OBAMA JOB APPROVAL: Falls under 57% for 1st time.............. honeymoon stage is over

who cares? he hasn't even been in office a year. he's trying to correct an 8+year long mess up. it's going to take awhile. besides, over half ofthe population still approves and Bush remained president even with the lowest approval ratings in history. give the man a chance. he said change we canbelieve in not change we would see overnight...
He may not have ratings, but he has taste.
Well considering the current shape of our country at the moment, 57% is freaking

Personally I don't really approve of how Obama has handle being POTUS for the past 6 months.

All that hoopla about how Obama supports the troops and end the war this and that... and how many troops have actually been sent home?

Obama now has blood on his hands with over 100 US servicemen killed since he has taken office but where's the outrage? Where are the peace demonstrationsand protests? Code Pink? Freaking hippies are all hypocrites complaining about Bush when Obama is doing the same damn thing.

Also that massive stimulus package has done what exactly?

Health Care reform isn't going anywhere.

Where is this Obama will cut taxes bull crap? That was a big LIE talking about how only the rich will be getting an increase in taxes yet....

In order to extend healthcare coverage and cut federal deficit, the Obama administration is considering increasing taxes in the nation.

The taxes on tobacco have already been increased and a proposal has been put forward to increase taxes on alcohol, to raise $62 billion over the decade.

Also, a new tax on sugary drinks, like soda, is to be introduced to further raise $52 billion. A rise in business taxes and accounting charges could raise an additional $30 billion.

Obama has a Democratic majority Congress and what have these morons done? I am sure they are very happy a certain individual died to take all the mediaattention away from their failures.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Do you really think you have this HUGE agenda or something?
Say what?
Originally Posted by northparkblind

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Do you really think you have this HUGE agenda or something?
hes just giving a heads up on whats going on

Exactly... kinda like I did with Presidential election.... giving info on both sides beginning like a year in advance
Originally Posted by the north west

what were Bush's numbers
Roughly 55% 6 months in
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

what President would have a high approval rating in the middle of a recession?

Obama is actually doing pretty well in the public eye, considering the circumstances.
Obama said he would come in and "change" things & turn this economy around..... all he has done is make it worse& things have gotten worse, while he's spent TONS of money.... people gave him a chance & are giving him a chance.... but as the months go on, lesspeople will
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

what President would have a high approval rating in the middle of a recession?

Obama is actually doing pretty well in the public eye, considering the circumstances.
John McCain and that dummy Sarah Palin would have a 10% approval rate. Everyone knows he would had just had Bush advise him on driving this country even more into the ground. The unemployment rate would had been at 20% and over 90% of the country would had bad credit
Unemployment would be LESS right now with McCain & Obama.... but you wouldn't know that because you don't know whatyou're talking about
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

what President would have a high approval rating in the middle of a recession?

Obama is actually doing pretty well in the public eye, considering the circumstances.
No, his popularity is doing well, his policies in the eyes of the public is falling every week.
Exactly.... which is why his approval rating is continuing to drop
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ SATLY Conservatives sitting around all day looking at polls. BEYOND LAME
How am I salty? Go ahead, tell me
Where is this Obama will cut taxes bull crap? That was a big LIE talking about how only the rich will be getting an increase in taxes yet....

He reconfigured the withholding's percentage, that's why people are are receiving what is it like $26 more on each pay check? Which will be looked at"earned income". He never said that he was going to cut the tax rate, though. With Cap and Trade and Healthcare, everyone should expect higher taxes,just not on income though. Look at the electric bill, higher gas prices, ect.

Also that massive stimulus package has done what exactly?

10% has been spent and went directly to local and state governments because they were in debt.
Everytime there is something negative about Obama posted on NT, it's almost always TBONE95860. I swear this guy is like the Pedro Gomez of NT

TBONE & Fede DPT are like beat writers looking for any mud they can sling at the Obama administration. At least you guys will be busy for the next 8 years
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Where is this Obama will cut taxes bull crap? That was a big LIE talking about how only the rich will be getting an increase in taxes yet....

He reconfigured the withholding's percentage, that's why people are are receiving what is it like $26 more on each pay check? Which will be looked at "earned income". He never said that he was going to cut the tax rate, though. With Cap and Trade and Healthcare, everyone should expect higher taxes, just not on income though. Look at the electric bill, higher gas prices, ect.

Also that massive stimulus package has done what exactly?

10% has been spent and went directly to local and state governments because they were in debt.

Yes I know about the withholding tax cut called "Making Work Pay" tax break. And NO it's not $26 per paycheckit's $400 total divided by how many paychecks you received for the year. So if you are paid monthly you will receive $33.33 extra per month. YIPPPEEEE

What are you talking about he is not going to cut the tax rate. The main focal point of his campaign was this tax cut. Where is this? 6 months in office andnothing...

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Well considering the current shape of our country at the moment, 57% is freaking

Personally I don't really approve of how Obama has handle being POTUS for the past 6 months.

All that hoopla about how Obama supports the troops and end the war this and that... and how many troops have actually been sent home?

Obama now has blood on his hands with over 100 US servicemen killed since he has taken office but where's the outrage? Where are the peace demonstrations and protests? Code Pink? Freaking hippies are all hypocrites complaining about Bush when Obama is doing the same damn thing.

Also that massive stimulus package has done what exactly?

Health Care reform isn't going anywhere.

Where is this Obama will cut taxes bull crap? That was a big LIE talking about how only the rich will be getting an increase in taxes yet....

