Obama unappreciation

two type of people on this one....people who understand politics,those who voted for him based on ethnic background.............his status should be celeb notprez.

he wants to prevent the prison abuse photos from being released?

Amrit Singh, an attorney with the ACLU, said the president's decision "makes a mockery" of his promise of transparency and accountability.
Dude is seriously turning into a joke

Andrew McCarthy, writing on the Web site of the National Review, issued a harsh warning Tuesday: "American soldiers, American civilians, and other innocent people are going to die because Pres. Barack Obama wants to release photographs of prisoner abuse."
fear tactics FTL
^ Actually I applaud Obama for that decision. I mean do we really need Time magazine publishing photos of this for the entire world to see and judge?
The hell was Obama smoking to even consider releasing those pics and memos. Enemy would use this as propaganda to recruit.

By not releasing those photo's and not prosecuting the previous administration for their use of EIT's, Barack Obama's Administration is covering upthe war crimes of the past Administration. No one should be above the rule of law in this country president or not and by not releasing these photos BarackObama is acting in a manner no better than the polices of George Bush.
JustScoreda100 wrote:
By not releasing those photo's and not prosecuting the previous administration for their use of EIT's, Barack Obama's Administration is covering up the war crimes of the past Administration. No one should be above the rule of law in this country president or not and by not releasing these photos Barack Obama is acting in a manner no better than the polices of George Bush.
Red I agree with, blue I don't... The memos are damaging enough, proving what we did absolutely did not work. I agree he should investigatehim, but in playing politics he holds a full hand, and never goes all in. He knows if he goes all in on this hand he basically screws 90% of his policies. Iwould guarantee personally he wants to but politically knows he can't.. Wish he would grow a set on this but he dug the grave with the memos and luringCheney out of his cave now it is time for the rest of the government to bury those involved Dems/Repubs (one that is 90+% involved, one 10-% involved)..

Our best bet is Congress but don't hold your breathe.

SunDoobie we have agreed on something hey hey... But I will say our policies under the last administration were recruitment enough for a generation. So inrecruitment it will affect it a little but not a lot like torture originally did... As John McCain said he learned from a top AQ official.

This is why I hate debates when it comes to Obama.. I will be the first to admit he has made some missteps. I don't think his presidency is anywhere closeto a failure. He's in the B range... But the guy can't win... When he was going to release the photos GOP jumped on it saying oh this terroristsympathizer, how un-american he is not protetct our soldiers, etc... Then when the guy changes his mind and says "Nah, let's not release it" GOPsays see look he is a liar, he is not honest, what else is he lying about, and still call him names as if he still did what they didn't want... Also evenwhen things are showing beginning signs of a turn around or a stablization people say well why isn't the economy 100%... It is ridiculous..

Bush got a fair chance to do his thing. Where as if Obama does what he promised he is a Socialist/Communist/Facist/Un-American/Terrorist/Hitler.. but theminute he decides hey I want to do something different than I said we get "where's the change?" Look at this guy he doesn't know what he's doing.

Things change in politics and people change their minds.. I respect a person who changes their mind with the situation and facts rather then sit there whenthey are proven wrong or the situation becomes starkly different..
This is why I hate debates when it comes to Obama.. I will be the first to admit he has made some missteps. I don't think his presidency is anywhere close to a failure. He's in the B range... But the guy can't win... When he was going to release the photos GOP jumped on it saying oh this terrorist sympathizer, how un-american he is not protetct our soldiers, etc... Then when the guy changes his mind and says "Nah, let's not release it" GOP says see look he is a liar, he is not honest, what else is he lying about, and still call him names as if he still did what they didn't want... Also even when things are showing beginning signs of a turn around or a stablization people say well why isn't the economy 100%... It is ridiculous..

Why cant you argue your point with out bringing partisan bickering into the conversation? Who cares about Democrats or Republicans? Both of themdon't have any of YOUR interests at heart. The leadership in both parties could give a +*#* about any of us and arejust in the game so they can raid there campaign contribution funds and line their pockets with gifts from lobbyists. Address the issue at hand stop bringingin irrelevant information.

Bush got a fair chance to do his thing. Where as if Obama does what he promised he is a Socialist/Communist/Facist/Un-American/Terrorist/Hitler.. but the minute he decides hey I want to do something different than I said we get "where's the change?" Look at this guy he doesn't know what he's doing.

Things change in politics and people change their minds.. I respect a person who changes their mind with the situation and facts rather then sit there when they are proven wrong or the situation becomes starkly different..

Obama promised change yes, but the manner in which he has done it is very similar to the strategies used by Socialist / Fascist leaders in thepast. Most Americans want progressive change backed by new ideas and policies, not the failed policies of the past.

And once again I believe that the argument that releasing the photos could harm soldiers is a diversionary tactic. If you really want our soldiers to not beharmed then bring them home. The base point in this situation is whether or not the executive branch of government is above the law. By not releasing thosepictures Obama is being complicit to the crimes of the past, while also covering his back incase he chooses to break the law.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Do your job and stop tryna bag Lisa Lesley
. Talking about "You know I love tall women right?"
How does this result in a 8 page thread? I'll assume this entire thread isn't filled with Obama bashing so I just gotta say they'reare a lot of foolish NTers if it's that easy to take this bait and get trapped like that

Arguing amongst the uninformed FTL
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