NT, why do nice guys always finish last?

Jun 7, 2008
Im a true "Gentleman". Moms raised me to be 
. A handsome dude. My bunz count is at 22 and Im 21. I know I shouldn't be worried about no relationship at my age and I should be out mingling, an I do! But everytime I run across a shorty........I smash but somehow I always get friendzoned or we end up not keeping contact after several dates. I cant get into a relationship, but I want to be. Yes, I am about that life.
 On top of that, you would think serenading em would do the job usually. 
All my "nice" dudes, chime in.
I don't even know what to say here.

I mean you get "bunz",but you still manage to catch an FZ stamp AFTER getting said "bunz"?

What kind of females are you dealing with?
smash then friendzone....never heard that one before

its has nothing to do with being nice then, u aint laying it down right. 
 only in the northwest. Im laying it down right, I know this. But it's always "Im to nice" or "I don't wanna hurt you" I aint no simp. Just a genuine dude. Women up here don't respect that.
women in general don't respect that period. women are the greatest anomaly on this planet called earth
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

 only in the northwest. Im laying it down right, I know this. But it's always "Im to nice" or "I don't wanna hurt you" I aint no simp. Just a genuine dude. Women up here don't respect that.

Fact.  Had it happen too.  It's weird out here lol
ur 21 ... at that age ... ummm u should mingling ...

change up ur approach ... maybe let em know u looking for something serious early on ...

when u get older ... the girls will be going ham trying to get at u ... don't worry about it right now
King the biggest mistake you can make in life and disservice to yourself is trying to find out why SOMEBODY ELSE DOESN'T ACCEPT YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! I don't think you will grasp the gravity of how real what I just said is so please just place that in your mental and come back to it after a few years of getting dragged in the mud and unhappiness after you keep trying to convince people that you are good enough for them in which you lower your own self worth and confidence. Whatever reason these women don't want anything "serious" with you is simply their loss and you keep it moving. There are a ton of women that would love to have a dude like you and you got to understand it's all timing. This young girls don't know what they want yet so you are investing in a shakey foundation to begin with. This goes for everyone on this board yo, male or female. If anyone you run across in life(even your parents) isn't +#@@@!* with you on a real," I love you for you" or " I think you are amazing" level and they don't support your growth and individuality *$#@ THEM! You got one life and one life in which you learn that real power is and only comes from within. I just gave ya'll the biggest key to life and I pray somebody accepts that love. O.P. you're a man, your stock goes up and there's only goes down. That's not a knock to women it's simply the truth. 85% of the girls turning you down are going to be single for the rest of their lives with the occassional dude here and there. BIllions of them king, with a B.
This is my theory: chicks view dudes as movies. They want to be entertained so they are looking for a certain type. A nice guy is the equivalent to a Disney movie. Now how often do adults like Disney flicks? Maybe when they're in a super good friendly mood. (Emphasis on friendly). Nice guys= no drama= boring.

I've been the nice guy in the past, and my lowest moments are something I'm less than proud of. But it's a learning process.
"Nice" guys finish last because they suck! Point blank. They get pushed over a lot! Sorry OP, I'm sure your mama did raise you right, but I guess your old man didn't raise you at all.

You don't always have to be nice you know, somtimes it's actually necessary to be an *#%$!*! or dickhead. It's just that some guys don't know how to balance it.
I can't believe cats haven't posted this yet.......... U smash then get put in the "friendzone" afterwards because ur smash game is hot boo boo juice every chick ive smash wanted to go with me afterwards........ And u was raised by ya moms so ya pops didn't put u up on game so that explains why act so soft with chicks
agreeing with most people in here.
Are you getting like sympathy P?  "He is a nice guy I will sleep with him but then not talk to him"

But if all of this is true and its not because you fail in the bed.....look at it this way 99.9% of nice guys that get friendzoned never smash and never will.

Spoiler [+]
yes i know from experience

Spoiler [+]
at sloanboy
I can't believe cats haven't posted this yet
 see second response
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

On top of that, you would think serenading em would do the job usually. 
All my "nice" dudes, chime in.

serenade like singing to them and poetry type stuff?

fam most of the girls today are a different breed and will think you're either corny or fake for doing something like that...

take your time that relationship stuff will come and you'll appreciate her even more when it does
lot of correct advice in here. i liked night's, and sooper comments. sad to say but you do have to be sort of a jerk sometimes. women love drama (not all the
time though) and someone who's gonna stir up them emotions. women are not attracted to predictable men. u have to un-learn all that BS the world
has taught you about what women like dude.... even from your own mom. i know its effed up but that's the way it is. NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY SAY,
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

smash then friendzone....never heard that one before

its has nothing to do with being nice then, u aint laying it down right. 

Not true. Sometimes girls see u was too "easy" since your a nice guy...Only thing I can recommend is not make urself too available, or else they loseInterest fast....its hard to do if ur a true nice guy cuz ur natural instinctsIs to be friendly...even I go thru it...its bad, da chicks u actually have interest inOnce u bag u gotta be a unavailable %%**!%@ too....women
Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

heres a secret.

once youre in your late 20s, early 30s...every chick that isnt wifed will be on it.

trust me.
Very much so. 

This is true too...but da road to get here...man u gonna learn to real hard life lessons...trust meIm in da same situation.
Came back to say this. Women are programmed to like men with tons of other women. She wants to feel like she 'won' him from the rest.
What the guy said about un-learning everything you've learned in life... so true. Once you become an adult, its like a whole 'nother society. Gotta bring out your primal side, B.
Originally Posted by Mapplethorpe

This is my theory: chicks view dudes as movies. They want to be entertained so they are looking for a certain type. A nice guy is the equivalent to a Disney movie. Now how often do adults like Disney flicks? Maybe when they're in a super good friendly mood. (Emphasis on friendly). Nice guys= no drama= boring.

I've been the nice guy in the past, and my lowest moments are something I'm less than proud of. But it's a learning process.


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