NTers who lease their whips? Vol: new whip every 3 years

I bought my car and I drive like 11k miles a year.

I've bought 3 cars in 5 years so leasing is probably my best option.

Unless something dramatically changes in my life I'm going to always want and be able to afford a new car every 2 or 3 years.

Once I have kids though it will probably be a wrap
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After a hand-me-down in after high school...
After a horrible used car experience...
After buying car after car, just to keep up with technology...
After racking up negative equity from buying ^^^^ cars to keep up with technology...

I finally decided to lease back in 2011.

After doing that, I have to say that WAS THE BEST THING TO DO in my situation.

So back in 2011, the Mrs. and I were expecting and at the time, I was driving a 2011 Prius. Well when the stick turned blue, I jumped into dad mode and said we need a truck. Wanted an Equinox but the price wasn't right, so I went to Honda and after the back and forth games with the salesmen and the management, the salesperson I was working with suggested that if I really wanted the truck (CR-V) and to get rid of the negative equity, I should LEASE! I was really apprehensive towards leasing MAINLY because of the miles restrictions, BUT fast forward three years later I go back to that dealership and hug that young lady for that valuable advice on that evening. Granted my lease was much higher because of the negative equity, BUT when I turned that truck back in last month (in my LeBron voice) "I HAVE NO WORRIES!!" During the middle of that lease, I did get a "beater" whip for long trips, errands, and for the Mrs. to drive and it's working and I DO plan to keep the beater.

Leasing for me is the best thing because from buying many cars I learned this:

- Technology is way more important to me than what's under the hood. Technology is more likely to change than an engine. I like having the Bluetooth, nav, iPod connectivity, and what ever else the car industry has down the road. LEASING!!!

- My first two cars was a hand-me-down and a used car. I spent so much blood, sweat, tears, and MONEY into those THOT's that I will NEVER BUY A CAR USED again (except for the beater I got the Mrs.). Used cars to me are like liver; no matter how much BBQ sauce or ketchup (the extended warranty) they still can't mask the bad taste. LEASING!!!

- I'd rather be in the routine of paying for a new car with little to no maintenance VS getting those 36,000+ miles woes. I've got friends that clowned me on leasing, saying "You'll never own anything!" That maybe true, but when they pay off their ride and let's say they get around that 80k+ plus maintenance and repairs; they're going to either have to shell out $$$$ for repairs on a consistent basis or pony up and put a down payment on another ride, when they were already "comfortable" not having a note because they wanted to "own" something only to have to adjust their income to do the one thing they vowed not to do. I know that the $390 - $450 a month is something I can handle and is not beyond my means for the next 20+ years. LEASING!!!

- Leasing also makes me sort of money wise. Sometimes I'll ask myself, "Do I really need to drive this far to go to Target or can I go to one that is closer (saving me gas, miles, and $$)." LEASING!!!

- My commute to work is on the subway which I live about 2 miles from; so, I park and ride!! Saves me on gas, miles, and city parking/driving.


BTW I just picked this up two weeks ago for another three years!!!! VW Passat TDI SE w/ Sunroof and Nav!!!!

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I'm not into cars to the point that I could think of one I'd like to own.

Leasing works for me and I'll prob go this route for as long as I possibly can.

Monthly payments on a lease that you've budgeted for > Unexpected maintenance costs
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Meh idk I just don't get the point if having a monthly bill even if you budgeted. I'm in Atlanta so I drive every day, don't want to be worried about "going over" something I'm paying for. It's like having verizon LTE and bragging about how much you can do but you only have 2gb a month. I can careless about cars depreciating because when I buy a car I plan on owning it until I can't drive it anymore and I also believe in buying last yrs model instead of the new model. You get pretty much the same body and the last owner took the depreciation hit.
Meh idk I just don't get the point if having a monthly bill even if you budgeted. I'm in Atlanta so I drive every day, don't want to be worried about "going over" something I'm paying for. It's like having verizon LTE and bragging about how much you can do but you only have 2gb a month. I can careless about cars depreciating because when I buy a car I plan on owning it until I can't drive it anymore and I also believe in buying last yrs model instead of the new model. You get pretty much the same body and the last owner took the depreciation hit.

Your phone reference isn't complete. You could've used the actual phone as the example and say maybe people just don't like owning the same one for more than a couple of years? All my leases are for 12K miles a year and I've yet to get that close to that and I may just go down to 10K on my next one. Sure, there's always extreme cases where people can go over but 1,000 miles in a month is actually a lot of miles.

Never leased.

Never will.

Just bought a 2015 a few days ago.
Bought my weekend car a few months ago.

