Obama uses executive privilege to withold Fast and Furious documents 'update'

Video Evidence: Obama Knew About Fast & Furious
June 22, 2012


On March 23, 2011, Obama lied to the American people about Operation Fast and Furious. He said that neither he nor Attorney General Holder authorized the effort to arm the drug cartels in Mexico.

Several weeks later, on May 3, Holder lied to Congress. He said he did not know who approved Fast and Furious. He also lied when he said he “probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You are the biggest troll on NT. You post in more of my threads than Unsayable Peak

ever did and you always say the same thing. Have you been keeping up with all my new profiles?

Pot meet kettle.  How many more times are you going to lie to the people champ??


You know, if your going to continue to follow me around and call me "names" instead of actually contributing feedback
to a thread (It's ok, I understand you really have nothing to say anyways.) we can just meet up instead and get this out of
the way. You could probably ask your mom for a ride. Dude seriously, you are stalking a grown man, it's pathetic. 

Dude, your a conspiracy nut, liar, FRAUD, a clown and everything else in between.  You want to meet up.....not a problem, first you would have to come out from under that rock/basement you live under and see the real world for what it is without the tin foil on your head
.  You went from sex education purposely being taught to 8 year old to Building 7.  As the saying goes "a wise man told me don't argue with fools"..........in this case "fools" would be "conspiracy theorists" such as yourself and the rest of your conspiracy brethren in here.  You already were exposed a few weeks ago for being a FRAUD, then you tried to blame your so called "co-worker" for that one.  New lies to cover up old lies.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Pot meet kettle.  How many more times are you going to lie to the people champ??


You know, if your going to continue to follow me around and call me "names" instead of actually contributing feedback
to a thread (It's ok, I understand you really have nothing to say anyways.) we can just meet up instead and get this out of
the way. You could probably ask your mom for a ride. Dude seriously, you are stalking a grown man, it's pathetic. 

Dude, your a conspiracy nut, liar, FRAUD, a clown and everything else in between.  You want to meet up.....not a problem, first you would have to come out from under that rock/basement you live under and see the real world for what it is without the tin foil on your head
.  You went from sex education purposely being taught to 8 year old to Building 7.  As the saying goes "a wise man told me don't argue with fools"..........in this case "fools" would be "conspiracy theorists" such as yourself and the rest of your conspiracy brethren in here.  You already were exposed a few weeks ago for being a FRAUD, then you tried to blame your so called "co-worker" for that one.  New lies to cover up old lies.

Am I lying about your beloved President? The articles speak for themselves. Where are your threads about his greatness? That's right I would pop your balloon.

You have now called me a fraud thirty times.

I'm done with you, no flame wars allowed, I obey the rules.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Pot meet kettle.  How many more times are you going to lie to the people champ??


You know, if your going to continue to follow me around and call me "names" instead of actually contributing feedback
to a thread (It's ok, I understand you really have nothing to say anyways.) we can just meet up instead and get this out of
the way. You could probably ask your mom for a ride. Dude seriously, you are stalking a grown man, it's pathetic. 

Dude, your a conspiracy nut, liar, FRAUD, a clown and everything else in between.  You want to meet up.....not a problem, first you would have to come out from under that rock/basement you live under and see the real world for what it is without the tin foil on your head
.  You went from sex education purposely being taught to 8 year old to Building 7.  As the saying goes "a wise man told me don't argue with fools"..........in this case "fools" would be "conspiracy theorists" such as yourself and the rest of your conspiracy brethren in here.  You already were exposed a few weeks ago for being a FRAUD, then you tried to blame your so called "co-worker" for that one.  New lies to cover up old lies.
Ignorance is bliss ..
OP can you please spell privilege correctly in the title? The misspelling is really bothering me. Thanks.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

OP can you please spell privilege correctly in the title? The misspelling is really bothering me. Thanks.

LmaoooooooBetter yet, post the 3 people's sns that actually care what you have to say so u can circle jerk, which- lets be honest, is all u really want anyway.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

OP can you please spell privilege correctly in the title? The misspelling is really bothering me. Thanks.

LmaoooooooBetter yet, post the 3 people's sns that actually care what you have to say so u can circle jerk, which- lets be honest, is all u really want anyway.

Why don't you do some reading this weekend and wake up from your ignorance instead of just hating on a person you don't know.

You are more than welcome to not read the ARTICLES I post. You should though, it's called learning.
My ignorance? Lol, is there a greater ignorance than actually believing a campaigns promises, as far as the article posted, it has already been explained, how it's been done several times, by several presidents, this isn't news, it's biased slander. Telling me to learn, when you can't spell
Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by rocman23

Dude when he got sworn in both houses were controlled by democrats. Democrats had complete control of washington for 2 years and didn't do squat

Not true.
What is not true? Do your research cause they definitely did control both houses when his first 2 years in office and I'll wait for you to tell me what they accomplished with it

Obama had a supermajority for less than a month, not two years, as fox news would have you believe. You tell me any legislation that can pass in a month. Be quiet, grown folks are talkin.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

My ignorance? Lol, is there a greater ignorance than actually believing a campaigns promises, as far as the article posted, it has already been explained, how it's been done several times, by several presidents, this isn't news, it's biased slander. Telling me to learn, when you can't spell

What's been explained? What's been done several times? Several Presidents have used executive privilege to cover up the guns they sold to drug cartels? To avoid prosecution no less. Try again son.

What's slander? The fact that someone actually reported on the story? The video PROOF that B Soets knew which I kindly updated? You have no idea what you are talking about.

btw, talking has a G on the end grammar nazi.
GOP REPORT FINDS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN WHITE HOUSE AND ‘FAST AND FURIOUS’ | Despite insistence from GOP leadership that the White House was behind the so-called “Fast and Furious” gunwalking program, a report from House Republicans released Tuesday names five officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as culprits in the misguided effort. All five were reassigned before the release of the report — the first of three. The indictments in the report contradict House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) insistence that the President invoked executive privilege over the Justice Department’s information on ongoing investigations to protect his personal interests. The indication, however, is that the upcoming reports will try to tie the President to the program. It will “address the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the attorney general himself,” according to the Republicans who wrote the report.

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