, the Giants have faltered, the Phillies are struggling, and the Cards with the exception of one day, have not been able to take over the best recordin the NL.

The overreaction is crazy. We have 93 wins, we split the last six, and we end the year with 96. Through all the *****ing and moaning, and "my heartsbeen broken too many times, I want to see if this team is for real", you guys are missing out on a very special team. I've seen many Dodger teams,overhyped and underachievers (95-98) to good but not enough (2004, 2006, 2008) to the completely awful. This team is too good, from the inside (chemistry,etc.) and out (hitting, bullpen), and it is probably the best and most complete Dodger team that I could remember.

I'm actually really tired of defending Broxton,
. He is solid, andI'm a fan, but people pull a Chicken Little when he has a bad outing.

BTW- This helps me, but usually after a loss I change the channel, and avoid sports channels. I also try not to post immediately after a loss, in fact, Idon't like talking about the Dodgers immediately after a loss. I was pissed off when they blew the game away today. However, I compose myself, instead ofgoing ballistic on the keyboard
Originally Posted by brighter than you

I've watched enough of Broxton to see he's a damn sissy in a big boys body.

Whether, I don't know him or not has nothing to do with what I see with my eyes, you can continue to stay attached to his hip and think he can do no wrong.

But, I'm just not a fan - sorry I don't see it your way.

Did you see with your eyes the NLDS last year?

Did you see with your eyes this entire season and Broxton having more Ks than any reliever in baseball?

The great thing about having a player like Broxton is that people continually fail to appreciate him. Every team in baseball would love to have a pitcher likeBrox.

He is the best closer in the NL. I never said he can do no wrong, but pinning today's loss on him and then saying that he's a "sissy" islaughable and stupid.

It's amazing to me that we can have a 25 year old reliever who's finishing up his 4th very solid year, and has been far and away the best closer in theNL all season long yet we have "fans" calling him a sissy because our SS forgot how to field in the 9th inning. If you can't be satisfied withBroxton, or at least pretend to root for him, then you're not going to be satisfied with anything. If that's the case, then just keep that *$!* toyourself. Polluting the season thread with negativity (especially because we've had the best record in the NL all season, and this is the best Dodger teamin all of our lifetimes) FTL
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

BTW- This helps me, but usually after a loss I change the channel, and avoid sports channels. I also try not to post immediately after a loss, in fact, I don't like talking about the Dodgers immediately after a loss. I was pissed off when they blew the game away today. However, I compose myself, instead of going ballistic on the keyboard

Considering how the 49ers lost, I consider myself quite composed at the moment.
I'm actually really tired of defending Broxton,
. He is solid, and I'm a fan, but people pull a Chicken Little when he has a bad outing.

Hell, i'm one of his biggest fans. I got the 06 rookie jersey and the 09 WBC to prove it

BTW- This helps me, but usually after a loss I change the channel, and avoid sports channels. I also try not to post immediately after a loss, in fact, I don't like talking about the Dodgers immediately after a loss. I was pissed off when they blew the game away today. However, I compose myself, instead of going ballistic on the keyboard


I have nowhere else to vent but here. It's just immediate venting, to read too much into it is silly.

I too avoid the channels, don't even go onto the team page and steer clear of

I guess the frustration today was amplified due to the fact that they came up at the top of the inning only to end up in the L column.
Oh yeah,

we went to the movies earlier tonight @ The Pike.

Go watch The Informant. Movie was hilarious, yet trippy.

And it took my mind off the game
Saw it when it came out, Damon's witty bipolarish behavior was comedy.

It was something different than what we're use to seeing with him, so it took a while to get used to.
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