NT would you go back to prom again?

It's one of those things when you get there and ask yourself

"This is what all the fuss was about, damn can I get my money back?"
man my prom (last saturday) was straight I guess, all we did was dance/talk. Afterwards everyone went to a hyped up party where everyone was smoking and playing beer pong (which i do neither)

would i go back?

no i'd feel like a lame

but do you
I would go back to my after-prom, not actual prom. My bus actually left prom two hours early to head to after-prom at the Jersey Shore
I would.
I went to proms/formals at my school and other schools too

I ALWAYS had a good time. Honestly, if you missed out on prom..I feel bad for you.


Man I didn't even read the OP. Had me lookin' like a straight herb SMH. I thought this post meant go back on some time travel !!%# . If someone asked me to go after I graduated I would say heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no.
Originally Posted by TacC4

How hot is this girl? What's your relationship status? (you're obv not her gf) Is this girl the head cheerleader or class President or something? If she's just a run-of-the-mill cutie, it looks bad on you and everybody rolls eyes cause they know she's gonna be limping for days. On the flip side, you could look at it like she's pulling college dudes cause she's got it like that. Really depends. But it really isn't that big of a deal.

7.5/10 ; dating ; High School President, soccer player, plays PS3, movie-buff, and drives a stick. The core is her personality

This was last year
If I was you I would go just to try and +@#* around with them other high school broads.

I was 19 last year and my girl was 18 and I went with her.
So many "L" takers on NT. How can you not go to your own prom?

OP: It is your choice man, if you want to go (which seems like you do) then go. No third party opinion is needed.
yes and no

yes, because my prom was last year
i was at the hotel room getting faded before prom
i honestly don't remember that much about prom
i'd go sober if i went again so i can remember it this time

no, because it would be weird because i'm not in high school
and i would know way too many people if i went again
Oh, nevermind. I thought it said PORN and I was gonna tell you that I never left it.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

HigherGround wrote:

So many "L" takers on NT. How can you not go to your own prom?
 NBA Playoffs

i dont dance, nor like parties. seemed like a waste of money.

and my parents were broke around that time anyways, so meh.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by iBlink

That's fine. It's not like you're just some guy who couldn't get over HS life and is currently straggling. Go with her, but don't be that guy. Play it low key. Go in on some "I'm only here because you asked me, otherwise I'd be off doing some other college stuff" steeze.

Get what I'm saying?
Word.  But I also don't want to give her the impression that I'm there because I didn't want to be mean and say no.  Ah well, we'll see how the night goes.
I'm not suggesting that you hold the wall or sit down all night acting uninterested. Just saying that it's best not to show out like you're having the best time of your life, naah'mean?
damn this is some good advice, some of the best ive heard on NT. ps iblink i love that chick in ur avy bougt the cd just for her

might as well pop a pill and really be that guy

edit: and you probably wont even be that guy, there's usually always that one @$%$+ who's 25+ with the girlfriend that just started ovulating.
I went to mine with one chick and the next year went with my newer gf. was well worth it. Two tottally chill and diffrent environments.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

All the high school girls I messed with post high school I immediately put them in jump off status. I also made sure they were 18.
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