
Oct 13, 2008
I had a huge scare this week, my mom called me on tues and told me she has a lump in her thyroid and they found some "masses" in her femur. She has a series of tests today to confirm whether or not she had cancer and it was negative. Between that and the stress of my exam block I've aged like 5 years this week.

I just gave her a call and all the tests came out negative. My mom is literally the strongest human being on the planet...she had no one to take her to get a biopsy so she had to do it with just a local anasthetic and she went to work right after bleeding like it was nothing.

This scare really got me thinking about how I would deal with losing my mom or any of my siblings. Has anyone on NT lost a loved one, how did you cope with it.

My mother represents the comfort God provides for most people. I would feel soo alone on this god forsaken existence without her
I had a huge scare this week, my mom called me on tues and told me she has a lump in her thyroid and they found some "masses" in her femur. She has a series of tests today to confirm whether or not she had cancer and it was negative. Between that and the stress of my exam block I've aged like 5 years this week.

I just gave her a call and all the tests came out negative. My mom is literally the strongest human being on the planet...she had no one to take her to get a biopsy so she had to do it with just a local anasthetic and she went to work right after bleeding like it was nothing.

This scare really got me thinking about how I would deal with losing my mom or any of my siblings. Has anyone on NT lost a loved one, how did you cope with it.

My mother represents the comfort God provides for most people. I would feel soo alone on this god forsaken existence without her
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Hows she doing now man?

she's doing very well...she finally recovered from the hernia surgery she had early in the summer and the mass was benign.

I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten more comments. Death of a someone you're close to a serious life changing event. I honestly don't know how I would deal with my mom dying. She called me and basically said if she died, she's done all she needed to accomplish in life which is very true. She has raised three great kids on her own.

Im plannin the biggest party ever for her 50th
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Hows she doing now man?

she's doing very well...she finally recovered from the hernia surgery she had early in the summer and the mass was benign.

I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten more comments. Death of a someone you're close to a serious life changing event. I honestly don't know how I would deal with my mom dying. She called me and basically said if she died, she's done all she needed to accomplish in life which is very true. She has raised three great kids on her own.

Im plannin the biggest party ever for her 50th
I lost my dad. I didnt cry at the funeral. I never felt like I lost him. I still dont, but I do at the same time. It's extremely surreal.
I lost my dad. I didnt cry at the funeral. I never felt like I lost him. I still dont, but I do at the same time. It's extremely surreal.
i lost my mom almost 4 years ago
i cried when it happened but i didnt really tap into my feelings when it happened
so now randomly ill think about her and i will have a quick cry
it sucks
i lost my mom almost 4 years ago
i cried when it happened but i didnt really tap into my feelings when it happened
so now randomly ill think about her and i will have a quick cry
it sucks
I will weep whenever my mom dies, I haven't cried in years.

She told me the pain she had from the biopsy was no match for when she gave birth to us....and like the biopsy she had to do it alone cause my dad was not there for any of our births. I could go on and on about how this woman is easily the greatest human being on earth. She's the reason why not matter how tough %#$## gets I just brush it off
I will weep whenever my mom dies, I haven't cried in years.

She told me the pain she had from the biopsy was no match for when she gave birth to us....and like the biopsy she had to do it alone cause my dad was not there for any of our births. I could go on and on about how this woman is easily the greatest human being on earth. She's the reason why not matter how tough %#$## gets I just brush it off
lost several close people in the past 5 years, i feel like i've just got it all bottled up and it's gonna come out one day and be UGLY 
lost several close people in the past 5 years, i feel like i've just got it all bottled up and it's gonna come out one day and be UGLY 
Lost my cousin when I was 19, she was 17...

...she died with her boyfriend (who was the same age as me - even down to the birthday), they left behind a 3month old baby girl.

Closed casket funeral, and to make it worse - I was a pallbearer...

...I was in Houston getting fitted for a suit to wear to the funeral and just broke down in the middle of the store - the salesman was lookin' @ me like W T F until my father tells him, ''You know that teenage couple that just died in the accident last week? The girl was his cousin.'' To which the salesman replied, ''Oh my God.'' The accident was all over the news, and there was actually footage of the wreck showing the Ford Expedition burning with my cousin's body inside of it.

I cried so hard at her wake that I ain't have no tears left for the funeral - matter of fact, I haven't shed a tear since and that was 10 years ago...

