NYPD arrests down 66% since the cop assassination

Dudes talking about the wire :lol:

This isnt some complex strategy they're throwing a hissy fit

And all it's showing us is that they're full of **** and they spend most of the time ******* with everyday people

a bunch of spoiled brats who are upset the mayor won't blindly back their abuse of power

These clowns need a reality check they think they're untouchable

They are bro they so are untouchable... the US Government couldn't dismantle the police union or NYPD.

There is so much corruption with money with the NYPD, FDNY, and Sanitation.

Everyone says the teachers union is the strongest and it's not true the police union is.

It's been like this since Giuliani made them what they are today and the most gangster politician figure ever, Bloomberg, put so much power entrusted into them.

They mayor will crack just like everyone else in his position would. The union heads, mob like figures, know exactly what they're doing, how to play the cards in their favor, it's always in their favor, and nobody can do nothing about it.

Only way would be an uproot by most NY'ers and none stop protests that keep growing demanding to get them, the police union, out and we don't have a third party to what we want.

Someone in a previous thread said it best... attack their pensions and all the perks that come with their job from the unions and I bet they straighten the hell up in no time.

Ya'll are acting as if these guys are out solving "Real" crimes.... these numbers are down because they stopped arresting people for ******** like open containers, Disorderly conduct (AKA mouthing off to a cop), Pissing in public & a myriad of other stupid ****.

The same exact major crimes that they couldn't solve when they were in "full force" isn't gonna change because these cops on the street aren't taught to solve real crimes, they are taught to give tickets and create revenue for the city.

So your right this "break" won't last long, not because they will be needed for public safety, because NYC needs all of that ******** money they've been taking for years, You start messing with the big dawgs money and suddenly the flame will turn up RAMPANT on the PBA.
Glad to see these guys having fear of the people again (which they should).

There are some good quotes out there about police power and abuse but I ain't googling em right now lol.
Bet they still collect a full paycheck too...a lot of these "crimes" are nothing but revenue streams.

Can't say that though, you'll get labeled as "anti-police" nowadays.
I've talked myself out of every situation I've ever been in with the cops except for one who openly admitted the only reason he wasn't letting it go was cuz he had a quota to fill

Hopefully this drop in arrests is **** like that no longer happening instead of cops being too scared or too upset to do their job
Dudes talking about the wire :lol:

This isnt some complex strategy they're throwing a hissy fit

And all it's showing us is that they're full of **** and they spend most of the time ******* with everyday people

a bunch of spoiled brats who are upset the mayor won't blindly back their abuse of power

These clowns need a reality check they think they're untouchable

There it is.
I've been re-watching The Wire lately and if I've learned anything from Season 2 if you wanna catch people you need to make them think you've gone away or left them alone. 

first time wire watcher, and i just watched that episode :lol:

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Not that my opinion matters but they are simply doing this to appease the masses and create a false sense of change. To make protesters feel as if their voice was heard. Meanwhile, citizens will start breaking the law in greater numbers because they feel as if they have "won" the battle with cops bringing back police force like we have seen in years past. The cycle will repeat itself. Education is the only solution.
Hopefully the authority is being educated that we the people have the power
Just goes to show how full of **** the nypd truly is arrest down 60% and the city moving just the same

/thread. this is like those twitter backfire moments that the NYPD had or like bill cosby had.

and this is especially important because this act of defiance ultimately disproves the efficacy of broken windows policing that bratton advocates....policing that reflects bad dept policies that primarily impact minority communities, whether you police nut riders want to believe it or not.

also want to add that, although race can be the main issue in this discussion about police (and there is absolutely good reason for that obviously) we also ahve to acknowledge that this also underlines another problem that affects everyone within our communities, across all color lines. excessive policing, supported by bad dept policies, as well as ridiculous gov't funding for unnecessary military equipment, as well as vague and broad judicial freedom, support the complex police exercise when they view non law enforcement citizens. if they feel they can get away with w.e they do, and if the results generally reflect that, then they are gonna have that...idk slave master mentality, and i mean that in the sense that if they ask us to jump, we are obliged to say ask how hi.

there are different angles to this police problem and all need to be addressed in order for true reform to happen.
Not that my opinion matters but they are simply doing this to appease the masses and create a false sense of change. To make protesters feel as if their voice was heard. Meanwhile, citizens will start breaking the law in greater numbers because they feel as if they have "won" the battle with cops bringing back police force like we have seen in years past. The cycle will repeat itself. Education is the only solution.
Hopefully the authority is being educated that we the people have the power

Can't talk about education and then choose to be misinformed.

This has nothing to do with pleasing the masses and everything to do with displeasing that bum *** mayor.
Stop-and-frisk incidents plunged from 685,724 stops in 2011 to just 38,456 in the first three-quarters of 2014 as a result. If stop-and-frisk had caused the ongoing decline in New York's crime rate, its near-absence would logically halt or even reverse that trend. But the city seems to be doing just fine without it: Crime rates are currently at two-decade lows, with homicide down 7 percent and robberies down 14 percent since 2013.


Not that my opinion matters but they are simply doing this to appease the masses and create a false sense of change. To make protesters feel as if their voice was heard. Meanwhile, citizens will start breaking the law in greater numbers because they feel as if they have "won" the battle with cops bringing back police force like we have seen in years past. The cycle will repeat itself. Education is the only solution.


If the police ain't give a **** about the people before... When dudes were getting killed on camera amd stop and frisk laws were in effect...

Why would they all of a sudden become compassionate for the people after their own two got murked ?

They doing it because they're trying to show the mayor they're more important than the system and laws they enforce...

Kinda like how a chick does when her ex moves on and is having fun...

When the chick sees the dude moving on (the mayor not blindly following and supporting them), they'll do something for attention, like posting a million thirst traps or clinging to the first D they come across and promote it on social media all day so they can be missed (reducing the policing presenceso the mayor can miss them.)
lets hope for a up swing in the mugging's of hipsters around gentrified areas brooklyn manhattan queens and the bronx

lets bring the old ny back
Stop-and-frisk incidents plunged from 685,724 stops in 2011 to just 38,456 in the first three-quarters of 2014 as a result. If stop-and-frisk had caused the ongoing decline in New York's crime rate, its near-absence would logically halt or even reverse that trend. But the city seems to be doing just fine without it: Crime rates are currently at two-decade lows, with homicide down 7 percent and robberies down 14 percent since 2013.


it amazes me that stop and frisk was even allowed. incredibly unconstitutional.
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