What did you have before and how long did it last you?
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Meh idk I just don't get the point if having a monthly bill even if you budgeted. I'm in Atlanta so I drive every day, don't want to be worried about "going over" something I'm paying for. It's like having verizon LTE and bragging about how much you can do but you only have 2gb a month. I can careless about cars depreciating because when I buy a car I plan on owning it until I can't drive it anymore and I also believe in buying last yrs model instead of the new model. You get pretty much the same body and the last owner took the depreciation hit.

Yeah I can't ever see myself driving a 6 year old car unless something hapenned financially that I didn't forsee
own one, lease another. one for weekends, one for work. :pimp:.
This is great

#DatLease >

Leasing for. 36 months at 300 > owning a car for 900 a month for 60 months

Leasing a new car when you have a reliable daily driver that you already own outright >
A 6 year old car is old :lol: ? There's newer cars that are missing stuff that the older ones have (which I think is done on purpose anyway, but that could be a whole different thread)
I see a lot of people finance cars only to end up getting new cars in the middle of the finance.
Next thing you know the years have passed and they never stopped making payments on a vehicle.

Everybody situation is different.
Personally I don't know a damn thing about cars once things start to go wrong with it. I can't put a price on that peace of mind.
Idk maybe because I have a girlfriend but I don't even get the point of a "weekend whip" lol

I can't speak for anybody else, but my vice is just driving cars. I know alot of people see it as a chore but I really like the "joy" of driving and can't see myself ever being stuck with just one vehicle for too long and I still finance some of them, so I'm not talking out of bias-ness. This was my lineup in January and I've already replaced the FR-S with an Evo X :lol:

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I can't speak for anybody else, but my vice is just driving cars. I know alot of people see it as a chore but I really like the "joy" of driving and can't see myself ever being stuck with just one vehicle for too long and I still finance some of them, so I'm not talking out of bias-ness. This was my lineup in January and I've already replaced the FR-S with an Evo X :lol:

True I mean it's no diff than dudes who cop 2-3 pairs of kicks a month. But in my situation leasing makes zero sense
People that believe in owning instead leasing but rent instead of mort... you know what nvm :lol:

Im not one of these ppl you speak of... But a mortgage = leasing. Thats not outright ownership. You paying off a debt that if you go deliquent on, thats yo ***
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its all in what you sign up for
my experience
leased a 2010 honda accord
$207 down ( they started at 2000 down, kept telling them i had no money lol)
15k miles a year
$340 a month
got the car with 6miles on it
returned car with $800 worth of damages ( dents and scratches ) and i was allowed 1500 in damages so no money paid out of pocket on return
returned car with under 35k miles on it

now i have a 2013 accord
$365 a month
$500 down 12k miles a year
the payments you put into the car at the end of the 36 months you can finance the rest at the end of lease
If mortgage = leasing, what is renting? :lol:
thats leasing too. But you have more bit flexibility. Only way to own a home foreal is the pay the full asking price for it up front. My boy an accountant and his wife a doctor. They lived in a trailor for 5 years and banked mad bread so they could buy a 250k house strait up. They moved in in Feb. Thats owning your home to me. The banks can't come get you up out it. And you can sell it a get all the value for it in your pocket.
I have always leased.

I leased my 98, 04, and 07 Jeep Grand Cherokees and my 01 Expedition before the 04 Jeep.

Loved the fact that I always had a car that was new and under warranty. I turned the leases and walked away scot-free, and I didnt put a dime down on the leases because I'm not putting money down on something I dont own/going to own.

But with my 2010 SRT Jeep, I bought it new in 09. 0% for 48 months, fast forward to today it is almost 5 years old, been mostly trouble free, and I was able to purchase through Chrysler, a LIFETIME Maxcare bumper to bumper warranty. So anything that goes wrong that is not wear and tear maintenance items, I am good. I decided to buy the car because I want to keep it. And I will but knowing that all warranty items are taken care of is great. Now I wont need to be buying anything at the dealer. And not having a payment is nice. :smokin

But once I thought I was out they brought me back in with this Hellcat Challenger. lol
I can't speak for anybody else, but my vice is just driving cars. I know alot of people see it as a chore but I really like the "joy" of driving and can't see myself ever being stuck with just one vehicle for too long and I still finance some of them, so I'm not talking out of bias-ness. This was my lineup in January and I've already replaced the FR-S with an Evo X :lol:

True I mean it's no diff than dudes who cop 2-3 pairs of kicks a month. But in my situation leasing makes zero sense

Yeah, leasing/financing is really up to each individual and we can talk pro's and con's all day but it all comes down to personal preference.
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