For those of you reading this who are not from oakland, please do not let these idiot raider fans tell you thats how things are done in oakland. Its not thecase. You wont see fights at A's games. You wont see fights at Warriors games. Its really a shame that the storied history of a great NFL franchise hasbeen ruined by thuggish fans who identify more with the bad boy image than with the team itself. Its the fans that make everyone hate on the Raiders, not theteam itself. If anyone on here is one of the many "fans" who think its halloween every sunday, talk trash to non raider fans, and create unnecessaryviolence everywhere....its you who make people hate on the Raiders. Whats wrong with rooting for your team normally, like the fans of 99% who like a differentteam?
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
No sorry necessary. If you think that is okay for adults to act like that, then that is your thing. The Raiders actually do have some history to
be proud of, I just don't think all of the stuff listed is what I would be most proud of. And I still maintain that the hit on Lynn Swann in the 75
Championship game (Atkinson) was one of the most criminal hits ever performed on an NFL field.

I know, isn't it great.

And as far AM 1 FIEND, you STAY hating on the Raiders in every thread with the same pictures. Yeah, we may not be that good, but we'll be back on topsooner than later.

So enjoy this time now before sunday. Before the inevitable happens. Oddly enough though, i'll be rooting for these Giants simply because my Patriots hateruns DEEP.

OH and BTW, Eli did NOT lead his team to the Super Bowl. The Giants D did. Eli just managed to not screw it up like always.
Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
No sorry necessary. If you think that is okay for adults to act like that, then that is your thing. The Raiders actually do have some history to
be proud of, I just don't think all of the stuff listed is what I would be most proud of. And I still maintain that the hit on Lynn Swann in the 75
Championship game (Atkinson) was one of the most criminal hits ever performed on an NFL field.

I know, isn't it great.

And as far AM 1 FIEND, you STAY hating on the Raiders in every thread with the same pictures. Yeah, we may not be that good, but we'll be back on top sooner than later.

So enjoy this time now before sunday. Before the inevitable happens. Oddly enough though, i'll be rooting for these Giants simply because my Patriots hate runs DEEP.

OH and BTW, Eli did NOT lead his team to the Super Bowl. The Giants D did. Eli just managed to not screw it up like always.

Spoken like a true Raider
Eli didn't lead his team to theSuper Bowl, are you high? No, you're just a fan of the most delusional orginazation in the NFL. At least the Lions & Cardinals know they suck. You damnright I stay hating on the Raiders, the only thing worse than the Raiders play are their fans. I enjoy kicking your lame squad while their down too, you guyshaven't done $%%! in 26 years
^Even though the Raiders lost, they still made it to the Super Bowl in 02', so that has to count for something. As far as my Raiders go, they are def.appreciated, but there needs to be some major changes...specifically Al Davis' death, for the Raiders to start winning more games.
Raiders are always appreciated....4 wins seasons too
. at this point only direction to go is up...Raiders in the play-offs within the next couple years
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

[table][tr][td]Fede DPT[/td] [td]
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Registered Member

Posts: 1244

01/30/08 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#4[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/td][/tr][/table]
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Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
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Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...

Worst opinion, EVER.
[/td] [/tr]http://niketalk.yuku.com/forum/getrefs/id/1107747/type/0[/color][/url][/table][url=http://niketalk.yuku.com/forum/getrefs/id/1107747/type/0][/url]

How is he not, if not one of the best WR's ever??

How is he not? There was a dude that played across the bay for the 49ers. One of the best, but not THE best.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Berkeley Boy wrote:

dmxfury wrote:

Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
No sorry necessary. If you think that is okay for adults to act like that, then that is your thing. The Raiders actually do have some history

be proud of, I just don't think all of the stuff listed is what I would be most proud of. And I still maintain that the hit on Lynn Swann in
the 75

Championship game (Atkinson) was one of the most criminal hits ever performed on an NFL field.

I know, isn't it great.

And as far AM 1 FIEND, you STAY hating on the Raiders in every thread with the same pictures. Yeah, we may not be that good, but we'll be back on top
sooner than later.

So enjoy this time now before sunday. Before the inevitable happens. Oddly enough though, i'll be rooting for these Giants simply because my Patriots
hate runs DEEP.

OH and BTW, Eli did NOT lead his team to the Super Bowl. The Giants D did. Eli just managed to not screw it up like always.

Spoken like a true Raider
Eli didn't lead his team to the
Super Bowl, are you high? No, you're just a fan of the most delusional orginazation in the NFL. At least the Lions & Cardinals know they suck. You damn
right I stay hating on the Raiders, the only thing worse than the Raiders play are their fans. I enjoy kicking your lame squad while their down too, you guys
haven't done $%%! in 26 years

In 26 years? Pass that joint. We lost the 2002 Super Bowl. You should know how that feels. Word to the Ravens and soon to be Patriots.
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

[table][tr][td]Fede DPT[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#22[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/color][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 1244

01/30/08 10:52 PM
[/td] [td]
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#4[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/td][/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
[/td] [td]
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...

