NYC Carpenters call Jay-Z & 40/40 Club a "Rat" because of Labor Dispute

@ the rats
Nah donpoppa, not young. Have dealt with enough unions in my 39 years & all of them can pretty much be sumed up by what goldenchild9 basically described. My mother in-law was a public school teacher for 40 years & her godmother was head of the city's teacher union so my opinion is from experience. My mother in-law hated the union because they prevented a lot of necessary changes that were needed. Unions were good back in the day & the concept of unions is still very much needed but like everything else it's developed into an ugly, ugly, ugly beast worse than what unions are trying to protect against.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Thats BS.

I did non-union Carpentry work in NYC, you still make like $20 + and hour, average. $12 - $15 absolute minimum, far more than minimum wage.

These Unions want $45 an hour to drag their feet, eat heroes and scream at their supervisors that they are can work as they please because they are under Union contact.

They are the ones that are bringing down the quality of life in NYC, leaving all of these unfinished projects around the boroughs and draining taxpayer funds to build overpriced public facilities.
good post. totally agree with everything here
Also look at the NFL players union. Proly one of the strongest/richest unions in the US. They really didn't accomplish much IMO. Of the 162 free agents in the NFL this year, 98 (60%) had to accept 1 year deals. Of that 98, 63 had to accepted minimum salary deals...
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Thats BS.

I did non-union Carpentry work in NYC, you still make like $20 + and hour, average. $12 - $15 absolute minimum, far more than minimum wage.

These Unions want $45 an hour to drag their feet, eat heroes and scream at their supervisors that they are can work as they please because they are under Union contact.

They are the ones that are bringing down the quality of life in NYC, leaving all of these unfinished projects around the boroughs and draining taxpayer funds to build overpriced public facilities.

ive had to deal with union workers sometimes, and holy crap.. talk about the most lazy workers ever. sure, it's not everybody.. but some of these dudes really over do it.

had to deal with this wallpaper hanger that was installing some pieces in a classroom.. instead of dude setting up his machine in the room he was working in (which he had plenty of room) he sets it up down the hall. and instead of cutting the paper in multiple quantities, he does piece by piece. i just stood their dumb founded.
Well im in the carpenters union so here's my 2 cents.

And yes, alot of union works are lazy sacks of !#++ and don't care. At the same time there's guys who bust their holes and deserve every penny.

But the quality of work is night and day. These non union workers cut corners and flat out do !#++ work. Half of them don't know what they're doing.

Im not one of those rah rah union guys. I don't blame non union workers bc everyones gotta eat, its the contractors fault.

I remember a few yrs ago the FBI building was getting work done and they used non union workers...the FBI building is around the corner from the district council.

Im getting out of the union anyway bc its a mess right now.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

Originally Posted by psk2310

I'm not sided with JayZ or nutin, but them carpenters have been givining to thier customers for years over charging for shody work. To hell with them & thier stinking unions. Unions are for suckas...
you must be young.
Unions have ran their course.  In the early 19th century they were needed due to injustices and inequality.  Now they are just a business killers.  How can you justify a guy swinging a hammer getting $40 an hour and full family benefits?  That is a bad business model. Why do you think Detroit crumbled the way it did?  The unions bent the the big three over a barrel in the '80s and it came back to bite them.  When over 60% of you revenue is going towards retired workers, you have a problem.  Why do you think Toyota, Missan, BMW, and others are opening plants in places like Alabama and Mississippi? No unions trying to bully them into paying a worker wage that his output level doesn't or warrant. 
Unions are a joke. Seriously. Worst thing is those lazy ones actually think they deserve the pay they receive.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

suprised no jay-z fanboys have rushed in to defend him on this, which is usually the case.

well here you go
Jesus was a carpenter, Yeezy he laid beats, Hova flowed the Holy Ghost get hell the out ya seats, preach
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

suprised no jay-z fanboys have rushed in to defend him on this, which is usually the case.

it's really not Jay-Z's wrong doings, it's the clubs...and it's really not theirs, it's the company they hired to do the work...
it's all business...they probably just hired one of the cheapest companies they could find...they'll probably just switch companies if this gets enough press

using Jay's name was just attention move on the unions part...
yeah i highly doubt Jay handpicked the union or had a lot to do with it.
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