...that was the first time in my life that I questioned everything I believed in - I was truly at war with God for a loooong time after that.

I got into a %%#*##@% of trouble in undergrad for fightin' and *+!% - kicked out the dorms, suspended, disciplinary probation, community service...all that *+!%. The worst part was that I got into so many other fights off campus that the school never knew about...

...I can attribute all of that bull *+!% to losin' my cousin - that *+!% warped my whole mind.

But time heals all, and you learn that even the *+!% iest things are all apart of God's plan...
Lost my cousin when I was 19, she was 17...

...she died with her boyfriend (who was the same age as me - even down to the birthday), they left behind a 3month old baby girl.

Closed casket funeral, and to make it worse - I was a pallbearer...

...I was in Houston getting fitted for a suit to wear to the funeral and just broke down in the middle of the store - the salesman was lookin' @ me like W T F until my father tells him, ''You know that teenage couple that just died in the accident last week? The girl was his cousin.'' To which the salesman replied, ''Oh my God.'' The accident was all over the news, and there was actually footage of the wreck showing the Ford Expedition burning with my cousin's body inside of it.

I cried so hard at her wake that I ain't have no tears left for the funeral - matter of fact, I haven't shed a tear since and that was 10 years ago...

...that was the first time in my life that I questioned everything I believed in - I was truly at war with God for a loooong time after that.

I got into a %%#*##@% of trouble in undergrad for fightin' and *+!% - kicked out the dorms, suspended, disciplinary probation, community service...all that *+!%. The worst part was that I got into so many other fights off campus that the school never knew about...

...I can attribute all of that bull *+!% to losin' my cousin - that *+!% warped my whole mind.

But time heals all, and you learn that even the *+!% iest things are all apart of God's plan...
Lost my dad to lung cancer a couple years ago. Never cried so much like that before..just broke down.

Still hard to accept two years later. Just isn't easy.
Lost my dad to lung cancer a couple years ago. Never cried so much like that before..just broke down.

Still hard to accept two years later. Just isn't easy.
I lost my older brother back in 2004. He committed suicide at the age of 18 due to mental problems stemming from paranoid schizophrenia...

- Keep your heads up everybody...Sometimes losing people we love makes us realize how important the other loved ones in our lives really are
I lost my older brother back in 2004. He committed suicide at the age of 18 due to mental problems stemming from paranoid schizophrenia...

- Keep your heads up everybody...Sometimes losing people we love makes us realize how important the other loved ones in our lives really are
We need a daily reminder to tell those who are dear to us that we love them. I sure do that to my mother who lives back in Virginia.
We need a daily reminder to tell those who are dear to us that we love them. I sure do that to my mother who lives back in Virginia.
3 years ago i was finishing my 2 year degree and my grams called and said they wouldnt be able to make it to graduation cause my gramps had cancer and they'd be in the hospital. They raised me and that was pretty hard, but i got to thinking if I should move away and try to start a career or should i move home and help out. I stayed in touch daily and moved away but came home every chance i got(only 5 hours each way). When he started getting worse things at my job werent that great so i put in my 2 weeks and moved home. A few months after i moved home my grandpa passed away, that was pretty rough because we did alot of stuff together and even though he didnt say it alot  i knew he loved me. He was an incredible person, had a rough childhood  but he became a teacher that everyone in our small town admired and respected. Every year he was invited to graduation to sit out on the field as one of the classes favorite teachers of all times. After he passed my grandma didnt take it very well so I decided to stay until i felt she'd be ok. She quit cooking, shopping, everything. She almost never left the house for anything anymore. Now she's battling cancer, they think its all gone, all of the tests show negative. She went to the hospital in november of last year and they found a baseball sized tumor and something in her lungs. She didnt want treatment but she did it anyways and she is barely hanging on right now but I'm hoping for the best. I dont really have that great of relationship with my parents or my sisters but we do talk. My grandparents are the family that i've been closest too and its been rough the last 3 years. Also in the last 3 years my grandmas brother passed and we were pretty close and so did her brother-in-law and he and I got along great. I stayed with my aunt and him one summer in alaska and it was great. My girlfriends mom and grandma have had their battles with health the last couple of years as well so we've been back and fourth to see our families and spend as much time with them as we can. Thank you niketalk for letting me get that out and sorry for a long read. Sorry for everyones losses but sometimes its better that they die in peace than live on in agony.
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