Worst opinion, EVER.
[/td] [/tr]http://niketalk.yuku.com/forum/getrefs/id/1107747/type/0[/color][/url][/table][url=http://niketalk.yuku.com/forum/getrefs/id/1107747/type/0][/url]

How is he not, if not one of the best WR's ever??

How is he not? There was a dude that played across the bay for the 49ers. One of the best, but not THE best.
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

The Oakland Raiders are the most notorious team in ALL of sports.

they aint even top 3-5 in their OWN sport

Ha! Nonsense. Other than the Patriots as of late, throughout the history of football the Raiders have for sure been one of the most hated/notorious/despised teams of all time because of how they played the game and because of my boy Al Davis.

1. Cowboys

2. 49ers

3. Packers

4. Steelers

5. Bears

6. Raiders
Take the Bears off that and its a great list. They may have a great fan base but they dont win much, so they cant be up there that high.


Al Davis is a bum now, but they were soooo sick back in the day
The fight video in the original post was taken at the Q.

Raider fans get real obnoxiously salty when their boys are getting ran through by LT.
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

Take the Bears off that and its a great list. They may have a great fan base but they dont win much, so they cant be up there that high.


Al Davis is a bum now, but they were soooo sick back in the day

same thing with the Raiders, and the Bears have done more winningthan them. i mean you have to look at the pre- Superbowl days as well. George Halas is one of the most historic names in football history and a founder of thisleague. The Bears ruled football WAYY back before the superbowl days and Halas would best Lombardi. Not to mention the 85 Bears were one of the greatest teamsof all time, and they play in Chicago, a football city in historic Solder Field. I dont know, i dont think the Bears are off the list.

But either way that top 4 is set and there is no way the Raiders are the most notorious team in football, let alone all sports.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

The Oakland Raiders are the most notorious team in ALL of sports.

they aint even top 3-5 in their OWN sport

Ha! Nonsense. Other than the Patriots as of late, throughout the history of football the Raiders have for sure been one of the most hated/notorious/despised teams of all time because of how they played the game and because of my boy Al Davis.

1. Cowboys

2. 49ers

3. Packers

4. Steelers

5. Bears

6. Raiders

Oh, I see what you are saying...you don't understand the word notorious. Notorious connotes ill-fame, and being famous for having a bad reputation. It doesn't necessarily mean Great, but thank you anyway for putting the Raiders on your list of great teams. As far as notoriety goes, flip that list andremove the Niners and Packers who are so squeaky clean it's ridiculous.
I def. appreciate y'all...we got Moss for FREE from you guys. Thank you, Mr. Davis
Finally a raiders thread. I really hope Lane Kiffin comes back next season as coach and that we re-sign asomugha he's one of the greatest corners in theNFL today.
YESSSS....Raider Nation will be back!!.....Hope Kiffin stays, Al needs to let the man do his thing and if it doesn't work out THEN fire him, but wedon't have the personell right now to turn into a playoff team in one season...check the sig...we need that man back lol
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

The Oakland Raiders are the most notorious team in ALL of sports.

they aint even top 3-5 in their OWN sport

Ha! Nonsense. Other than the Patriots as of late, throughout the history of football the Raiders have for sure been one of the most hated/notorious/despised teams of all time because of how they played the game and because of my boy Al Davis.

1. Cowboys

2. 49ers

3. Packers

4. Steelers

5. Bears

6. Raiders

Oh, I see what you are saying...you don't understand the word notorious. Notorious connotes ill-fame, and being famous for having a bad reputation. It doesn't necessarily mean Great, but thank you anyway for putting the Raiders on your list of great teams. As far as notoriety goes, flip that list and remove the Niners and Packers who are so squeaky clean it's ridiculous.

f it was great the Raiders wouldnt be top 20. Notorious meaning clasic teams that are heard most in football. If you wanna tell me that Oakland is morenotorious than Americas team are the legendary Packeers you crazy

and thats JUST football i mean if you go outside cause the threadstarter said ALL sports

they arent as notorious and heard about and closely watched as the Yankees or the Knicks, Lakers, Cubs, Bulls, etc.
Originally Posted by KingAJ619

Finally a raiders thread. I really hope Lane Kiffin comes back next season as coach and that we re-sign asomugha he's one of the greatest corners in the NFL today.

Same here. Hope Al Davis and Lane Kiffin agree to disagree on their differences and keep some continuity in our organization. We have to re-sign Asomugha forsure. Not just slap a franchise tag on him. I don't want another Charles Woodson fiasco.
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