May 1, 2007
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
The Oakland Raiders are the most notorious team in ALL of sports.

Let's take a look back at our history...

Some of My Favorite Players-
The Assassin

Napoleon Kaufman

Timothy Brown-This man did everything for the Raiders (catch balls, return punts, play defense, sell popcorn...you know name it, he did it)

Nnamdi Asomugha-He turns his side of the field into a black hole for quarterbacks...wasn't he only tested 26 times this season or something?

Bo Knows

John Madden getting numb

The Greatest Fans on the Planet

Al Davis' Crazy Self

Super Bowl XVIII- Peep the Marcus Allen run in there

Charger Fans getting snuffed
I remember going to a MNF game against the Jets a couple years ago and a Jets fan got the beating of his life.

The coliseum is not a good place to take the kids
Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really somethingto respect
On a sidenote, I do love Bo Jackson and that was something to be proud of. So was Marcus, but not how the organization treated him
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

On a sidenote, I do love Bo Jackson and that was something to be proud of. So was Marcus, but not how the organization treated him

You're right. I didn't appreciate how he was treated either. He was sat for his problems with Al Davis and then ended up going to the Chiefs were heshowed what he was still capable of
for another 2 years. Al Davis loves control so until he steps down, you have to take the good with the bad. Every franchise has had it's black eyes, somemore than others.

As far the Chargers fans getting snuffed, stuff happens, especially when you go into Oakland and bad mouth the beloved Raiders. People should know, that'sjust something you don't do.
It's not the proudest moment, but I'm not ashamed of it. If a person has enough moxy to attempt to come into my stadium and disrespect me and my team,that person should be ready
to eat this right hook.
Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
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Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
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Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
No sorry necessary. If you think that is okay for adults to act like that, then that is your thing. The Raiders actually do have some history tobe proud of, I just don't think all of the stuff listed is what I would be most proud of. And I still maintain that the hit on Lynn Swann in the 75 Championship game (Atkinson) was one of the most criminal hits ever performed on an NFL field.
WORD!! We're down right now but we'll be back.

Al Davis has earned the right to stick around for as long as he can he's pretty much the main reason the nfl is what it is today, dont believe me read upon the man. With that said, I hope he's ready to leave soon haha cause aside from Bush and Isiah Thomas he's pretty much the worst guy in charge around
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
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Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
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Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...

Worst opinion, EVER.
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#4[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/color][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
[/td] [td]
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...

Worst opinion, EVER.
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Thread very much appreciated...

Marv Machamp[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#4[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/color][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 1059

01/30/08 9:19 PM
[/td] [td]
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Yeah, that is something to be proud of. Fans getting in fights in the stands, and players taking cheap shots and blind-siding the opposition. Really something to respect
Thats how we do it in the O sorry.
[/td] [/tr]

The Truth...

Tim Brown = best WR ever IMO...

Worst opinion, EVER.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Raider Nation appreciated!!



Bravo! You've successfully hated in not one, not two, but THREE Raider threads with the same picture.

It's ok, I'd be really really mad too if this guy was my quarterback
It's ok, I'd be really really mad too if this guy was my quarterback
Because Eli lead his team to the Super Bowl and your QB did..........what?

Gotta come up with something better than that
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