NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

I've noticed that black women don't tend to date out of there race that much, anyone else notice that ?

its because they're so stuck on black men, scared to date outside their race. They feel black men are obligated to be with em.

no one is scared...BW aren't being approached by non black men anymore than they are approaching non black men...i have a few ideas as to why but i dont' want to change the direction of this thread...

Well, as a black woman, I get approached by a lot of non-black men.  Maybe it's because I'm cute and non-threatening, very approachable.  Or maybe it's because I wear tight clothes.  Tight in a sophisticated way, not tight in a slutty way. 

One thing I don't understand that some people have mentioned is the preference for the black girl to be light skinned.

sounds like a DCAllAmerican thread just waitin to be made
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

@LarryIndiana219: I dunno man, it just seems kinda closed-minded. No offence dude. I know race and everything is a whole other ball game in the States, but why not dabble a little? It's not like you have to learn or whatever. Not all NRWP are all having to share and all that though. Maybe over there but damn, here we're just all cool with everyone.
... and I'm not turning nothing down but my collar.. BUT.. my rational mind naturally assumes I'd have better long term success with someone more my type, literally. Unlike a lot of you guys, I'm not from an all that diverse area. And where I'm from, a strange face might get at you so you gotta be aware and familiar with your surroundings and what not. So hey, I like what I like and what I'm familiar with, that's all it is. I'm attracted to all types of women, but I need a girl who can roll a blunt, lie on the stand, fry chicken, count grams, etc etc etc. That's just what I'm familiar with man. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is it?

to each his own. I guess I'm just lucky enough to have such a diverse country. But I get where you're coming from.
Originally Posted by SShanique

So, all she needs is a good sense of humor? Geez.
key word i said was consider, i mean relationships are pretty lame IMO they never last, because im not serious at this point in my life. Someone with a sense of humor is the easiest way to build a authentic relationship with females for me. I know you and I could have some deep intellectual convos "miss shanique", but when you bust out the used pop-cycle sticks and super glue. i might have a couple sarcastic things to say. would you 
 or would you 
, and then go on niketalk and make a thread about it? 
Ive dated black girls but it would never work because I would never feel comfortable introducing them to my parents. I would never tell my parents I was dating a black girl either, I'm just being real.

About a year ago I was dating one of the hottest chicks Ive ever been with and she just happened to be black, she wanted to meet my folks to make it official and we got in a big fight so we had to split but at the same time I felt she kind of sensed the same thing about me meeting hers. I still SMH everytime I even think of her.
Originally Posted by SShanique

So, all she needs is a good sense of humor? Geez.

No lie i'm falling in love with with this chick because as much corny jokes i throw out there (and trust, i'm a regular field of dreams when it comes to that corn), she throws em back.  She makes me smile/laugh as much as i do her.  I'm attracted to that because women rarely have a sense of humor, let alone one close to being as broad as mine.  Coworker though. She's not even the prettiest thing to throw herself my way on the job, usually ezpass, but this one got me at my core, stupid jokes.

*edit, white girl too btw, and i'm blickety black and i'm black.
I'd like to try a white dude (again; last time was like 4 yrs ago
) but they never approach me and I don't like to approach guys if they seem interested because it shows a lack of confidence on their behalf. Its not just me either because my black, white and latina friends feel this way too. For the most part it seems like white males are the least intimidated and most likely to talk to asian females.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Reg NT Girl: I cant date outside my race
NT: Close minded

Cute NT Girl: I cant marry outside my religion
NT: Oh I understand

It's true. I was almost ready to disagree, but I see what you're saying.

When it comes to both statements up there, it has to be put in context. If a girl says she does not want to date outside her race or religion, it is because that is a preference. But, when a girl says she cannot date outside her race or religion, it could be because of constraints from outside factors, and not a preference. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Reg NT Girl: I cant date outside my race
NT: Close minded

Cute NT Girl: I cant marry outside my religion
NT: Oh I understand

It's true. I was almost ready to disagree, but I see what you're saying.

When it comes to both statements up there, it has to be put in context. If a girl says she does not want to date outside her race or religion, it is because that is a preference. But, when a girl says she cannot date outside her race or religion, it could be because of constraints from outside factors, and not a preference. 
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Ive dated black girls but it would never work because I would never feel comfortable introducing them to my parents. I would never tell my parents I was dating a black girl either, I'm just being real.

