Ode to the VHS Tape.

Feb 3, 2004
As an 80's baby, nobody could have ever told me that the VHS tape would one day become obsolete.

I can remember when a VCR player cost as much as a Playstation.

I can remember watching Video Tapes all day, and when we lived in Italy my family would record sunday morning cartoons and send them to us because we only got2 english channels.

I can remember sneaking and watching my dad and older brothers adult video tapes and having to rewind the tape back to the part it was on before my youthfuleyes got a chance to watch it, so they wouldn't know I was looking at their video tapes.

And how convenient was it to be able to hit that red circle and record over old episodes of In Living Color to record the Bulls games on WGN?
And how pissed would you get when you found out your brothers recorded over your stuff?

And lastly, how convenient was it to have 2 VCR's so you could rent movies, and record them while you watched them.

The other day my 4 year old nephew asked me to burn him a DVD, and then it hit me. "Thangs done changed"

This goes out to all the VHS tapes stuck in that Gangster Lean.

Yeah but they were garbage. They took up too much space, and tracking them was

They served their purpose, and now DVD is king... For now...
LOL, I remember when DVD players used to cost $2,000. Back then everyone was thinking that it would take forever for the DVD to jump off.
You never worried about your VHS getting scratched.

You could play frisbee with them tanks.
Best VCR ever!!

If it werent for the crappy quality now, I'd still use my VCR for recording. So much easier to hide stuff than a DVR.
I still use a VCR to record sporting events.

Im not willing to buy a DVD recorder and dvds that only can get 2 hrs of quality basketball on them. A VHS tape on slow recording mode can get 3 games!
Originally Posted by manamazing55

I still use a VCR to record sporting events.

Im not willing to buy a DVD recorder and dvds that only can get 2 hrs of quality basketball on them. A VHS tape on slow recording mode can get 3 games!

DVR son
hah, i +%*++# up so many of by tapes... my OG Aladdin is still in the cabinet with all the film coming out

but i remember when DVDs came out i was like

DVD players used to be MAD expensive, like the price of a TV for one. its like how plasma screens were super expensive when they first came out, but in 10years or so it'll probably cost like $600 to cop
It seems like forever ago that these disappered but I've probably only been using DVDs for 5 or 6 years. I still have all of my favourite NBA VHS tapes toosuch as Clutch City and Double Clutch when the Rockets were winnning.
I watched the Phantom Menace on VHS last week as my dvd has gone missing and I picked it up for $1 at a garage sale - it was horrible. You forget how bad itwas - even with a great VCR the quality is terrible.

And how convenient was it to be able to hit that red circle and record over old episodes of In Living Color to record the Bulls games on WGN?
And how pissed would you get when you found out your brothers recorded over your stuff?

I managed to tape over the 93 ASG with Planes, Trains and Automobiles. All that was left was the final few minutes of OT.
VHS tapes were a sure way for your porn collection to get found by your parents. I know from experience.
My parents gave their Betamax player away to a friend of my mom's and last time I knew she was still using it - down to a couple of tapes now and I betthey're getting pretty thin.
You just dont know I have 2 boxes full of VHS nothing but Boxing matches and Kung-fu movies . It would take me a long time to convert all them ,Vhs where easyto record almost too easy but over time the quality got really bad
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