Obama meets UNC basketball

Nov 22, 2002
O'Balla continues his whirlwind hoops tour with UNC


photos here


there's even a Sam Perkins, Eric Montross sighting...

April 29th, 2008
Obama shoots hoops with UNC basketball team
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Posted by: Jeff Mason
Tags: Tales from the Trail: 2008, Barack Obama, basketball, democratic presidential candidate, Tar Heels, UNC

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - Talk about a workout. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, a basketball fan who takes to the court to stay in shape, got a run for his money onTuesday during a scrimmage with the University of North Carolina Tar Heels.

The U.S. presidential candidate, 46 and 6′2″, played ball with students half his age and seemingly twice his height in an early morning match-up that sent himoff to the sidelines for a break halfway through the game.

"These guys are a lot better than me," he breathed to reporters while jogging down the court after one play.

Yes they are. But the lanky candidate, dressed in sweats, managed a few nice passes and a lay-up that looked like it should have made it in.

"Thought I had that one!" he winced after missing the shot.

The famous powerhouse college team did not exactly give the man who would like to be the next U.S. president a break, but Obama did his best to keep up and hada smile on his face throughout.

The bright side? At least he wasn't bowling…

Click here for more Reuters 2008 campaign coverage.

Photo credit: Reuters/Frank Polich (Obama plays basketball in Indiana last week)
hahha psycho-T about to swat it right back in Obamas face
You beat me to it....

I'm not going to vote for Obama but thats pretty cool that he came and played ball with the team.
I went to the rally they had in the Dean Dome last night...the crowd was cheering louder than some basketball games. He definitely has my vote. Sam Perkinswas introducing Obama, and he said something like "you stay in school for stuff like this", then he pointed out Ty and Danny Green who were standingin the crowd behind the stage
. It was a nice event...but I had tobounce early to get my copy of GTA4.
Sam Perkins was introducing Obama, and he said something like "you stay in school for stuff like this", then he pointed out Ty and Danny Green who were standing in the crowd behind the stage
Thats hilarious...

And can anyone tell me/give me directions on how you quote someone and get their name in the box? I've been searching how to do this for like the past 10mins and can't find it or figure it out.
Please don't base your vote on if he likes your college basketball team.......

that being said, that would be cool for the kids to be a part of this
is that just coach free scrimmage? i thought teams couldnt meet during the offseason and practice..
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

is that just coach free scrimmage? i thought teams couldnt meet during the offseason and practice..

I assume it was..that's why surry and q were playing (as Juicy J said). What threw me off is they had the practice uni's on.
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