About a year ago I was dating one of the hottest chicks Ive ever been with and she just happened to be black, she wanted to meet my folks to make it official and we got in a big fight so we had to split but at the same time I felt she kind of sensed the same thing about me meeting hers. I still SMH everytime I even think of her.
I could never understand this, you're adults, you make your own decisions on where you go, what you do, what you eat, who you sleep with, where you sleep etc.  Unless you still live with parents, i don't see why their prejudices should affect your happiness, no matter how much you love them.  Then again, i had the privilege of growing up in a household where i'm not afraid to discuss anything with my parents and no sort of prejudice was taught, and this is a Jamaican household, you'd think otherwise.  At the end of the day, no matter how mad they may get at any decision i make, i know they love me and will come to accept  that this is my reality.
i don't get how some of you would date but not marry a certain type...

what if you're 5 years in and you know you can't marry this person?

any relationship has the chance to lead to marriage so why bother if you know you can't/wont marry this person
Originally Posted by Diego

I seem to have a lot more in common with men who are not of my background.


   Theres really nothin else to think about.
You shouldnt let your religion get in the way of whatll eventually make you happy. We only live once, who knows how many after-lifes we may have.
Like I said, if only it was that simple, but it is not.

When it comes to some families in certain cultures, dating or marrying someone the parents would not approve of, or someone who is seen not as suitable or acceptable, creates huge consequences such as being shunned or ostracized by community or family, or in extreme cases, honour killings. It is that serious in which who you date dictates the family's honour. It is definitely something not to mess with.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't get how some of you would date but not marry a certain type...

what if you're 5 years in and you know you can't marry this person?

any relationship has the chance to lead to marriage so why bother if you know you can't/wont marry this person
good point
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I'd like to try a white dude (again; last time was like 4 yrs ago
) but they never approach me and I don't like to approach guys if they seem interested because it shows a lack of confidence on their behalf. Its not just me either because my black, white and latina friends feel this way too. For the most part it seems like white males are the least intimidated and most likely to talk to asian females.
I wonder about this too sometimes. Usually, white men do not approach me unless they are drunk. I sometimes wonder if it is because white men do not find me attractive, or I am just not up to their taste, or they just are shy or not as confident. It is usually the non-white men who tend to have the balls and confidence to approach women in any setting. I do not know if it is a culture thing either. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I'd like to try a white dude (again; last time was like 4 yrs ago
) but they never approach me and I don't like to approach guys if they seem interested because it shows a lack of confidence on their behalf. Its not just me either because my black, white and latina friends feel this way too. For the most part it seems like white males are the least intimidated and most likely to talk to asian females.
I wonder about this too sometimes. Usually, white men do not approach me unless they are drunk. I sometimes wonder if it is because white men do not find me attractive, or I am just not up to their taste, or they just are shy or not as confident. It is usually the non-white men who tend to have the balls and confidence to approach women in any setting. I do not know if it is a culture thing either. 
you dont even know.. ALL my white friends have obsessions/fetishes over middle eastern & indian chicks. we were just talking yesterday about how a lot of those girls are hit-or-miss like any other race, but when you find an attractive one, they're really attractive and "exotic", moreso than the hottest white chick. based on your pics that ive seen, you appear to be in that "really" attractive category, so i dont think thats your problem at all.

i think it basically boils down to 2 main things.
1) they're notexactly sure HOW to approach a female of that race/culture, so instead of risking getting shot downthey back off.
2) white girls are usually more abundant and easier. why put in 100% effort going for that beautiful, exotic Indian girl, who may or may not be into "guys like you"... when you can put in 50% effort and for sure pull that cute white chick over there? 
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by eight2one

I wouldnt date a black girl.

Me either.  Because I'm simply not attracted to them mostly.  It's probably my mother's fault.
cosign over here im glad im black tho so my kid is gonna have some color
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I'd like to try a white dude (again; last time was like 4 yrs ago
) but they never approach me and I don't like to approach guys if they seem interested because it shows a lack of confidence on their behalf. Its not just me either because my black, white and latina friends feel this way too. For the most part it seems like white males are the least intimidated and most likely to talk to asian females.

you are from canada right?
Its all about preference IMO. Can't get mad about what the next persons doing. If they want to limit themselves then let them.

I could care less about ethnicity, but I'm not gonna front like I wasn't told since birth that I had to bring home a Nigerian girl
I know that my parents are the type that would accept any woman that I presented to them, but its obvious what they would prefer.

I don't blame people who only marry in certain cultural groups because relationships with the same background are so much easier to handle. Plus at some extremes you either have to choose between the person you want to marry or your family. That's not a decision I would like to make.

I've messed with girls from different ethnicity's but have only been serious with Nigerian females. I guess its something that's been ingrained in my subconscious.
^ is that your baby? i remember a female NT'r saying she was pregnant...if so congrats...cute kid
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I never get love from black chicks

i feel weird cosigning this, but on the l, black chicks just be too argumentative with they own men. They wanna argue instead of being happy and in a healthy relationship, they wanna call their friends so they can have something to complain about. They want to you (Lokey) Disrespect them, just so we can get the cooperation we deserve as men, They act worse than Record Company A&R's, if we not thug-gin or C_ning then we soft or weird or different. Ever Black girl ever dated say's the same thing your different. Since when did acting like a regular man, called being different.
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