In order to extend healthcare coverage and cut federal deficit, the Obama administration is considering increasing taxes in the nation.

The taxes on tobacco have already been increased and a proposal has been put forward to increase taxes on alcohol, to raise $62 billion over the decade.

Also, a new tax on sugary drinks, like soda, is to be introduced to further raise $52 billion. A rise in business taxes and accounting charges could raise an additional $30 billion.

Obama has a Democratic majority Congress and what have these morons done? I am sure they are very happy a certain individual died to take all the media attention away from their failures.

You should try to educate yourself on the subjectbefore making stupid comments.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by northparkblind

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Do you really think you have this HUGE agenda or something?
hes just giving a heads up on whats going on

Exactly... kinda like I did with Presidential election.... giving info on both sides beginning like a year in advance
Really? Where are all the negative posts and polls aboutRepublicans? Oh that's right you don't post any. You only post articles and polls that clearly show how bitter and salty you are.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by TBONE95860
do you WANT president obama to fail?

Of course he wants Obama to fail. Just like Democrats wanted Bush to fail. Republicans say they love this country dearly but hope it fails just to prove a point.
democrats realized bush was a screw up. When bush was elected people weren't HOPING that he puts the country in shambles so a democrat couldbe put back in power. I don't remember people on msnbc openly saying they are rooting for bush to mess up the country.
i cant even read political posts on NT because of how clueless and moronic the masses are
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Well considering the current shape of our country at the moment, 57% is freaking

Personally I don't really approve of how Obama has handle being POTUS for the past 6 months.

All that hoopla about how Obama supports the troops and end the war this and that... and how many troops have actually been sent home?

Obama now has blood on his hands with over 100 US servicemen killed since he has taken office but where's the outrage? Where are the peace demonstrations and protests? Code Pink? Freaking hippies are all hypocrites complaining about Bush when Obama is doing the same damn thing.

Also that massive stimulus package has done what exactly?

Health Care reform isn't going anywhere.

Where is this Obama will cut taxes bull crap? That was a big LIE talking about how only the rich will be getting an increase in taxes yet....

In order to extend healthcare coverage and cut federal deficit, the Obama administration is considering increasing taxes in the nation.

The taxes on tobacco have already been increased and a proposal has been put forward to increase taxes on alcohol, to raise $62 billion over the decade.

Also, a new tax on sugary drinks, like soda, is to be introduced to further raise $52 billion. A rise in business taxes and accounting charges could raise an additional $30 billion.

Obama has a Democratic majority Congress and what have these morons done? I am sure they are very happy a certain individual died to take all the media attention away from their failures.

1. I won't talk about his war/foreign policy because I know where you're personally coming from BUT if you don't see differences well then I reallydon't need to debate it.

2. The stimulus is only 10% spent, not all of it was to be spent this year, and many of the projects have to be set up and planned in advance and take a whileto get started. I get this sentiment but what is the alternative.

3. Health care isn't going anywhere? Everyday more and more democrats are coming out and supporting the Public Health Care option. It will pass the House,the only problem is 5 or so Senate Democrats need more convincing. But do you really think things in government happen with the snap of a finger. It takestime. Policy drawn up in days end up failing. So you have multiple debates, town halls, forums etc. to craft the best policy that covers the most people andknocks off cost the most.

4. The tax on Soda is not necessarily a bad idea. Soda has become a big problem in the United States in the health of American citizens (and I love soda, andknow this). While I don't agree with the tax of soda, it is not the dumbest idea. Also they are considering raising the taxes on some of the wealthiest 5%of Americans an extra 1.4% to pay for health care with a mix of other things. When you read the news don't get mad at every suggestion you hear becausethey come up with 200 suggestions for ways to fund things.

5. While I will agree that the Democrat party in the government are not the toughest or smartest bunch
that share liberal beliefs. I will say look at their opponents and tell me who does their job better and actually give a damn. If a Senate with 60 democraticsenators do not get anything done you are right we need to hold them accountable and I will. I wish they would grow a back bone and steam roll republicans likethey would to us if they had 60 senators.. Now also all the bad news that has happened in the past month has been overwhelming bad for Republicans and I betthe Republicans are happy MJ died because they were getting massacred on the news for every stupid thing they have done.
Bush was a corporate tool and so is Obama. The only difference is Obama is slick with it.

Don't blame me, I voted Nader
Originally Posted by northparkblind


Originally Posted by Pig Love

Do you really think you have this HUGE agenda or something?

hes just giving a heads up on whats going on

No he's not. He only post negative stuff about Obama or Democrats. One of the only NTers I can't stand
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Originally Posted by northparkblind


Originally Posted by Pig Love

Do you really think you have this HUGE agenda or something?

hes just giving a heads up on whats going on

No he's not. He only post negative stuff about Obama or Democrats. One of the only NTers I can't stand

he's done with Niketalk and isn't posting in here anymore.
this buffoonery is still not locked??

Obama is doing a wonderful job since 8 years before him was a *++!%#* running out country to the ground. If you dont like how it is run for President and seehow the weight of a country on you shoulders would feel.

When talking about down the line conservatives in this forum, I feel like quoting Chris Rock "there're only eight!" maybe another 20 or 30 whowould call themselves moderates and maybe 20-30 who are Libertarian and that includes the whole spectrum from Ayn Randish, anarco-capitalists to those who aremerely libertarian leaning, like myself.

There are less than 100 people who are not center left to far left and and the thousands who are on the left feel so threatened. Will people on the left onlyrest easy at night when everyone who you see is guaranteed to agree with you, like all of Olbermann's guests.
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