NTers..Any Ex-Cons here? vol. Share Your prison stories

well this 1 guy like a month ago got locked up for stealing someone car with his friends
well heres the story what I heard some lady turned on her car so that her car can be warm before she get's in.Well anywho +%$%$% and his friend saw the carso they jumped in the key was there everything.(That's all I heard)All I now +%$%$% got locked up about a month got released like 3 weeks ago.He came toschool I was like men bumass jury should of gave him 2 years I hated him with a passion.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by ericberry14

i'd rather have no misdemeanor on my record than to actually hav a misdemeanor on my record. Not to mention this whole experience really should show you that the benefits of drug use are far outweighed by the possible consequences.

so i say take the drug class & probation.

learn how to think for yourself please.
was that directed towards me. or were you just trying to emphasize my point
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